Beyond Datadog: How to Enhance Your Observability Strategy

published on 27 August 2024

Datadog is popular, but it has limits. Here's how to level up your observability:

  • Mix open-source and paid tools for better coverage
  • Focus on metrics, logs, traces, and events
  • Use AI for smarter alerts and faster fixes
  • Build observability in from the start
  • Make it a team effort, not just IT's job
  • Keep updating as your system grows

Quick tool comparison:

Tool Key Features Pricing Best For
Datadog Cloud monitoring, APM, logs $15/mo+ All-in-one solution
SigNoz Full-stack APM, OpenTelemetry Free, $199+/mo Budget-conscious teams
New Relic Full-stack, AI insights 100GB free, $0.30/GB after User-friendly option
Dynatrace AI-driven, full-stack $69/mo for 8GB/host Large enterprises
Grafana Data viz, alerting Free, paid plans Custom dashboards

The best strategy combines tools, focuses on key data, and evolves with your needs.

1. Datadog's Limits


Datadog's popular, but it's not perfect. Let's look at what it can do and where it falls short.

1.1 What Datadog Can Do

Datadog offers:

  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Log management
  • Cloud security
  • Real-time business intel

It lets you watch your whole stack in real-time.

1.2 Common Datadog Problems

Users often face these issues:

  1. Complex pricing: Each product has its own pricing, leading to surprise costs.

  2. Expensive logs: Log costs add up fast:

    • Ingestion: $0.10/GB
    • 3-day retention: $1.06/GB
    • 30-day retention: $2.50/GB
  3. Scaling issues: Bigger companies face higher costs and complexity.

  4. Manual setup: Installing agents takes time and effort.

  5. Tricky UI: The interface has a learning curve.

1.3 Why Use Multiple Tools

Many teams are using multiple tools because:

  1. Cost control: Mix tools to optimize spending.

  2. More features: Fill Datadog's gaps with other tools.

  3. Flexibility: Adapt as your needs change.

  4. Avoid lock-in: Don't rely too much on one vendor.

"The log analytics process within Datadog is far more complex than it needs to be." - Dave Armlin, VP Customer Success, ChaosSearch

This complexity often pushes teams to find simpler log tools.

2. Key Parts of Observability

Observability is about understanding your system through data. Here are the main parts:

2.1 Detailed Metrics

Metrics are numbers that show system health. They:

  • Are quick and cheap to collect
  • Show trends over time
  • Can trigger alerts

Examples: CPU usage, memory use, error rates, response times.

2.2 Better Log Management

Logs are text records of system events. For good log management:

  • Only collect important logs
  • Use a tool to make searching easy
  • Structure your logs for better analysis

2.3 Tracing in Complex Systems

Traces show how requests move through your system. They help:

  • Find bottlenecks
  • Show service dependencies
  • Fix user complaints faster

2.4 Tracking Important Events

Events are system changes. They:

  • Provide context for other data
  • Help understand cause and effect
  • Can show user actions that led to issues

Quick comparison:

Type Purpose Best For Tools
Metrics Health checks Monitoring, Alerts Prometheus, InfluxDB
Logs Detailed records Debugging, Analysis Splunk, Papertrail
Traces Request flows Performance tuning Honeycomb, New Relic
Events State changes Correlation, Context Levitate, Datadog

"Observability emphasizes collecting and correlating diverse data sources to gain a holistic understanding of a system's behavior." - Honeycomb

3. Improving Your Observability Tools

To get more from your setup:

3.1 Mixing Open-Source and Paid Tools

Combine free and paid tools for the best results. Example:

  • Prometheus (free) for metrics
  • Grafana (free) for dashboards
  • Datadog (paid) for advanced analytics

This mix saves money while giving you powerful features.

3.2 Using AI for Better Analysis

AI can:

  • Spot unusual patterns fast
  • Predict issues before they happen
  • Cut down on false alarms

Datadog's App Builder lets you create custom AI tools. You could build an app that:

  • Checks CPU and memory use
  • Scales services automatically
  • Does it all within Datadog

This kind of AI automation saves tons of time.

3.3 Adding Custom Monitoring

Sometimes you need specific checks. Custom monitoring fills those gaps:

Type What It Does Example
WMI-based Monitors Windows Track custom Windows services
AMP-based Uses scripts Monitor a homegrown app
SNMP-based Checks network devices Track custom router metrics

N-able N-central lets you create and share these custom checks.

4. Best Ways to Use Observability

To get the most out of your strategy:

4.1 Setting Clear Goals

Define specific targets. This guides tool choice and process development.

Example goals:

Goal Metric Target
Cut downtime Mean Time to Resolution < 30 minutes
Boost performance Avg response time < 200 ms
Optimize resources CPU use < 70%

Clear goals help you measure success and make data-driven improvements.

4.2 Making Observability a Team Effort

Get everyone involved:

  • Form cross-functional teams
  • Create shared dashboards
  • Hold regular review meetings

"Everything fails, all the time." - Werner Vogels, Amazon CTO

This quote shows why observability is everyone's job, not just IT's.

4.3 Always Improving Observability

Keep refining your approach:

  • Audit your setup quarterly
  • Use incident insights to improve
  • Stay up-to-date with new tools and techniques

As your systems change, your observability should too.


5. Advanced Observability Methods

For complex systems, try these cutting-edge methods:

5.1 Testing System Strength

Chaos Engineering finds weak spots before they cause real problems:

  1. Set a performance baseline
  2. Predict how your system might fail
  3. Run controlled failure tests
  4. Learn and fix issues

Netflix's "Chaos Monkey" randomly shuts down servers to test resilience.

5.2 Building with Observability in Mind

Don't add observability later. Build it in from the start:

  • Use structured logging
  • Add context to metrics
  • Create clear traces

Dynatrace's real-time topology mapping helps teams understand system connections.

5.3 Predicting and Spotting Issues Early

AIOps tools use AI to predict problems:

Feature Benefit
Anomaly detection Spot unusual behavior fast
Pattern recognition Identify recurring issues
Predictive analysis Forecast potential problems

An AIOps tool might notice CPU spikes every Monday at 9 AM, letting you add resources before slowdowns.

"The ability to manage situations and service impact monitoring using AIOps, reducing event noise using AI/ML functionalities, and integrating their many event and log sources are gamechangers for Ericsson operations." - Vipul Gaur, Technical Product Manager, Ericsson Group IT

6. Solving Common Observability Problems

As you scale up, you'll face new challenges. Here's how to tackle them:

6.1 Handling Large Amounts of Data

To manage data overload:

  • Use tools like Cribl Stream to control data flow
  • Filter out useless data
  • Add relevant context to data
  • Automatically remove sensitive info

Cribl Stream can cut logging data by over 50%, saving resources without losing insights.

6.2 Reducing Alert Overload

To fight alert fatigue:

Strategy How to Do It
Classify alerts Set up a system for severity and service area
Create runbooks Include system maps, owners, and key steps
Adjust on-call schedules Review incident patterns to spread the workload

Opsgenie offers practical solutions like suppressing non-critical alerts and grouping similar alerts.

6.3 Keeping Data Safe and Compliant

To balance visibility and security:

  • Monitor data flows and access continuously
  • Use targeted controls for high-risk areas
  • Try AI tools for finding sensitive data

Secuvy uses machine learning to help with GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA compliance.

For long-term data storage:

  • Check industry rules (e.g., 1 year for PCI DSS, 7 years for SOX)
  • Use cloud platforms for cost-effective storage
  • Make sure data is easy to access for audits

Observe offers 13-month retention by default, meeting many compliance needs without extra cost.

7. What's Next for Observability

The field is changing fast. Here's what's coming:

7.1 AI in IT Operations

AI will transform observability:

  • Smarter alerts with fewer false alarms
  • Faster problem-solving by spotting patterns
  • Some issues fixed automatically

Real-world example:

"A global energy company used AI to cut false alerts by 40%, from 17,000 to 10,000. They also reduced their monitoring tools from 30 to just 5." - AIOps platform case study

7.2 Edge Computing and Observability

As edge computing grows, observability must adapt:

  • Real-time monitoring for edge devices
  • Handling huge amounts of data from many locations
  • Tracking complex networks with edge devices

7.3 Observability for Serverless and Containers

New tech brings new challenges:

Challenge Solution
Short-lived processes Use tools that track fleeting events
Complex dependencies Map connections between services
Scaling issues Monitor resource use across many containers

The future of observability is about AI, edge computing, and new tech like serverless. Stay on top of these trends to manage your IT better.

8. Wrap-up

A strong observability strategy goes beyond one tool. To stay ahead:

  1. Mix tools: Combine open-source and paid solutions.
  2. Focus on key areas: Watch metrics, logs, traces, and events.
  3. Use AI wisely: It's changing how we handle IT issues.
  4. Watch costs: Look for clear pricing.
  5. Plan ahead: Keep an eye on trends like edge computing.
  6. Make it a team effort: Get everyone involved.
  7. Keep improving: Regularly check your setup.

9. Tool Comparison Chart

Tool Key Features Pricing Strengths Weaknesses
Datadog Cloud monitoring, APM, logs $15/mo+, $0.05/custom metric Robust, customizable Complex setup, high custom metric costs
SigNoz Full-stack APM, OpenTelemetry Free, $199+/mo Integrated data, open-source Newer, smaller community
New Relic Full-stack, AI insights 100GB free, $0.30/GB User-friendly, good docs Can be costly at scale
Dynatrace AI-driven detection, full-stack $69/mo for 8GB/host Auto-discovery, root cause analysis Complex for small teams, expensive
Grafana Data viz, alerting Free, paid plans Customizable, wide integration Needs data source setup

Choose based on your needs, budget, and team skills. For open-source with integrated features, try SigNoz. For advanced AI insights with a bigger budget, consider Dynatrace.


How do I choose an observability tool?

Look for:

  • Proactive alerts
  • Smart anomaly detection
  • Cost-effective data management
  • Easy-to-use dashboards
  • Efficient data correlation
  • Automated service instrumentation
  • Comprehensive tracing


  • Integration with your tech stack
  • Scalability
  • Compliance needs
  • Vendor support quality

Evaluate data volume handling and retention. Some offer free tiers, others charge by data or hosts monitored.

What is open source observability?

It's using free, community-driven tools to monitor and analyze your system. Advantages:

  • Customizable
  • No vendor lock-in
  • Community support
  • Potential cost savings

But remember:

  • Running open-source at scale isn't free
  • You might need in-house experts

Popular open source tools:

Tool Focus
Prometheus Metrics and alerts
Grafana Data visualization
Jaeger Distributed tracing
ELK Stack Log management

Weigh flexibility against maintenance costs when considering open source.

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