Automated performance monitoring of Azure

published on 10 July 2024

Azure's automated performance monitoring helps you keep your systems running smoothly. Here's what you need to know:

  • Quick setup: Enable Azure Monitor in the portal
  • Key benefits: Early issue detection, real-time alerts, better resource management
  • Essential tools: Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Container Insights, VM Insights
  • Custom dashboards: Create personalized views of your metrics
  • Proactive monitoring: Use AI to predict issues before they occur
Feature Description
Data collection Gather metrics and logs from Azure resources
Alerts Set up notifications for unusual activity or errors
Auto-scaling Adjust resources based on demand
Integration Connect with Azure Automation, Logic Apps, and Security Center

To get started:

  1. Set up Azure Monitor
  2. Choose metrics to track
  3. Create alerts
  4. Build custom dashboards
  5. Configure proactive monitoring

This guide covers setup, troubleshooting, and advanced techniques to help you master Azure performance monitoring.

What You Need to Start

To begin automated performance monitoring in Azure, you'll need these basics:

Azure Account Requirements


You must have an Azure account. If you don't, sign up for a free one on the Azure website. This gives you access to the Azure portal for setting up monitoring.

Basic Azure Knowledge

It helps to know some Azure basics. Here's what you should be familiar with:

Azure Concept Why It's Important
Virtual machines Core computing resources
Storage Data management and access
Networking Connects your Azure resources

Understanding these will help you set up your monitoring effectively.

Understanding Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor is key for automated performance monitoring. It:

  • Collects data from your Azure resources
  • Analyzes this data
  • Provides insights on performance and health

To use automated monitoring well, you need to know how to:

  • Set up Azure Monitor
  • Configure it for your needs

Setting Up Azure Monitor

Turning On Azure Monitor

To start using Azure Monitor:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal
  2. Go to Monitor
  3. Click Overview
  4. Select Enable Azure Monitor

Setting Up Data Collection

To gather information from your Azure resources:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to Monitor
  2. Click Metrics
  3. Pick the resources you want to track
  4. Choose which metrics to collect
  5. For logs, click Logs and follow similar steps

You can also make rules about what data to collect and where to send it.

Creating Workspaces

Workspaces help organize your monitoring data. To make one:

  1. In the Azure portal, go to Monitor
  2. Click Workspaces
  3. Select Create a workspace
  4. Name your workspace and choose its location
  5. Pick which resources to link to your workspace
Workspace Benefits Description
Data organization Keeps monitoring information tidy
Easy analysis Makes it simpler to look at your data
Better visualization Helps you see patterns and trends

Setting Up Automated Monitoring

Picking Metrics and Logs

To set up automated monitoring, choose which metrics and logs to collect from your Azure resources. Here's a quick guide:

Type Description Examples
Metrics Numbers that show how your resources are doing CPU usage, response times
Logs Detailed information about events Errors, security incidents

Pick the metrics and logs that matter most for your resources and goals. For a virtual machine, you might want to track:

  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Disk usage
  • System events
  • Security events
  • Application errors

Creating Automated Alerts

After choosing your metrics and logs, set up alerts to tell you when something's wrong. Here's how:

  1. Go to the Azure portal
  2. Click Monitor
  3. Select Alerts
  4. Click New alert rule
  5. Choose what to monitor
  6. Set when the alert should happen
  7. Pick how you want to be told (like email or notification)

Using Dynamic Thresholds

Dynamic thresholds change based on how your resources usually work. This means you don't have to set fixed numbers yourself. To use them:

  1. Go to the Azure portal
  2. Click Monitor
  3. Select Metrics
  4. Pick the metric you want to watch
  5. Click New alert rule
  6. Choose the dynamic threshold option

Azure Monitor will then set the threshold based on your resource's past data.

Using Azure Monitor Insights

Azure Monitor Insights helps you keep an eye on how well your Azure resources are working. Let's look at three main types: Application Insights, Container Insights, and VM Insights.

Application Insights Basics

Application Insights

Application Insights watches over your web apps. It tells you:

What it tracks Why it's useful
How many people use your app Helps you plan for busy times
How fast your app responds Shows if your app is too slow
If your app has errors Helps you fix problems quickly

To start using Application Insights:

  1. Make an Application Insights resource in Azure
  2. Turn it on for your Azure App Service
  3. Look at your app's info in the Azure portal

Container Insights Overview

Container Insights

Container Insights keeps track of apps that run in containers. It helps you:

Feature Benefit
Watch container health Spot problems early
Collect container logs Find out why things went wrong
See how containers are doing Make your apps work better

To use Container Insights:

  1. Go to the Azure portal
  2. Pick your container resource
  3. Click "Insights" on the left side

VM Insights Setup

VM Insights

VM Insights watches your Azure virtual machines. It helps you:

What it does How it helps
Checks VM health Keeps your VMs running well
Gathers VM logs Helps you solve problems
Shows VM performance Lets you see how your VMs are working

To set up VM Insights:

  1. Open the Azure portal
  2. Choose your virtual machine
  3. Click "Insights" on the left
  4. Follow the steps to turn on VM Insights

Making Custom Dashboards

Custom dashboards in Azure Monitor help you keep an eye on your Azure resources. A good dashboard lets you spot problems quickly and see how well things are working.

Dashboard Design Tips

When making your dashboard:

Tip Why it's helpful
Group similar tiles Makes it easier to understand your data
Use clear titles Helps you find what you need quickly
Pick the right size Keeps your dashboard neat and easy to read

Adding Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) show how well your Azure resources are doing. When adding KPIs:

  • Pick metrics that matter to your business
  • Use both metrics and logs to get a full picture

Automating Dashboard Updates

Keep your dashboard up-to-date without extra work:

1. Save your dashboard as code

This lets you track changes over time.

2. Set up automatic updates

Use Azure Monitor to update your dashboard on a schedule.


Setting Up Proactive Monitoring

This section explains how to set up monitoring that spots issues before they become big problems.

Creating Predictive Alerts

Predictive alerts use smart computer programs to find patterns in your data. They can warn you about possible problems. Here's how to set them up:

  1. Go to Azure Monitor
  2. Click Alerts
  3. Choose New alert rule
  4. Pick Predictive alert
  5. Select the data you want to check
  6. Set up when you want to be warned and how

These alerts help you fix issues before they cause trouble.

Using AI to Spot Unusual Patterns

AI can find odd patterns in your data that might mean something's wrong. To use this:

  1. Go to Azure Monitor
  2. Click Anomaly detection
  3. Pick the data you want to check
  4. Choose how sensitive you want the checks to be
  5. Set up how you want to be told about odd patterns

This helps you find and fix strange things quickly.

Setting Up Auto-Scaling

Auto-scaling changes how much of Azure's computer power your services use based on how busy they are. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to Azure Monitor
  2. Click Auto-scaling
  3. Pick the service you want to auto-scale
  4. Set rules for when to use more or less computer power
Auto-scaling Benefits Description
Save money Use less when it's not busy
Handle busy times Use more when lots of people are using your service
Always work well Keep your services running smoothly

Auto-scaling helps your Azure services work well all the time, even when they're very busy.

Connecting with Other Azure Tools

Using Azure Automation

Azure Automation

Azure Automation helps you do tasks automatically in Azure. When you use it with Azure Monitor, you can:

  • Set up tasks that happen when Azure Monitor finds a problem
  • Fix issues without needing to do it yourself

To use Azure Automation with Azure Monitor:

  1. Make an Azure Automation account
  2. Link it to Azure Monitor
  3. Set up Azure Monitor to tell Azure Automation about problems
  4. Make a plan (called a runbook) in Azure Automation to fix the problem

This helps your system work better on its own.

Working with Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps lets you make your own plans for what should happen in Azure. When you use it with Azure Monitor, you can:

  • Make your own steps for what to do when there's a problem
  • Send messages or start other tasks when something happens

To use Azure Logic Apps with Azure Monitor:

  1. Make an Azure Logic Apps account
  2. Link it to Azure Monitor
  3. Set up Azure Monitor to tell Azure Logic Apps about problems
  4. Make a plan in Azure Logic Apps for what to do

This helps you make your own ways to fix problems.

Linking to Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps keep your Azure setup safe. When you use it with Azure Monitor, you can:

  • Watch for safety problems along with other issues
  • Get help fixing safety problems

To use Azure Security Center with Azure Monitor:

  1. Turn on Azure Security Center
  2. Link it to Azure Monitor
  3. Set up Azure Monitor to tell Azure Security Center about safety problems
  4. Use Azure Security Center to fix safety issues

This helps you keep your Azure setup safe along with watching how it's working.

Tool What it does How it helps
Azure Automation Does tasks for you Fixes problems without you doing it
Azure Logic Apps Makes custom plans Lets you choose what happens when there's a problem
Azure Security Center Keeps things safe Helps fix safety issues

Tips for Better Automated Monitoring

Improving Alert Settings

To get the most out of automated monitoring, set up your alerts well:

  1. Set the right alert levels
  2. Make clear rules for when alerts happen
  3. Leave out alerts you don't need

This helps you focus on the alerts that matter most.

To set good alert levels:

  1. Find out what's normal for your resources
  2. Use this to set your alert levels
  3. This helps you tell the difference between normal changes and real problems

Reducing Alert Overload

Getting too many alerts can be a problem. Here's how to fix it:

Method How it helps
Group similar alerts Fewer messages to check
Stop repeat alerts for known issues Less noise from things you already know about
Mark alerts as critical or not critical Deal with big problems first

Monitoring Across Different Environments

You can watch your resources in different places, like:

  • Where you test new things
  • Where you try out your work
  • Where your real work happens

This helps you find problems early and make sure everything works well.

To do this:

  1. Make different workspaces in Azure Monitor for each place
  2. This lets you watch each place on its own
  3. You can also compare how things work in different places

Fixing Common Problems

When setting up automated performance monitoring in Azure, you might run into some issues. Here's how to fix them:

Data Collection Issues

If you can't get data from your Azure resources:

Check This Do This
Azure Monitor setup Make sure it's turned on for your resources
Data collection agent Check if it's installed and working
Azure Monitor logs Look for errors about data collection

Alert Setup Problems

If your alerts aren't working right:

Problem Area What to Do
Alert settings Make sure they're set up correctly
Alert rules Check if they're defined and working
Alert notifications See if they're being sent

Handling False Alerts

False alerts can be annoying. Here's how to cut them down:

Method How It Helps
Check alerts carefully Fewer false alarms
Use smart computer checks Find and remove fake alerts
Update alert settings often Keep alerts accurate

Advanced Monitoring Methods

Creating Custom Metrics

Custom metrics in Azure Monitor help you track specific things about your app or service. Here's what you need to know:

Feature Description
Purpose Track unique performance measures
How to create Use Azure Monitor SDK or REST API
Benefits Get detailed insights, make better choices

Example: You can make a custom metric to count orders per minute or check how fast your API responds.

Using Log Analytics

Log Analytics in Azure Monitor helps you look at log data from your apps and services. Here's what it does:

Function Description
Collect data From Azure, on-site systems, and other services
Analyze Find issues and spot patterns
Create alerts Set up warnings based on log data

To use Log Analytics well:

  • Write custom queries to find specific patterns
  • Set up alerts for important log events

Working with Azure Monitor API

The Azure Monitor API lets you connect with Azure Monitor through code. Here's what you can do:

Task Description
Get data Pull monitoring info from Azure
Make custom metrics Create your own tracking measures
Set up alerts Program warnings for specific events

Example uses:

  • Build a custom dashboard with live data
  • Connect Azure Monitor to other tools you use


Key Points Summary

This guide covered the main parts of setting up automated performance monitoring in Azure. We talked about:

Topic What We Covered
Benefits Why automated monitoring helps
Setup How to start using Azure Monitor
Dashboards Making custom views of your data
Advanced methods Using more complex monitoring tools

By following these steps, you can make sure your Azure resources work well.

Keeping Your Monitoring Up-to-Date

To get the most from your automated monitoring:

  1. Check your setup often
  2. Make sure it fits what your business needs now
  3. Look for gaps in what you're watching
  4. Follow the rules your company and others set
  5. Change your monitoring based on new information
Action Why It Helps
Regular reviews Keeps monitoring current
Check for gaps Makes sure you're watching everything important
Update rules Helps catch new types of problems

By doing these things, you can:

  • Find problems before they get big
  • Make your Azure resources work better


How do I monitor my Azure VM performance?

To keep an eye on how well your Azure VM is working, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Azure portal
  2. Click on Virtual Machines
  3. Pick the VM you want to check
  4. In the Monitoring area, click Insights
  5. Click the Performance tab

On this page, you'll see how your VM is doing. You can check things like:

What to look at What it tells you
CPU usage How hard your VM is working
Memory usage How much computer memory it's using
Disk usage How much storage space it's using
Network usage How much data is moving in and out

You can also set up alerts to tell you if something's not right with your VM.

For a deeper look, use Azure Monitor. It helps you:

  • Gather more info about your VM
  • See patterns in how it's working
  • Spot anything unusual

This way, you can fix problems and make your VM work better.

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