APM Integration with Serverless Frameworks: Guide

published on 12 October 2024

Integrating Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with serverless frameworks is crucial for optimizing performance and reliability. Here's what you need to know:

  • APM tools provide visibility into serverless app performance
  • Key benefits: cost control, better user experience, faster issue resolution
  • Popular APM tools: AWS CloudWatch, Datadog, New Relic, AppDynamics

Quick setup steps:

  1. Choose an APM tool
  2. Install the APM agent
  3. Configure environment variables
  4. Set up data collection
  5. Deploy and test

Key metrics to monitor:

  • Function duration
  • Memory usage
  • Error rate
  • Invocation count

Best practices:

  • Use consistent naming for services and environments
  • Set appropriate sampling rates
  • Leverage distributed tracing
  • Implement custom metrics for app-specific monitoring

By following this guide, you'll be able to effectively monitor and optimize your serverless applications, ensuring better performance and cost-efficiency.

What is Serverless APM?

Serverless Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tracks and optimizes serverless app performance. It's not your grandma's APM - it's built for the wild world of serverless architectures.

Why is it different? Serverless apps are like ninjas:

  • They appear and disappear in a flash
  • They don't remember anything between calls
  • They're spread out everywhere
  • They can multiply like rabbits
  • Their cost is as unpredictable as the weather

Serverless APM tools are like spies. They gather intel on:

  • How often functions are called
  • How long they take to run
  • How often they mess up
  • How long they take to wake up
  • How much resources they gobble up

This info helps dev teams:

  1. Find slow spots
  2. Make functions faster
  3. Keep costs in check
  4. Make sure everything's running smoothly

One cool trick is distributed tracing. It's like following a trail of breadcrumbs through your app.

"Runtime data is the real deal. It shows you how your app behaves in the wild, not just on paper."

To do serverless APM right, you need:

  • Real-time alerts (because who wants day-old news?)
  • Detailed logs (for when you need to play detective)
  • Auto-fixes for common problems (because who has time to fix everything manually?)
  • Plays nice with serverless platforms like AWS Lambda

In short: Serverless APM helps you tame the chaos of serverless apps. It's your secret weapon for keeping things fast, cheap, and reliable.

Getting Your Serverless Setup Ready

Setting up APM for serverless functions isn't rocket science. Here's the lowdown:

APM-Friendly Frameworks

Different APM tools play nice with various serverless setups:

Framework APM Tools
AWS Lambda Datadog, New Relic, Elastic APM, AppDynamics
Google Cloud Run Datadog (beta)
Azure App Service AppDynamics

For AWS Lambda (the big player), do this:

1. AWS account: Get one with the right permissions.

2. Pick your runtime: Java, Node.js, Python, .NET, Ruby, Go - take your pick.

3. Install the APM agent: Each tool has its own. For Datadog:

datadog-ci lambda instrument -f <FUNCTION_NAME> -r <AWS_REGION>

4. Set up environment variables: They're like GPS coordinates for your APM tool. For Elastic APM (Node.js):

NODE_OPTIONS = -r elastic-apm-node/start

5. Data collection setup: Some tools need extra steps. AppDynamics needs these in your Lambda function:

Variable Example Value
APPDYNAMICS_CONTROLLER_HOST customer1.saas.appdynamics.com

6. Test it: Deploy a simple function and see if your APM tool's getting data.

"Runtime data is the real deal. It shows you how your app behaves in the wild, not just on paper."

With your serverless setup APM-ready, you're about to get that real-world data. Just remember: each APM tool and serverless platform has its quirks. Always check the latest docs.

Picking an APM Tool

Choosing an APM tool for serverless? Let's compare the top options:

APM Tool Comparison

Feature Datadog New Relic AWS CloudWatch
Serverless Support AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Run, Azure Functions AWS Lambda, Azure Functions AWS Lambda
Tracing Auto-injection of trace IDs Observes all traces Limited tracing
Live Visibility 15-minute window 5-second updates Basic metrics
Pricing Model Complex SKU-based Data ingestion + user seats Pay-as-you-go
Free Tier No 100GB/month free Basic metrics free

Datadog? Wide serverless support and detailed tracing. It links traces to logs and metrics. But pricing? Not so simple.

New Relic offers 100GB free data per month. Real-time updates every 5 seconds. Great for quick issue spotting. Watch out for user costs though - up to $549/user monthly for enterprise.

AWS CloudWatch? Perfect if you're all-AWS. Auto-collects Lambda metrics and logs. Less tracing than others, but deeply integrated with AWS.

On a budget? Try OpenTelemetry. It's free and flexible.

When choosing, think about:

  1. Integration: Does it play nice with your serverless setup?
  2. Features: Need fancy tracing or just basic metrics?
  3. Pricing: Can you guess costs as you grow?
  4. Ease of use: How fast can your team learn it?

How to Set Up APM Step-by-Step

Let's walk through setting up Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for serverless frameworks. We'll use examples from Datadog, New Relic, and AppDynamics.

Setting Up Serverless Functions

1. Pick your APM tool

Choose an APM tool that suits your needs. We'll use Datadog, New Relic, and AppDynamics as examples.

2. Install the APM agent


npm install --save-dev datadog-lambda-js

New Relic:

pip3 install newrelic-lambda-cli

3. Set up environment variables

Add these to your serverless.yml file. Here's an AppDynamics example:

    APPDYNAMICS_CONTROLLER_HOST: 'customer1.saas.appdynamics.com'
    APPDYNAMICS_SERVERLESS_API_ENDPOINT: 'https://pdx-sls-agent-api.saas.appdynamics.com'

4. Add the APM layer

Include the APM layer in your function config. For AppDynamics:

    handler: index.handler
      - arn:aws:lambda:${opt:region, self:provider.region}:338050622354:layer:appdynamics-lambda-extension:15

5. Deploy your function


serverless deploy

6. Check APM data collection

Give it a few minutes, then check your APM dashboard:

APM Tool Where to Look
Datadog Serverless view in Datadog dashboard
New Relic "All entities" view for your Lambda function
AppDynamics AppDynamics dashboard for instrumented functions

That's it! You've set up APM for your serverless functions.

Adding APM to Serverless Functions

Want to add Application Performance Monitoring (APM) to your serverless functions? Here's how to do it for different programming languages:


1. Install the APM agent:

npm install --save-dev datadog-lambda-js

2. Set up environment variables in serverless.yml:

    DD_TRACE_ENABLED: "true"
    DD_ENV: "production"
    DD_SERVICE: "my-nodejs-service"
    DD_VERSION: "1.0.0"

3. Wrap your handler with the Datadog tracer:

const { datadog } = require('datadog-lambda-js');

module.exports.handler = datadog(
  async (event, context) => {
    // Your function logic here


1. Install the APM agent:

pip install datadog-lambda

2. Set up environment variables in serverless.yml:

    DD_TRACE_ENABLED: "true"
    DD_ENV: "production"
    DD_SERVICE: "my-python-service"
    DD_VERSION: "1.0.0"

3. Decorate your handler with the Datadog tracer:

from datadog_lambda.wrapper import datadog_lambda_wrapper

def handler(event, context):
    # Your function logic here


1. Add the APM agent dependency to pom.xml:


2. Set up environment variables in serverless.yml:

    DD_TRACE_ENABLED: "true"
    DD_ENV: "production"
    DD_SERVICE: "my-java-service"
    DD_VERSION: "1.0.0"

3. Wrap your handler method with the Datadog tracer:

import com.datadoghq.datadog_lambda_java.Datadog;

public class Handler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent> {
    public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) {
        return Datadog.wrap(context, () -> {
            // Your function logic here

Adding Custom Metrics

Want to track specific data points? Use the APM tool's SDK. Here's an example with Datadog:

from datadog_lambda.metric import lambda_metric

def handler(event, context):
        tags=['product:latte', 'size:large']
    # Rest of your function logic

This sends a custom metric named coffee_order.value with a value of 12.45 and tags for product and size.

Best Practices

  1. Use consistent naming for services and environments across functions.
  2. Set appropriate sampling rates for high-throughput services.
  3. Use tags to categorize and filter metrics effectively.
  4. Keep an eye on cold start times and optimize function initialization.

Setting Up APM Data Collection

Let's dive into setting up Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for serverless frameworks. It's all about getting the right data without drowning in it.

Environment Variables

First up, environment variables. These are your APM's marching orders. Here's what it looks like for Datadog:

  DD_ENV: "production"
  DD_SERVICE: "my-serverless-app"
  DD_VERSION: "1.0.0"
  AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: "/opt/datadog_wrapper"

This tells your APM to start tracing, sets the environment and service name, and turns on security monitoring.

Log Collection

Want to see what's going in and out of your functions? Here's how:

  2. Create a datadog.yaml file to keep sensitive stuff under wraps:
    - name: "http.url"
      pattern: "password=.*"
      repl: "password=?"

Now you're collecting JSON payloads without exposing passwords. Smart, right?

Sampling Rates

Sampling is like fishing with a net instead of a rod. You catch less, but you still get the picture. Set it like this:


That's a 50% sample. But you can adjust:

Sampling Rate When to Use
1.0 (100%) Critical or low-traffic functions
0.1 (10%) Medium-traffic functions
0.01 (1%) High-volume functions

Best Practices

  • Name your services and environments consistently.
  • Sample wisely for high-traffic services.
  • Use tags to slice and dice your metrics.
  • Keep an eye on cold starts and optimize accordingly.

Setting Up Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing helps you monitor serverless apps by tracking requests across your system. Here's how to set it up:

1. Pick a Tool

We'll use AWS X-Ray. To enable it for Lambda:

  • AWS Console: Lambda console > function > turn on Active tracing
  • AWS CLI:
    aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name <function-name> --tracing-config Mode=Active
  • CloudFormation:
      Mode: Active

2. Add Code

X-Ray handles most tracing, but add this for more detail:

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Your code here

3. Check Your Traces

In the X-Ray console, you'll see:

  • Service map
  • Trace list
  • Analytics

4. Smart Sampling

Don't trace everything. Use this as a guide:

Function Type Sampling Rate
Critical 100%
Medium traffic 10%
High volume 1%

5. Level Up

Try these next:

  • Custom annotations
  • Subsegments
  • Cross-account tracing

Reading APM Data

To understand your serverless app's health, you need to read Application Performance Monitoring (APM) data. Here's how:

Key Metrics to Watch

Focus on these:

Metric What It Means Why It's Important
Duration How long a function runs Affects costs and shows where to optimize
Memory Usage RAM the function uses Balances power and speed
Error Rate % of failed runs Shows reliability
Invocation Count Times a function runs Reveals usage and scaling needs

Using CloudWatch for Lambda

CloudWatch is great for Lambda monitoring. Here's how:

1. Custom Dashboards

Make dashboards showing your top metrics. Include graphs for runs, duration, and errors.

2. Alarms

Set alarms for key thresholds. Like when errors top 5% or functions consistently take over 1 second.

3. Metric Math

Use CloudWatch's math to dig deeper. For example, calculate error rates over time.

X-Ray for Tracing

If you use X-Ray for tracing, here's what to look at:

  • Service Map: See how requests flow through your app.
  • Trace List: Check individual traces for bottlenecks.
  • Analytics: Spot trends and weird stuff.

Tips for APM Analysis

  • Look for patterns. Regular duration spikes? Might be an ongoing issue.
  • Compare metrics. High memory use AND long durations? Could be inefficient code.
  • Use percentiles. P90 and P99 latency give a better performance picture.

"Datadog cuts our incident response time. It links key metrics like Lambda runs and timeouts with traces and logs across our whole system." - Pavel Kruhlei, Engineering Manager, New10

Advanced APM Methods

Want to supercharge your APM setup? Let's dive into some advanced techniques.

Custom APM Setup

Here's how to get more control over your serverless monitoring:

1. Threat Monitoring

Turn on threat monitoring in Datadog. Just add these to your deployment:

AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/datadog_wrapper

2. Payload Visualization

Datadog can show you JSON request and response payloads from your Lambda functions. It's great for troubleshooting and getting deeper insights.

3. Non-Lambda Tracing

Collect traces from non-Lambda resources too. This helps you spot issues across your entire serverless setup.

APM with CI/CD

Let's bake APM into your CI/CD pipeline:

1. GitHub Actions Integration

Using GitHub? Go for GitHub Actions. It's easier to set up than AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline.

2. Feature Branch Deployments

Test new features in isolated environments before merging. Here's a simple GitHub Action:

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Deploy to dev
        run: npx serverless deploy --stage dev

3. Cleanup Step

Don't forget to clean up those feature branch deployments:

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Remove dev deployment
      run: npx serverless remove --stage dev

Setting Up Alerts

Good alerts are key to proactive monitoring:

1. Use serverless-plugin-aws-alerts

This plugin makes setting up alerts a breeze. Add this to your serverless.yml:

  - serverless-plugin-aws-alerts

      - production
        topic: ${self:service}-${opt:stage}-alerts-alarm
          - protocol: email
            endpoint: your-email@example.com
      - functionErrors
      - functionThrottles

2. Custom Metrics Alerts

Need app-specific monitoring? Create custom CloudWatch metrics:

import boto3
CLOUDWATCH = boto3.client('cloudwatch')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    records_processed = len(event['Records'])
            'MetricName': 'KinesisRecordsProcessed',
            'Dimensions': [{'Name': 'FunctionName', 'Value': context.function_name}],
            'Value': records_processed
    # Process records here

3. Alert Thresholds

Set thresholds that make sense for your app. Here's an example:

      - name: HighKinesisLoad
        metric: KinesisRecordsProcessed
        threshold: 1000
        period: 300
        evaluationPeriods: 1
        comparisonOperator: GreaterThanThreshold

This will alert you if more than 1000 Kinesis records are processed in 5 minutes.

Tips for Using APM with Serverless

Here's how to get the most out of APM in serverless:

Secure Your Functions

Security is crucial. Use Datadog's ASM to watch for threats:

  1. Turn on ASM for Lambda:
AWS_LAMBDA_EXEC_WRAPPER: /opt/datadog_wrapper
  1. Set up distributed tracing to track attacks.
  2. Create workflows to auto-respond to threats.

Optimize Costs

Serverless can save money, but only if you're smart about it:

  1. Right-size your functions. Look at usage and adjust memory.
  2. Use auto-scaling for varying workloads.
  3. Break down big apps into smaller functions.
  4. Cache Lambda responses to cut invocations and boost speed.
  5. Use queues to batch Lambda calls and avoid cold starts.

Monitor Key Metrics

Keep an eye on these:

Metric Why It Matters
Error rate Shows reliability
Invocation count Reveals usage patterns
Latency Affects user experience
Memory use Helps optimize resources
Cold start frequency Impacts performance

Set up CloudWatch Alarms to watch these in real-time.

Improve Performance

  1. Cut down on external calls and initialization.
  2. Pre-load libraries and reduce dependencies.
  3. Use VPCs for better security.
  4. Use IAM roles to limit privileges.

Use Structured Logging

Make troubleshooting easier with structured logging:

import json
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

def lambda_handler(event, context):
        "message": "Function invoked",
        "event": event,
        "context": {
            "function_name": context.function_name,
            "function_version": context.function_version,
            "invoked_function_arn": context.invoked_function_arn,
            "memory_limit_in_mb": context.memory_limit_in_mb,
            "aws_request_id": context.aws_request_id,
            "log_group_name": context.log_group_name,
            "log_stream_name": context.log_stream_name
    # Function logic here

This makes it a breeze to search and analyze logs later.

Fixing Common Problems

Let's tackle some issues you might face when integrating APM with serverless frameworks:

No Data Showing Up

Not seeing data in CloudWatch metrics? Your AWS integration might be off. Here's what to check:

1. API Key: Make sure you're using the right API key in the --nr-api-key argument.

2. Lambda Permissions: Check if your Lambda function can actually send data.

If the Distributed tracing, Errors, and Invocations tabs are empty, your APM agent instrumentation might be incomplete. Go back and review your setup steps.

HTTP Errors

Error Code Cause Fix
401 Unauthorized Double-check your API key
400 Data decoding error Make sure APM agent and server versions match
503 Queue is full Cut down on storage or tweak APM Server output settings

Tracing Issues

Missing traces for certain dependencies? Try these:

  • Put the New Relic layer before other layers
  • In Node.js, import newrelic first
  • For ES Modules, set NEW_RELIC_USE_ESM to true

Infinite Loops

Serverless functions can sometimes get stuck in loops. To avoid this:

  • Make Lambda functions write to different resources than they consume
  • Use circuit breakers for complex patterns
  • When writing to the same S3 bucket, use a different prefix or suffix

Performance Problems

If your functions are sluggish:

  • Cut down on external calls and init time
  • Pre-load libraries and trim dependencies
  • Use VPCs for better security, but watch out for latency
  • Handle errors and retries for third-party endpoints properly

Deployment Issues

Function stops working hours after a redeploy? A failed new deployment might be triggering a fallback. To fix:

  1. Find the error causing the deployment fail
  2. Fix the issue in your code or config
  3. Redeploy


Integrating APM with serverless frameworks is a big deal. It helps you see what's happening in your apps, make them run better, and keep them reliable.

Here's what you need to remember:

What It Does Why It Matters
Quick Launch Get apps up in hours or days
Auto-Scaling Grow without managing servers
Save Money Only pay for what you use
Better UX More time for front-end work
Less Lag Faster apps worldwide

You NEED good monitoring for serverless apps. Use tools like AWS CloudWatch, Datadog, or AppDynamics. They'll show you:

  • What's happening (logs)
  • Where problems start (tracing)
  • Important numbers (metrics)
  • When things go wrong (alerts)

For example, with Datadog, you can set up Lambda monitoring fast. This helps you catch and fix issues quickly.

When you're setting up APM for serverless:

  • Use the same log format everywhere
  • Watch how long things take, how much memory they use, and how often they fail
  • Don't waste money - use just what you need
  • Keep it safe - only give the permissions that are necessary

Serverless tech is always changing. Keep learning about new ways to monitor it. This will help your apps stay fast and give you an edge over others.


How to monitor a serverless application?

AWS CloudWatch is your go-to for serverless app monitoring. It's like having a watchful eye on your app 24/7. Here's what it does:

  • Tracks function activity
  • Monitors resource usage
  • Sets up alerts for critical parts

CloudWatch grabs logs and metrics almost instantly. This means you can:

  • Check logs
  • Hunt down errors
  • Set alarms for specific events

Want an example? You can set CloudWatch Alarms to keep tabs on your Lambda functions. If something goes off track, you'll know right away.

Which AWS service can be used for managing and monitoring serverless applications?

CloudWatch is the star player here. It's like a Swiss Army knife for serverless apps. Check out what it offers:

Feature Benefit
Log collection Store and analyze function logs
Metrics tracking Monitor performance and usage
Automated alerts Get notified of issues quickly
Visualization See trends and patterns easily

But wait, there's more! You can also use:

  • AWS X-Ray for distributed tracing
  • Third-party tools like Datadog or Lumigo for advanced monitoring

Think of these as extra tools in your serverless toolbox.

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