10 Server Hardening Steps for Windows & Linux

published on 27 June 2024

Here's a quick guide to make your servers safer:

  1. Update and patch regularly
  2. Set strong password policies
  3. Minimize attack surface
  4. Configure firewalls properly
  5. Use least privilege access
  6. Secure remote access
  7. Implement file system security
  8. Enhance network security
  9. Set up logging and monitoring
  10. Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing

These steps help:

  • Block unauthorized access
  • Protect your data
  • Keep your systems running smoothly
  • Meet compliance requirements
Step Key Benefit
Updates Fix known vulnerabilities
Password policies Prevent easy breaches
Minimize attack surface Reduce entry points
Firewalls Block malicious traffic
Least privilege Limit potential damage
Secure remote access Protect off-site connections
File system security Prevent data theft
Network security Safeguard entire system
Logging and monitoring Detect issues quickly
Regular audits Find weaknesses proactively

Remember: Server hardening is an ongoing process. Stay vigilant, test often, and keep improving your security measures.

1. Update and Patch Management

Why It Matters

Keeping your Windows and Linux servers up-to-date is the first step in server hardening. It helps protect against known security issues. With cybercrime costs expected to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, regular updates are key to lowering attack risks.

Good Practices

Here's how to manage updates and patches well:

  • Set clear rules for finding, testing, and applying patches
  • Focus on critical patches first
  • Use tools to apply patches automatically
  • Test patches and back up data before applying
  • Keep records of all patch activities

Tools to Help

There are tools that make update management easier. For example, Easy2Patch helps with:

  • Automatic patching
  • Updating
  • Managing third-party apps from one place

It's also good to keep a list of all your software and hardware. This makes patch management simpler.

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Make clear guidelines

Write down how you'll find, test, and apply patches.

2. Check risk levels

Look at how dangerous each security issue is and patch the worst ones first.

3. Use automatic tools

Set up tools that apply patches for you.

4. Test and back up

Always test patches and back up your data before applying them.

5. Keep records

Write down what patches you apply and when.

Step Action Why It's Important
1 Make guidelines Ensures consistency
2 Check risks Focuses on biggest threats
3 Use automatic tools Saves time, reduces errors
4 Test and back up Prevents new problems
5 Keep records Helps track changes

2. User Account and Password Policies

Why It's Important

Good user account and password policies keep servers safe. They stop people from getting in who shouldn't. Bad passwords and poorly managed accounts can lead to:

  • Security breaches
  • Lost data
  • Damaged systems

What to Do

To make user accounts and passwords safer:

  • Make strong passwords a must
  • Change passwords often
  • Give users only the access they need
  • Use two-step login

Tools to Help

Use tools like password managers and login software. These help set up and enforce good policies.

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Check all user accounts

Look at who has accounts. Remove or turn off ones not needed.

2. Set password rules

Make rules for:

  • Strong passwords
  • How often to change them
  • Two-step login

3. Limit user access

Give users only the access they need for their job.

4. Watch user activity

Keep an eye on what users do. This helps spot and fix security issues.

Step What to Do Why It Helps
1 Check accounts Fewer accounts mean fewer ways in for bad guys
2 Set password rules Better passwords make it harder to break in
3 Limit access Less access means less damage if someone gets in
4 Watch activity Spotting odd behavior early stops big problems

3. Minimize Attack Surface

Why It Matters

Making the attack surface smaller helps keep servers safe. The attack surface is all the weak spots that bad actors can use to get in. By shrinking it, you lower the chance of a break-in.

Good Practices

To make the attack surface smaller:

  • Take off software and services you don't need
  • Open only the ports and protocols you must use
  • Use safe ways to send data, like SSH and HTTPS
  • Keep your software and system up-to-date

Helpful Tools

Some tools that can help:

Tool Type Examples What They Do
Vulnerability scanners Nessus, OpenVAS Find weak spots
Config checkers Nessus, OpenVAS Make sure settings are safe
Firewalls iptables, Windows Defender Firewall Control who gets in

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Check for weak spots

Use a tool to find places where your system might be weak.

2. Clean up

Get rid of software and services you don't need.

3. Set up walls

Use firewalls to control who can get in.

4. Use safe ways to talk

Pick safe ways to send data, like SSH and HTTPS.

5. Stay current

Keep your software and system up-to-date.

4. Firewall Configuration

Why It Matters

A firewall is like a guard for your server. It stops bad traffic and keeps your server safe from internet threats. Setting up your firewall right is a key step in making your server stronger.

What to Do

When setting up your firewall:

  • Only let in traffic you need
  • Block everything else
  • Use safe ways to connect from far away
  • Check and fix your firewall rules often

Tools to Use

Here are some good firewall tools:

Tool What It Does
iptables A strong firewall for Linux
Windows Defender Firewall Built-in firewall for Windows
Firewall rules Tell the firewall what to let in and keep out

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Find out what you need

Make a list of the ports and ways your server needs to talk to others.

2. Set up firewall rules

Use a firewall tool to make rules. Let in what you need, keep out everything else.

3. Keep checking

Look at your rules often. Make sure they still fit what your server needs. Fix them if they don't.

5. Implement Least Privilege Access

Why It Matters

Least privilege access helps keep servers safe. It gives users only the access they need to do their jobs. This makes it harder for attackers to cause harm if they break in.

What to Do

To set up least privilege access:

  • Check who has special access
  • Give new users the least access they need
  • Keep admin accounts separate from regular ones
  • Give extra access only when needed and for a short time
  • Watch how people use their access
  • Check and update access rights often

Tools to Help

Here are some tools that can help:

Tool What It Does
Okta Manages who can access what
Role-based access control Gives access based on job roles
Just-in-time access Gives extra access only when needed
Privilege audit tools Finds and manages special access accounts

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Find special accounts

Look for all accounts with extra access.

2. Set up new accounts right

Give new users only what they need to do their job.

3. Split up admin accounts

Keep admin accounts separate from regular user accounts.

4. Use short-term extra access

Give extra access only when needed and for a short time.

5. Watch what's happening

Keep an eye on how people use their access.

6. Check access often

Look at who has what access and remove extra access they don't need.


6. Secure Remote Access

Why It Matters

Remote access is common now, but it can be risky. Bad actors might try to get into your systems from far away. Making remote access safe helps keep your data and systems protected.

What to Do

To make remote access safer:

  • Use strong passwords and two-step login
  • Give users only the access they need
  • Use safe ways to connect
  • Watch who's connecting
  • Use a VPN to keep data safe

Tools to Help

Here are some tools that can make remote access safer:

Tool What It Does
RDP Gateways Helps connect safely to Windows
SSH Helps connect safely to Linux and Unix
VPNs Keeps data safe when sent over the internet
Two-step login tools Adds an extra check when logging in
Access management tools Helps control who can do what

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Check who needs access

Make a list of who needs to connect from far away and what they need to use.

2. Set up strong passwords and two-step login

Make sure everyone uses good passwords and has two-step login turned on.

3. Use safe ways to connect

Set up SSH, RDP, or HTTPS to keep connections safe.

4. Set up a VPN

Use a VPN to keep data safe when it's sent over the internet.

5. Keep an eye on things

Watch who's connecting and what they're doing to spot any problems.

6. Check and update rules

Look at your remote access rules often and change them if needed.

7. File System Security

Why It Matters

File system security keeps your data safe. It stops people from getting to files they shouldn't see or change. This helps:

  • Keep private information private
  • Stop hackers from messing with your files
  • Make sure your system works right

What to Do

To make your file system safer:

  • Lock up your files with encryption
  • Use lists to say who can use which files
  • Give people only the file access they need
  • Use safe ways to send files
  • Keep an eye on what's happening with your files

Tools to Help

Here are some tools that can help:

Tool What It Does
File locks Keeps files safe when not in use
Access lists Says who can use which files
Permission tools Helps set who can do what with files
Safe file sending Keeps files safe when you send them
File watching tools Lets you know if something odd happens with files

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Look at your files

Find out which files need extra protection.

2. Lock up your files

Use tools to keep files safe when they're not being used.

3. Set up who can use what

Make lists of who can use which files.

4. Set file rules

Use tools to say what people can do with files.

5. Watch your files

Keep an eye on what's happening with your files to spot any problems.

8. Network Security

Why It Matters

Network security keeps your server safe from people who shouldn't get in. It stops bad actors from stealing data or causing trouble. Good network security means only the right people can use your server and see your data.

What to Do

To make your network safer:

  • Split your network into parts
  • Use safe ways to talk between computers
  • Set up walls to keep bad traffic out
  • Hide your inside network from outside
  • Only let approved programs run on your server

Tools to Help

Here are some tools that can make your network safer:

Tool What It Does
Firewalls Stops bad traffic from getting in or out
SSH Lets people connect safely from far away
HTTPS Keeps data safe when it's sent over the internet
NAT Hides your inside network from outside
Whitelisting Only lets approved programs run

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

  1. Look at your network

Check where your network might be weak.

  1. Set up walls and hiding

Use firewalls and NAT to keep bad traffic out and hide your inside network.

  1. Use safe ways to talk

Set up SSH and HTTPS to keep data safe when it's sent.

  1. Only allow good programs

Make a list of programs that can run on your server.

  1. Watch what's happening

Keep an eye on your network to spot any problems.

9. Logging and Monitoring

Why It Matters

Logging and monitoring help keep your server safe. They let you:

  • Spot problems quickly
  • See who's doing what
  • Fix issues fast

Good logging and monitoring can stop data theft, keep your server running, and make it safer.

What to Do

To make logging and monitoring work well:

  • Set up alerts for big problems
  • Check logs often
  • Use a system to collect all logs in one place
  • Teach your team how to read logs and handle issues

Tools to Help

Here are some tools that can help:

Tool Type What It Does Examples
Log analysis Helps you understand log data Splunk, ELK Stack
SIEM systems Collects and checks all logs Splunk, IBM QRadar
Alert tools Tells you when there's a problem Nagios, Prometheus

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

1. Pick your tools

Choose tools that fit what you need.

2. Set up logging

Make your server create logs and send them to your tools.

3. Create alerts

Decide what big problems to watch for and set up alerts.

4. Look at logs often

Check your logs regularly to find and fix issues.

5. Train your team

Teach your team how to read logs and handle problems.

10. Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing

Regular checks and tests help find weak spots in your server before bad guys can use them. This keeps your server safe and working well.

Why It's Important

Checking and testing your server often helps:

  • Find weak spots
  • Fix problems before they cause trouble
  • Follow safety rules
  • Make your server safer overall

What to Do

To get the most out of these checks and tests:

  • Do them every few months
  • Use both computer tools and people to look for problems
  • Check inside and outside your system
  • Get help from experts who don't work for you
  • Fix the biggest problems first

Tools to Use

Here are some tools that can help:

Tool What It Does
Nessus Looks for weak spots
Metasploit Acts like a bad guy to find problems
Burp Suite Checks websites for weak spots
OWASP ZAP Also checks websites for problems

How to Do It

Follow these steps:

  1. Plan regular tests: Set up checks every few months.
  2. Pick your tools: Choose tools like Nessus or Metasploit.
  3. Run the tests: Use the tools to look for problems.
  4. Look at what you found: See what weak spots the tools found.
  5. Fix the big problems first: Start with the worst issues.
  6. Make things better: Fix the problems you found.
  7. Keep watching: Always look out for new problems.


Making servers safer is key to keeping them working well. By following the 10 steps in this article, you can:

  • Make it harder for bad people to get in
  • Keep your data safe
  • Help your business keep running

Here's a quick look at why these steps matter:

Step Why It's Important
Update and patch Fixes known problems
Set good password rules Stops easy break-ins
Make attack surface smaller Gives bad guys fewer ways in
Set up firewalls right Blocks bad traffic
Give least access Limits damage if someone gets in
Make remote access safe Protects when working from far away
Keep files safe Stops data theft
Protect the network Keeps the whole system safe
Watch what's happening Helps spot problems fast
Check and test often Finds weak spots before others do

Remember, keeping servers safe is not a one-time thing. You need to:

  • Keep watching
  • Keep testing
  • Keep fixing

This helps you stay ahead of new threats and keeps your servers and data safe.


How to harden a Windows operating system?

Making a Windows system safer involves several steps. Here's what you can do:

Step What to Do Why It Helps
1. Update Install latest service packs Fixes known weak spots
2. Patch Keep system up-to-date Stops use of known problems
3. Clean up Remove unneeded programs Gives attackers fewer ways in
4. Control access Set up strong login rules Keeps out unwanted users
5. Use group policies Set rules for users Controls what people can do
6. Apply security templates Use pre-made safety settings Makes setup easier and safer
7. Set up firewall Block bad traffic Stops unwanted connections
8. Follow guidelines Use CIS Benchmarks Gives step-by-step safety advice

To make your Windows system safer:

  1. Keep it updated: Always install the newest fixes.
  2. Remove extra stuff: Get rid of programs you don't use.
  3. Control who gets in: Use strong passwords and login rules.
  4. Set up walls: Use firewalls to block bad traffic.
  5. Follow expert advice: Use guides like CIS Benchmarks to help you.

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