10 Best Practices for Monitoring Hybrid Cloud Environments

published on 07 October 2024

Hybrid clouds mix private and public infrastructure, offering flexibility but requiring careful monitoring. Here's what you need to know:

  • All-in-one tools give a unified view
  • Use consistent metrics across platforms
  • Automate monitoring tasks
  • Watch everything, no blind spots
  • Prioritize security monitoring
  • Track and improve performance
  • Set up smart alert systems
  • Leverage AI for predictive insights
  • Stay compliant with regulations
  • Continuously improve your monitoring

Quick Comparison:

Practice Key Benefit
All-in-one tools Single view of all resources
Consistent metrics Easy problem identification
Automation Reduced manual work
Complete coverage No hidden issues
Security focus Better threat protection
Performance tracking Faster, more reliable systems
Smart alerts Less noise, quicker responses
AI integration Predictive problem-solving
Compliance Meet legal requirements
Continuous improvement Stay ahead of changes

These practices help catch issues early, keep data safe, and cut costs. Remember, hybrid cloud monitoring needs regular updates as your business grows.

Use All-in-One Monitoring Tools

All-in-one monitoring tools are key for hybrid cloud environments. They give you a single view of your public and private cloud resources.

Why Combined Monitoring Helps

A single tool for all monitoring makes problem-solving easier:

  • You see your entire IT setup at once
  • You can spot and fix issues faster
  • You manage resources better across environments

What to Look for in Tools

When picking an all-in-one tool, focus on these features:

Feature Purpose
Real-time Alerts Catch issues instantly
Clear Dashboards Understand complex data easily
Multi-Cloud Support Works with all your cloud providers
Auto-Scaling Grows with your needs
AI Insights Predicts and prevents issues

CloudZero is a good example. It helped Drift cut $2.4 million in yearly cloud costs. Validity now spends 90% less time on cloud cost management with it.

The right tool makes a big difference. Most companies use about 14 different monitoring tools, which slows things down. One comprehensive tool speeds up problem-solving and gives a clearer view of your hybrid cloud.

"Control Plane eliminates 50% of our DevOps work. We have two DevOps engineers running out of things to do. It's a good problem to have." - Control Plane Customer

This shows how the right tool can improve monitoring and free up your team's time.

2. Use the Same Metrics Everywhere

Want to spot issues fast in your hybrid cloud? Use the same measurements across all systems. It's that simple.

Pick Your Key Metrics

Choose metrics that work for ALL cloud types:

Metric Type What to Measure
Performance How fast? (Response time, latency)
Operational How efficient? (Resource usage, uptime)
Security How safe? (Data integrity, access attempts)

These give you the full picture of your hybrid cloud's health.

Make Sure They Match

Getting metrics to match across platforms isn't easy, but it's crucial. Here's how to do it:

  1. Set up ONE metrics store as your source of truth
  2. Get data quality SLAs from your cloud providers
  3. Regularly check if your metrics are consistent

"A tech company saved MILLIONS in IT budget by using a governed metrics approach. It boosted data trust and platform adoption."

Here's a mind-blowing fact: standardizing metrics can cut 90-95% of your ETL process. Worth the effort? You bet.

To wrap up, let's borrow some wisdom from Peter Drucker:

"If you're not tracking performance continuously, how do you know if you're improving?"

Good question, Peter. That's why we use the same metrics everywhere.

3. Set Up Automatic Monitoring

Let computers do the boring stuff in your hybrid cloud. Here's how:

What to Automate

Focus on these:

  • Alert notifications
  • Compliance checks
  • Resource scaling
  • Patch management
  • Performance tracking

Automating these frees up your team for the tricky stuff.

How to Set It Up

1. Evaluate Your Setup

Check what you're monitoring now. Spot the gaps.

2. Pick the Right Tools

Choose tools that work with your hybrid setup. New Relic's "mega-plugin" makes this easier.

3. Use APIs and DSLs

Build dashboards and alerts with these. Fewer manual errors.

4. Bake Monitoring into Builds

Add monitoring agents during app builds. New Relic does this to avoid repeating code.

5. Set Up Trigger Rules

Create auto-responses for certain metrics. Keeps things running smooth without constant babysitting.

6. Test Regularly

Make sure your automation works. Regular tests catch weak spots early.

Here's what automation can do:

Task Manual Time Automated Time Improvement
Patch Management 10 hours/week 3 hours/week 70% reduction
Alert Handling 5 hours/day 1 hour/day 80% reduction
Compliance Checks 8 hours/month 2 hours/month 75% reduction

"At New Relic, we push automation for monitoring apps at scale. We're moving from 'infrastructure as code' to 'monitoring as code'."

4. Monitor Everything

Keeping tabs on your hybrid cloud? It's crucial. Here's the lowdown:

See It All

You need tools that handle both on-site and cloud systems. Think:

  • AIOps tools for data gathering
  • One dashboard for all monitoring

Broadcom's DX Infrastructure Manager (DX IM) is a solid pick. It watches everything, giving you the full picture.

Tackle Blind Spots

Blind spots? They're trouble. Here's how to deal:

1. Hunt for hidden systems

Use smart tools to find what you've missed. Machine learning can spot these quickly.

2. Check every layer

Monitor your whole IT stack. Top to bottom. Catch those sneaky issues.

3. Team up

Get all IT teams involved. Someone might know about a system others missed.

4. Go deep with packet-level visibility

See exactly what's happening in your network. On-site and cloud.

What to Watch On-Premises Cloud Hybrid Cloud
Cost -

"46% of IT pros said the cloud created network blind spots." - Enterprise Management Associates survey

Don't let your hybrid cloud hide anything from you. Monitor smart, monitor everything.

5. Focus on Security Monitoring

Hybrid clouds are tricky. They mix private and public systems, which can lead to security headaches. Let's break it down:

Hybrid Cloud Security Risks

Hybrid setups can be a security nightmare. Why? They give attackers more ways in, make data leaks easier, and make following rules a pain.

Here's a scary stat: 50% of companies using public or hybrid clouds have lost data. Even worse? 75% of those aren't protecting up to 20% of their cloud data properly.

Key Security Checks

Want to keep your hybrid cloud safe? Here's what to do:

1. Watch everything

Every device, every access point. No exceptions.

2. Back up your stuff

Keep important data safe offsite.

3. Lock it down

Give people only the access they need. Nothing more.

4. Let robots help

Use automation to catch problems fast.

5. Encrypt in the cloud

Protect data moving through public clouds.

6. Check your setup

Small mistakes can cause big problems. Double-check often.

7. Plan for the worst

Have a plan for when things go wrong.

Security Measure On-Premises Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud
Endpoint Protection
Data Backup
Access Control
Data Encryption -
Config Checks
Continuity Plan

"Securing the hybrid cloud begins with adherence to best practices, but that's not the full picture." - Hezi Nagar, Customer Operations Manager at XM Cyber.

Nagar's onto something. Best practices are just the start. You've got to keep learning and adapting as threats evolve.


6. Track and Improve Speed

Speed can make or break your hybrid cloud setup. Here's how to spot and fix slow spots:

Key Speed Indicators

Keep tabs on these:

  • Response time
  • Latency
  • Uptime
  • Resource use
Metric Meaning Why It's Important
Response Time Request completion time User experience
Latency Data transfer delay Real-time app performance
Uptime System availability Reliability measure
Resource Use System utilization Bottleneck prevention

Speeding Up Your Hybrid Cloud

1. Use load balancers

Spread traffic evenly to avoid slowdowns.

2. Pick smart cloud regions

Choose locations near your users to cut latency.

3. Boost your network

Use services like AWS Direct Connect or Azure ExpressRoute for faster transfers.

4. Watch and tweak resources

Monitor CPU and memory use. Scale when needed.

5. Leverage caching and CDNs

Store common data closer to users for quick access.

"Network connectivity is typically the weakest link in any cloud architecture. The more data you move between clouds or between on-premises and cloud, the slower your cloud will be."

This quote nails why network speed is crucial in hybrid setups.

7. Set Up Good Alert Systems

Alert systems are crucial for hybrid cloud management. They help you catch and fix issues fast, keeping your systems running smoothly.

Organize Alerts by Importance

Not all alerts are created equal. Rank them like this:

  1. Critical: Act now
  2. High: Act soon
  3. Medium: Look into it
  4. Low: FYI, no rush

Use this ranking to decide who gets what alert and how.

Handle Alerts Effectively

Too many alerts? Here's how to manage them:

  • Filter similar alerts
  • Automate fixes for common issues
  • Send alerts to the right people

"A normal software platform deployed on the premises of a cloud provider is expected to have around 4,000 metrics and 80-100 different types of alerts."

That's a lot of alerts. Good management is key.

Prevent Alert Fatigue

Strategy How It Helps
Tune thresholds Fewer false alarms
Group alerts Less noise
Rotate duties Share the load
Review regularly Keep rules up-to-date

8. Use AI for Better Monitoring

AI supercharges hybrid cloud monitoring. Here's how:

AI's Monitoring Magic

AI tools crunch massive data sets, spot patterns, and flag issues at lightning speed. This helps IT teams:

  • Catch problems before they cause chaos
  • Squeeze more out of resources
  • Sniff out security threats fast

Schneider Electric's success story? They slashed alerts by 40% using AI-powered anomaly detection. From 17,000 to 10,000 - that's a lot less noise.

Crystal Ball Benefits

AI doesn't just react - it predicts. This lets IT teams:

  • Squash issues before users notice
  • Plan for future resource crunches
  • Beef up system security

The Minnesota Vikings aren't just tackling on the field. They're using LogicMonitor's AI to tackle IT issues before they impact game day or business ops.

AI Perk Real-World Win
Alert overload cure Schneider Electric: 40% fewer alerts
Problem-solving boost Vikings: Fixing issues before they hit
Smart resource planning Predicts bandwidth and storage spikes

Nutanix's Harmail Chatha puts it simply: "AI will self-heal a ton of software problems." Translation? Less grunt work for IT teams.

Ready to dive in? Here's your game plan:

  1. Choose AI tools that play nice with your current setup
  2. Target your biggest pain points (like those pesky false alarms)
  3. Train your team to milk those AI insights for all they're worth

9. Follow Rules and Policies

Keeping your hybrid cloud compliant isn't just smart—it's often required. Here's how to stay on top of regulations and set up effective system rules.

Hybrid clouds mix on-site and off-site data storage, making compliance tricky. Here's your game plan:

1. Know Your Rules

Figure out which laws apply to you. Healthcare? HIPAA. Finance? PCI DSS.

"Almost every online business is bound to some sort of law regarding how it handles sensitive data", says the Cloud Security Alliance.

2. Regular Check-ups

Do compliance checks quarterly. Use tools that scan your whole system for weak spots.

3. Document Everything

Keep detailed records of your compliance efforts. Be audit-ready.

Setting Up System Rules

Create rules that work across your entire hybrid setup:

1. One Policy to Rule Them All

Make a single set of rules for both on-site and cloud systems. Keep it simple and consistent.

2. Lock It Down

Use strong access controls. Give people only what they need to do their jobs.

Access Level Who Gets It What They Can Do
Admin IT Leads Full system control
User Most Staff Daily work tasks
Read-Only Auditors View but not change

3. Encrypt Everything

Protect data at rest and in transit with encryption.

4. Watch Like a Hawk

Monitor your whole hybrid environment. Look for odd behavior that could mean trouble.

"Regular scanning of container images for vulnerabilities and continuous audits for real-time visibility and compliance checks are essential", advises Geoff Swaine, VP APJ at CrowdStrike.

5. Plan for Problems

Have a clear plan for when things go wrong. Know who to call and what steps to take.

10. Keep Improving Your Monitoring

Hybrid cloud monitoring isn't a one-and-done deal. It needs regular tweaks to stay effective. Here's how to keep your monitoring game strong:

Regular Check-ups and Updates

Don't let your monitoring get stale. Check it often:

  • Review your tools quarterly
  • Ask your team what's working (and what's not)
  • Align monitoring with business goals

Fun fact: Companies doing quarterly reviews had 35% fewer cloud hiccups than those who didn't. Not bad, right?

Adjust for New Tech

Your cloud setup changes? Your monitoring should too:

  • New cloud services = new metrics
  • Shifting workloads = updated alert levels
  • Growing data = beefier tools
When This Happens Do This
Add new service Track service-specific metrics
Move workload Update performance baselines
Data grows Upgrade monitoring capacity

Here's a cool real-world example: Netflix used their monitoring smarts to dodge a bullet during a big show premiere. Their Cloud Infrastructure VP said:

"Our monitoring data helped us handle a 40% viewer surge without a hitch."

They ramped up server capacity a day before the event. Result? Smooth streaming for everyone.

Keep an eye on new monitoring tech. Use automation and AI to catch issues faster. And always link your monitoring to what matters for your business and customers.


Hybrid clouds offer flexibility, but they need solid monitoring. Here's a quick recap of key practices:

  1. Use all-in-one monitoring tools
  2. Measure consistently across systems
  3. Set up automatic checks
  4. Monitor all parts of your setup
  5. Prioritize security
  6. Track and improve speed
  7. Create smart alerts
  8. Use AI for early issue detection
  9. Follow compliance rules
  10. Keep improving your monitoring

These aren't optional. They're MUST-HAVES for hybrid cloud users. Why?

  • You'll catch problems early
  • Your data stays safer
  • You'll save money by cutting waste

Real companies see big wins. Take Netflix:

"Our monitoring data helped us handle a 40% viewer surge without a hitch."

That's from their Cloud Infrastructure VP. Good monitoring = handling sudden demand spikes.

Remember: Hybrid cloud monitoring isn't "set and forget". It needs regular updates as your business grows and changes.


What is hybrid cloud monitoring?

Hybrid cloud monitoring keeps an eye on IT systems across private and public clouds. It's crucial for businesses using both on-site and cloud services.

Here's what it does:

  • Tracks performance across platforms
  • Traces requests between on-premises and cloud systems
  • Maps out complex app architectures

Cisco's 2022 report found that 33% of users struggle with increased complexity in hybrid clouds. This shows why good monitoring is key.

Datadog, a popular tool, offers:

Feature Benefit
Cross-platform tracking Compare cloud performance
Request tracing Follow data flow
Architecture visualization Map multi-environment systems

With solid hybrid cloud monitoring, you can:

  • Catch issues early
  • Keep performance high
  • Secure data transfers
  • Meet SLAs consistently

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