Beyond Datadog: Effective Ways to Scale Your Observability

published on 26 August 2024

Looking to scale your observability beyond Datadog? Here's what you need to know:

Datadog's high costs and complexity are pushing companies to find alternatives. Key components for scaling include logs, metrics, traces, and user experience monitoring.

To scale effectively:

  • Get developers involved
  • Track platform usage
  • Add business context to data
  • Improve data management

Advanced scaling methods:

  • Centralize logging (e.g. ELK Stack)
  • Use AI for anomaly detection and root cause analysis
  • Implement OpenTelemetry for standardized data collection

Common challenges and solutions:

  • Too much data: Filter, group, and sample
  • Complex integrations: Use standard APIs and automate
  • Performance issues: Optimize ingestion and distribute load
Trend Impact
AI Faster issue detection
Continuous profiling Deeper performance insights
FinOps Better cost management

The future of observability: AI-driven analysis, open source tools, and flexible solutions for modern cloud architectures.

What is Large-Scale Observability?

Large-scale observability lets you understand complex, distributed systems by collecting and analyzing data from many sources. It goes beyond basic monitoring to provide insights into system behavior and performance.

Big environments face challenges like:

1. Massive data volumes

Systems generate tons of logs, metrics, and traces. Making sense of it all is tough.

2. Need for real-time insights

Large systems require quick detection and resolution of issues.

3. Distributed complexity

With microservices and cloud architectures, understanding component interactions is crucial.

Many orgs are turning to AIOps to help. It enhances observability by:

  • Automating analysis
  • Providing fast insights
  • Reducing alert noise
AIOps Benefits
Faster detection
Automated tasks
Better alerts
Predictive capabilities

55% of orgs now use AIOps for observability. It helps teams handle growing IT complexity.

For example, AIOps can spot unusual patterns in massive datasets, focusing teams on high-priority issues. It can also automate tasks like scaling resources based on observability data.

To implement large-scale observability:

  1. Set clear goals
  2. Add instrumentation
  3. Define key metrics
  4. Centralize data collection
  5. Create dashboards
  6. Train teams on best practices

Key Parts of Scalable Observability

Scalable observability relies on four main components:


Text records of system events. They're like a detailed diary, showing:

  • Error messages
  • User actions
  • System changes

Logs help debug issues and understand what happened.


Numerical measurements of system performance, like:

  • CPU usage
  • Response time
  • Error rate

Metrics are great for alerting when values pass thresholds.


Follow requests through distributed systems to find bottlenecks and troubleshoot complex issues.

User Experience Monitoring

Focuses on end-user interactions:

1. Real User Monitoring (RUM): Collects data on actual usage.

2. Synthetic Monitoring: Simulates user actions.

Metric Description Why It Matters
Uptime % time system is available Shows reliability
Page load time Time for page to load Affects user satisfaction
Task success % of completed user actions Shows usability
Error rate % of actions with errors Highlights issues

Combining these gives a full picture of system health. For example, New Relic lets teams monitor every layer from frontend to backend.

To implement:

  1. Collect data from all components
  2. Use a central platform to analyze
  3. Set up key alerts
  4. Review and adjust regularly

How to Scale Observability Effectively

Here are four key strategies:

1. Include Developers

Get developers involved to set standards and gather feedback. This integrates observability into development.

  • Hold regular dev-ops meetings
  • Create clear instrumentation guidelines
  • Let devs contribute to dashboards and alerts

2. Monitor Platform Usage

Track data usage by team and type to manage resources and costs.

Metric Purpose Action
Ingestion rate Track data volume Alert on spikes
Query speed Find slow queries Optimize as needed
Storage use Monitor costs Manage data lifecycle

3. Add Context

Connect data to business results for more relevant insights.

  • Tag data with business info
  • Show impact on KPIs
  • Prioritize alerts using context

4. Improve Data Management

Organize telemetry for better handling.

  • Use central logging
  • Sample data to reduce volume
  • Automate retention and archiving

Advanced Methods for Scaling Observability

As systems grow, try these advanced approaches:

1. Use Central Logging

Consolidate data sources for easier analysis. The ELK Stack is popular for this.


  • Simpler management
  • Faster troubleshooting
  • Better security

Best practices:

  • Use structured formats
  • Set up log rotation
  • Create real-time alerts

2. Apply AI and Machine Learning

AI helps handle massive data volumes efficiently.

AI Use Benefit
Anomaly detection Spots unusual patterns
Root cause analysis Finds issue sources quickly
Predictive maintenance Forecasts potential failures is adding large language models to simplify observability for all skill levels.

3. Use OpenTelemetry


This open-source project standardizes telemetry for cloud-native apps.


  • Distributed tracing
  • Metrics collection
  • Log aggregation

It works with various backends. Datadog supports OpenTelemetry data via OTLP.

To use with Datadog:

  1. Install OpenTelemetry SDKs
  2. Add telemetry points
  3. Create a Datadog exporter
  4. Adjust tracing settings

Solving Common Scaling Problems

Let's tackle three common issues:

1. Too Much Data

69% of teams worry about growing observability data. To manage:

  • Filter and group: Collect only key metrics and logs
  • Set retention policies: Keep high-res data short-term
  • Use sampling: Analyze subsets of high-volume data
Strategy Benefits
Filtering Cuts costs, speeds queries
Retention policies Balances history and efficiency
Sampling Maintains insights with less data

2. Complex Tool Integration

Teams use 16 monitoring tools on average. To simplify:

  • Use standard APIs like OpenTelemetry
  • Create a unified dashboard view
  • Automate tool connections

3. Keeping Systems Fast

To maintain speed as you scale:

  • Optimize ingestion: Batch non-critical data
  • Distribute load: Balance observability components
  • Monitor your monitors: Watch tool resource usage

Scaling Observability in Cloud Systems

Cloud and Kubernetes environments need special approaches:

1. Observability in Kubernetes

To scale in Kubernetes:

  • Use native tools like the metrics API
  • Implement eBPF for efficient data collection
  • Deploy distributed collectors
Tool Use Key Feature
Prometheus Metrics Auto-discovers K8s components
Grafana Visualization Pre-built K8s dashboards
Kube-State-Metrics Cluster metrics Shows K8s object states

2. Observability in Microservices

For microservices:

  • Use distributed tracing
  • Implement a service mesh
  • Centralize logging
Pillar Tool Example Function
Metrics Prometheus Collects time-series data
Logs Elasticsearch Central log storage/analysis
Traces Jaeger End-to-end tracing

Google Cloud Operations Suite offers comprehensive microservices observability.

Focus on:

  1. Automation: Auto-discover new services
  2. Context: Add metadata to telemetry
  3. Integration: Choose compatible tools

Planning for Future Observability Needs

To future-proof your strategy:

Key trends:

  • AI Integration: Helps understand systems quickly
  • Continuous Profiling: Deeper performance insights
  • FinOps Focus: Managing observability costs
Trend Impact
AI Faster issue resolution
Profiling Better performance data
FinOps Improved cost control

2. Building a Culture of Scalable Observability

To create a supportive culture:

  • Encourage cross-team collaboration
  • Invest in ongoing training
  • Define clear, goal-aligned metrics
  • Automate common issue responses

Understanding observability costs is crucial for making informed decisions.


Scaling observability beyond Datadog requires strategy. As complexity grows, flexible and cost-effective solutions are key.

Open-source options like SigNoz offer integrated observability without lock-in. OpenTelemetry adoption provides data export flexibility.

When evaluating alternatives, consider:

Factor Importance
Pricing clarity High
Integrations Critical
OpenTelemetry Growing
AI features Emerging

The market remains competitive. Better Stack offers a user-friendly option starting at $24/month, while New Relic provides 100GB free.

AI integration is set to play a crucial role in observability's future. AIOps platforms are emerging as powerful analysis tools.

To stay ahead:

  • Assess current tools and data sources
  • Look for full-fidelity, enterprise-wide visibility
  • Consider AIOps for critical applications


What's the difference between observability and monitoring?

Monitoring tracks predefined metrics. Observability analyzes inputs and outputs for flexible system health insights.

What is open source observability?

It uses open source tools to monitor system performance. Benefits include:

Aspect Advantage
Flexibility Customizable
Cost No vendor lock-in
Community Wide support
Integration Easier with open source

Open source lets companies test features to determine value before scaling.

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