9 Critical KPIs to Measure AIOps Impact

published on 01 July 2024

AIOps uses AI and machine learning to improve IT operations. Here are 9 key metrics to gauge its effectiveness:

  1. Mean Time to Detect (MTTD)
  2. Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA)
  3. Mean Time to Resolve/Repair (MTTR)
  4. Service Availability
  5. Ticket-to-Incident Ratio
  6. Percentage of Automated vs. Manual Resolution
  7. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
  8. User Reported vs. Monitoring Detected Issues
  9. Time and Cost Savings
KPI What it Measures AIOps Impact
MTTD Time to spot issues Faster detection
MTTA Time to start fixing Quicker response
MTTR Time to fix issues Faster resolution
Service Availability System uptime Increased reliability
Ticket-to-Incident Ratio Efficiency in handling issues Fewer repeat tickets
Automated vs. Manual Resolution Level of automation More self-healing
MTBF System reliability Longer uptime
System vs. User-Found Issues Proactive problem detection Fewer user-reported issues
Time and Cost Savings Overall efficiency gains Reduced operational costs

Tracking these KPIs helps organizations assess AIOps effectiveness and optimize IT operations.

1. Mean Time to Detect (MTTD)

Mean Time to Detect

MTTD measures how long it takes to spot a problem in your system. It's a key way to check if AIOps is helping your IT team work better.

What is MTTD and Why It Matters

MTTD is the time between when a problem starts and when your team notices it. A shorter MTTD means your team can find issues quickly, which helps:

  • Reduce downtime
  • Lessen the impact on your business

How AIOps Helps


AIOps uses AI and machine learning to find odd patterns in your system. This helps your IT team spot problems faster than they could on their own.

Tracking MTTD Improvements

To figure out your MTTD:

  1. Add up the time it took to spot each problem
  2. Divide by the number of problems

Here's a simple formula:

MTTD = (Total time to detect all issues) ÷ (Number of issues)

A lower MTTD is better. It means you're finding problems faster.

MTTD Improvement What It Means
Lower MTTD Faster problem detection
Higher MTTD Slower problem detection

Keep track of your MTTD over time. Look for trends to see if AIOps is helping your team spot issues more quickly.

2. Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA)

Mean Time to Acknowledge

MTTA shows how long it takes your team to respond to a problem after it's found. This measure helps you see how fast your team can start working on issues.

What is MTTA and Why It's Important

MTTA is the time between when a problem is spotted and when your team says they're working on it. A shorter MTTA means your team responds quickly, which can:

  • Cut down on system downtime
  • Keep your services running smoothly

How AIOps Helps

AIOps uses smart computer programs to speed up how fast your team responds to problems. It can:

  • Look at problem data quickly
  • Send alerts to the right people automatically

This cuts out the time spent deciding who should handle each issue.

Checking MTTA Improvements

To find your MTTA:

  1. Track how long it takes to respond to each problem
  2. Add up all these times
  3. Divide by the number of problems

Here's a simple way to understand what your MTTA means:

MTTA What It Means
Lower Your team is responding faster
Higher Your team is taking longer to respond

Keep an eye on your MTTA over time. If it's going down, it means AIOps is helping your team work faster.

3. Mean Time to Resolve/Repair (MTTR)

Mean Time to Resolve

What is MTTR and Why It Matters

MTTR shows how long it takes to fix a problem after finding it. It's key for checking how well your IT team works. A lower MTTR means:

  • Less downtime
  • Systems work better

How AIOps Helps

AIOps uses smart tech to cut down MTTR by:

  • Fixing some issues on its own
  • Finding the main cause of problems faster
  • Spotting possible issues before they happen

Checking MTTR Improvements

To find your MTTR:

  1. Track how long it takes to fix each issue
  2. Add up all these times
  3. Divide by the number of issues

Here's what different MTTR values mean:

MTTR What It Means
Lower Your team fixes issues faster
Higher Your team takes longer to fix issues

A lower MTTR is better. It means less downtime and your systems work more of the time.

Keep an eye on your MTTR over time. If it's going down, it shows AIOps is helping your team work better.

4. Service Availability

What is Service Availability and Why It Matters

Service availability shows how often your software systems are working. It's key for businesses to run smoothly. We measure it by counting how many minutes systems are down over a set time. When service availability is high, it means:

  • Systems are more reliable
  • Users can access them without problems

How AIOps Helps

AIOps makes service availability better by:

  • Fixing issues right away
  • Cutting down on manual work
  • Spotting problems before they affect users

With AIOps, simple, repeat issues can be fixed automatically. This leads to fewer outages and more uptime.

Checking Service Availability Improvements

To see if service availability is getting better:

  1. Track how long systems are up over a set time
  2. Look for more uptime, which means better service availability
AIOps Improvement What It Means
Less downtime Systems work more often
More auto-fixes Fewer manual fixes needed
Faster problem-solving Issues get fixed quicker

Keep an eye on these numbers over time. If they're getting better, it shows AIOps is helping your systems stay up and running more.


5. Ticket-to-Incident Ratio

What is it and why does it matter?

The Ticket-to-Incident Ratio shows how many tickets are made for one problem. A lower number is better. It means:

  • Fewer repeat tickets
  • Problems are handled well

How AIOps helps

AIOps uses smart computer programs to:

  • Sort tickets automatically
  • Send tickets to the right people
  • Fix some problems on its own

This cuts down on extra tickets and helps teams focus on fixing the main issue.

How to check if it's getting better

To see if AIOps is helping:

  1. Count how many tickets are made for each problem
  2. Check if this number goes down over time
Before AIOps After AIOps What it means
Many tickets per problem Fewer tickets per problem AIOps is working well
Teams spend lots of time on tickets Teams spend less time on tickets More time to fix real issues
Problems take long to fix Problems are fixed faster Customers are happier

A lower Ticket-to-Incident Ratio means AIOps is helping your team work better and fix problems faster.

6. Percentage of Automated vs. Manual Resolution

What it is and why it matters

This KPI shows how many problems are fixed by computers versus people. It's important because it tells us if AIOps is helping to fix issues without human help.

How AIOps helps

AIOps uses smart computer programs to:

  • Find problems
  • Figure out what's wrong
  • Fix issues on its own

This lets IT teams work on harder tasks instead of simple, repeat problems.

How to check if it's getting better

To see if AIOps is helping:

  1. Count how many issues are fixed by computers
  2. Count how many issues are fixed by people
  3. Compare these numbers over time
Automation % What it means
0-20% AIOps isn't helping much yet
21-50% AIOps is starting to help
51-80% AIOps is helping a lot
81-100% AIOps is fixing most problems

A higher percentage of computer-fixed issues means AIOps is working well. It shows that fewer people are needed to fix problems, which saves time and money.

7. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

Mean Time Between Failures

What is MTBF and why it matters

MTBF shows how long your systems work without breaking down. It's the average time between two system failures. A high MTBF means:

  • Your systems are reliable
  • Less downtime
  • Happier customers

How AIOps helps

AIOps uses smart computer programs to make MTBF better by:

  • Finding and fixing problems quickly
  • Stopping issues before they happen
  • Learning from past problems to prevent future ones

This helps keep your systems running longer without breaks.

Checking if MTBF is getting better

To see if AIOps is helping:

  1. Keep track of how long your systems run between failures
  2. Compare these times over weeks or months
MTBF Change What it means
Higher MTBF Systems are more reliable
Lower MTBF Systems need more work

By using AIOps and watching MTBF, you can:

  • See what causes system failures
  • Fix problems before they happen
  • Make your systems work better overall

8. User Reported vs. Monitoring Detected Issues

What it is and why it matters

This KPI shows how many problems users report compared to how many the system finds on its own. It's important because it tells us if the system is catching issues before users notice them.

How AIOps helps

AIOps uses smart computer programs to:

  • Find odd patterns in how systems work
  • Spot problems before they get big
  • Fix issues without waiting for users to complain

This helps IT teams fix things before users even know there's a problem.

How to check if it's getting better

To see if AIOps is helping:

  1. Count how many issues users report
  2. Count how many issues the system finds on its own
  3. Compare these numbers over time
Ratio What it means
More system-found issues AIOps is working well
More user-reported issues AIOps needs improvement
About the same AIOps is steady but could do better

A good AIOps setup should find more issues than users report. This means it's catching problems early and fixing them fast.

Before AIOps After AIOps
Users often report issues System finds most issues
IT team reacts to problems IT team prevents problems
More downtime Less downtime

9. Time and Cost Savings

What it means and why it's important

Time and cost savings show how much money and time a company saves by using AIOps. This matters because it shows if AIOps is worth the investment.

How AIOps helps

AIOps saves time and money by:

  • Fixing problems without human help
  • Finding and solving issues faster
  • Helping IT teams work together better
  • Spotting possible problems before they happen

How to check if it's working

To see if AIOps is saving time and money, look at:

Metric What it shows
Lower MTTD and MTTR Problems are found and fixed faster
Less manual work Fewer people needed to fix issues
Higher first-time fix rate Problems are solved correctly the first time
Lower IT costs Less money spent on staff, equipment, and upkeep

Keep track of these numbers over time. If they're getting better, it means AIOps is helping your company save time and money.


To wrap up, checking how well AIOps works in your company is key. The 9 main measures we talked about help you see if AIOps is doing its job and where it can do better. By keeping an eye on these numbers, you can tell if AIOps is making your work easier, faster, and cheaper.

Remember, AIOps isn't a one-time thing. You need to keep watching and making it better. By looking at your AIOps numbers often, you can:

  • Make your business grow
  • Keep customers happy
  • Stay ahead of other companies

These 9 measures aren't just numbers. They show how well your company can change and grow as tech changes. If you focus on making AIOps better, you can get the most out of it and do well for a long time.

Here's a quick look at what these measures can tell you:

Measure What it shows
MTTD How fast you find problems
MTTA How quick you start fixing issues
MTTR How long it takes to fix problems
Service Availability How often your systems work
Ticket-to-Incident Ratio How well you handle issues
Automated vs. Manual Fixes How much AIOps helps on its own
MTBF How long systems work without breaking
System vs. User-Found Issues How good AIOps is at spotting problems
Time and Cost Savings How much money and time AIOps saves

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