10 IaC Version Control Best Practices 2024

published on 11 October 2024

Want to level up your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) game? Here's your cheat sheet for version control best practices:

  1. Pick the right version control system (Git's a top choice)
  2. Use smart branching strategies
  3. Write clear commit messages
  4. Implement pull requests and code reviews
  5. Set up continuous integration
  6. Version your modules and dependencies
  7. Protect sensitive information
  8. Keep a changelog
  9. Use tags and release management
  10. Perform regular audits

Why bother? Because good version control:

  • Speeds up deployments
  • Reduces errors
  • Improves team collaboration
  • Keeps your infrastructure secure

Quick Comparison: Git vs. Mercurial for IaC

Feature Git Mercurial
Learning curve Steeper Gentler
Flexibility High Moderate
Speed Very fast Fast
Large projects Excellent Good
Ease of use Complex Simple

Ready to dive in? Let's break down each best practice.

Choose a Version Control System

Picking a version control system (VCS) for your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) project? It's crucial. Let's compare two popular options: Git and Mercurial.


  • Fast and flexible
  • Great for large projects
  • Distributed system
  • Strong branching and merging
  • Huge community support


  • Simpler to learn
  • User-friendly interface
  • Fast performance
  • Good for smaller teams

Here's a quick comparison:

Feature Git Mercurial
Learning curve Steeper Gentler
Flexibility High Moderate
Speed Very fast Fast
Large projects Excellent Good
Ease of use Complex Simple

For IaC, Git often wins. Why? Its branching model fits infrastructure changes well, and it plays nice with many CI/CD tools.

But don't just follow the crowd. Consider:

  • Your team's skills
  • Project size
  • Workflow needs

The best VCS? It's the one your team will actually use.

New to version control? Start simple with Git. You can explore advanced features as you grow.

2. Use Branching Strategies

Branching strategies are crucial for managing code changes in IaC projects. They help teams work on different features without stepping on each other's toes.

Here are three main branching strategies:

1. Trunk-Based Development (TBD)

TBD is all about working on a single branch and making frequent commits. It's fast, but you need solid testing.

Pros Cons
Quick feedback Needs robust testing
Easier CI Risky for big teams
Fewer merge conflicts Requires feature flags

2. Feature Branching

This one's about creating separate branches for each new feature or bug fix.

Pros Cons
Isolated work Can delay integration
Easier to manage complex features Potential merge conflicts
Supports code reviews Branches can get stale

3. Git Flow

Git Flow uses specific branches for features, releases, and hotfixes.

Pros Cons
Structured approach Complex for small projects
Good for planned releases Can slow things down
Clear separation Needs team discipline

So, which one should you pick? It depends on your team size, project type, and how often you release.

Small team with frequent releases? TBD or Feature Branching might be your jam. Got a bigger team with a complex project? Git Flow could be the way to go.

Here's how to make the most of your branching strategy:

  • Keep branches short-lived
  • Use feature flags for incomplete work
  • Automate with CI/CD tools
  • Review and adjust your strategy regularly

3. Write Clear Commit Messages

Clear commit messages are key for IaC version control. They help teams track changes and understand code evolution.

Here's how to write good commit messages:

1. Use a structured format

<type>: <summary>


  • Type: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test, chore
  • Summary: Keep it under 50 characters
  • Description: Add details if needed
  • Issue reference: Link related issues

2. Start with a verb

Begin with "Add", "Update", "Fix", or "Refactor." It shows the commit's purpose.

3. Be specific

Don't just say "Fix bug." Give context:

Fix: Resolve memory leak in data processing script

Fixed memory leak in processData.js caused by unclosed file streams. Improves performance and stability.

Closes #123

4. Use a template

Set up a team template for consistency:

git config --global commit.template ".gitmessage.txt"

5. Link to issues

Connect commits to related issues for better tracking.

6. Separate subject and body

Use a blank line between summary and description.

7. Explain the 'why'

Share why the change was needed, not just what changed.

These practices help maintain a clean commit history, making IaC project management easier.

"Good commit messages help teams of any size manage software projects better." - Ravi Garbuja Pun, Author

4. Use Pull Requests and Code Reviews

Pull requests (PRs) and code reviews are crucial for IaC projects. They catch errors, spread knowledge, and keep standards high.

Here's how to make them work:

1. Keep PRs small

Aim for under 400 lines of code. It's faster and more effective.

Redox's team tried tiny PRs. Result? 46 PRs merged in just six days, boosting speed by 1.5x.

2. Use PR templates


  • Change purpose
  • Modification overview
  • Related issue links
  • Pre-merge checklist

3. Mix up reviewers

Pick reviewers with different expertise. You'll get better feedback.

4. Review quickly

Do it within hours. Keeps things fresh and moving.

5. Automate the basics

Use linters and analyzers for simple stuff. Reviewers can focus on the complex bits.

6. Protect key branches

Set rules for merging:

  • Pass CI tests
  • Get code owner approval
  • Minimum review approvals

7. Work together

Don't wait for formal reviews. Talk during development.

8. Use review checklists


  • Security
  • Performance
  • IaC best practices
  • Documentation updates

Remember: PRs and reviews aren't just about catching bugs. They're about making your team stronger and your code better.

5. Set Up Continuous Integration

CI is a must for IaC. It catches issues early and often. Here's how to set it up:

1. Pick a CI tool

Choose from Jenkins, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps, or CircleCI.

2. Automate tests

Run these every time you push code:

  • Syntax checks
  • Linting
  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests

3. Use IaC-specific tools

Add these to your pipeline:

  • terraform fmt for formatting
  • terraform validate for correctness
  • Checkov or tfsec for security

4. Create a staging environment

Test changes here before production.

5. Block bad merges

Don't let failed tests into your main branch.

6. Speed it up

Faster feedback = quicker fixes.

"Get your security team involved early. Use security scanning tools in your pipelines." - Darrin Eden, Senior Software Engineer, LaunchDarkly

Here's a sample GitLab CI/CD pipeline for Terraform:

  - validate
  - plan
  - apply

  stage: validate
    - terraform init
    - terraform validate
    - terraform fmt -check

  stage: plan
    - terraform plan -out=tfplan

  stage: apply
    - terraform apply -auto-approve tfplan
    - main

This pipeline checks your code, plans changes, and applies them on the main branch.


6. Version Modules and Dependencies

Keeping your infrastructure consistent? It's all about managing IaC modules and dependencies. Here's the lowdown:

Use SemVer for your modules:

  • MAJOR: Breaking changes
  • MINOR: New features (backwards-compatible)
  • PATCH: Bug fixes

Lock down module versions:

module "example" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version = "~> 3.0"

Store modules centrally. Terraform supports various sources:

Source Type Example
Terraform Registry hashicorp/consul/aws
GitHub github.com/hashicorp/example
Bitbucket bitbucket.org/hashicorp/example
Local path ./modules/vpc

Consider Terragrunt for complex dependencies. It helps keep your code DRY and manage remote state.

Commit .terraform.lock.hcl to version control. It tracks provider and module versions.

For module releases:

  1. Update code
  2. Run tests
  3. Update docs
  4. Tag version
  5. Publish

Handle cross-module dependencies with output values:

module "vpc" {
  source = "./modules/vpc"

module "ec2" {
  source     = "./modules/ec2"
  vpc_id     = module.vpc.vpc_id
  depends_on = [module.vpc]

"At Kong Cloud, we've built a culture of creating small, reusable Terraform modules. This approach, combined with proper versioning, has drastically improved our ability to manage complex infrastructure setups." - Robert Paprocki, Cloud Engineer at Kong

7. Protect Sensitive Information

GitHub found 10 million hard-coded secrets in public commits in 2022. That's a 67% jump from 2021. Yikes.

So, how do you keep your sensitive data safe in IaC repos? Here's the lowdown:

  1. Use a secrets vault: Don't put secrets in IaC files. Store them in a vault and use variables instead.

  2. Encrypt: Tools like SealedSecrets for Kubernetes can encrypt your sensitive data before it hits Git.

Here's what a sealed secret looks like:

apiVersion: bitnami.com/v1alpha1
kind: SealedSecret
  name: mysecret
    password: AgBy8hHF3...
  1. External secret management: Use ExternalSecrets to pull secrets from vaults like Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.

  2. Scan IaC files: Automate checks for misconfigurations and exposed secrets.

  3. Rotate secrets: Change 'em often.

  4. Least privilege access: Only give access to those who REALLY need it.

  5. Encrypt everywhere: Use strong encryption for all sensitive info, in transit and at rest.

Here's a quick do's and don'ts:

Do Don't
Use secret management tools Hardcode secrets in IaC files
Encrypt sensitive data Store plain text secrets
Implement access controls Allow public access to storage
Regularly rotate secrets Keep secrets unchanged for long periods

Bottom line: Treat ALL repos like they're public when it comes to sensitive data. Even private ones can be cracked.

8. Keep a Changelog

A changelog is your project's story. It's not just a list of changes - it's how you talk to users and teammates about what's new and improved.

Why bother with a changelog?

  1. It keeps users in the loop
  2. It helps your team stay on the same page
  3. It creates a paper trail for when things go sideways

Here's how to make a changelog that doesn't suck:

  • Put the newest stuff at the top
  • Write like a human, not a robot
  • Group changes (Added, Changed, Fixed, etc.)
  • Link to issues or more info

Check out this example:

## [1.2.0] - 2024-03-15

### Added
- New AWS S3 bucket module
- Custom VPC config support

### Changed
- Bumped Terraform to 1.5.0
- Better EC2 error handling

### Fixed
- IAM policy attachment bug

Want to save time? Automate it. Tools like Commitizen and Husky can help keep your commits and changelog in sync.

Pro tip: Don't just dump your git logs into the changelog. That's lazy and unhelpful.

For Template Specs in IaC:

Do This Why It Matters
Use semantic versioning Keeps things organized
Update existing version for hotfixes Avoids confusion
New version for new features Clearly shows progress
Get DevOps and security to review Catches issues early
Automate in CI/CD Saves time, reduces errors

9. Use Tags and Release Management

Tags and releases keep your IaC projects organized. Here's how to do it:

Tagging Strategy

Use tags for your IaC resources. They help with:

  • Finding resources
  • Tracking costs
  • Controlling access

Example AWS tags:

Tag Key Tag Value
Environment Production, Staging, Development
Project ProjectName
Owner TeamName
CostCenter Finance-123

Automate Tagging

Don't tag manually. Use IaC tools:

resource "aws_instance" "web_server" {
  ami           = "ami-12345678"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags = {
    Name        = "WebServer"
    Environment = "Production"
    Project     = "E-commerce"

Release Management

For better releases:

1. Use Semantic Versioning (SemVer)


  • MAJOR: Big changes
  • MINOR: New features
  • PATCH: Bug fixes

2. Create Release Notes

Write down what's new. It helps your team know what changed.

3. Automate Releases

Use CI/CD pipelines. They cut errors and speed things up.

Real-World Example

A telecom company fixed their releases by:

  • Setting two-week cycles
  • Testing code before production
  • Releasing two weeks later

They cleared their backlog and pushed two new releases in three months.

10. Perform Regular Audits

Regular audits keep your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) secure and current. Here's how:

Automate Checks

Use tools to scan your IaC code frequently. Catch issues early.

Pulumi's Enterprise audit logs track user actions, timing, and location. This helps spot unusual activity fast.

Watch for Common Problems

Look for:

  • Hard-coded secrets
  • Misconfigurations
  • Insecure defaults

Did you know? In 2022, GitHub found 10 million hard-coded secrets in public commits. That's 67% more than in 2021.

Use IaC Security Tools

These tools:

  • Find script vulnerabilities
  • Flag configuration drifts
  • Check compliance (PCI, SOC2, HIPAA)

Integrate with Your Workflow

Add checks to your processes:

  • Scan code pre-merge
  • Run checks in CI/CD pipelines
  • Set up failure alerts

Keep an Audit Trail

Track IaC code changes for:

  • Risk management
  • Change attribution
  • Impact assessment

Act on Results

Don't just audit. Improve:

  • Update old configs
  • Train on best practices
  • Fix security gaps

Remember: Audits are useless if you don't act on them. Make them a springboard for continuous improvement.


IaC version control is a must for DevOps teams. These 10 best practices will help you work smarter, make fewer mistakes, and keep your infrastructure safe.

Why does this matter? Let's break it down:

1. Teamwork

Version control helps teams work together. It's so important that 99% of software teams use it.

2. Tracking Changes

Every change gets recorded. This creates a clear history that's useful for staying compliant and fixing issues.

3. Keeping Things Consistent

IaC makes sure all your environments - from development to production - stay the same. This cuts down on deployment problems.

4. Staying Secure

Regular checks catch security issues early. In 2022, GitHub found 10 million exposed secrets in public commits - that's 67% more than in 2021.

5. Working Faster

Automation speeds things up. CI/CD pipelines can test and deploy changes much quicker than doing it by hand.

Want to put these ideas to work? Here's what to do:

  • Keep all your IaC code in version control
  • Set up automatic tests for your infrastructure code
  • Create reusable modules for your IaC
  • Always review code changes carefully

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