Cost efficient alternatives to Datadog

published on 26 June 2024

Looking for cheaper options than Datadog? Here's a quick rundown of 6 alternatives:

  1. Prometheus - Free, open-source
  2. SigNoz - Free, open-source
  3. New Relic - Paid, easy to use
  4. Dynatrace - Paid, AI-powered
  5. Sumo Logic - Paid, cloud-based
  6. Amazon CloudWatch - Paid, for AWS users

Quick Comparison:

Tool Cost Best For Key Feature
Prometheus Free Customization Flexible querying
SigNoz Free Easy setup OpenTelemetry support
New Relic Paid Feature-rich All-in-one monitoring
Dynatrace Paid Full-stack AI-driven insights
Sumo Logic Paid Cloud apps Log management
CloudWatch Paid AWS users AWS integration

Choose based on your budget, system size, and specific needs. Free options offer more flexibility but require more setup. Paid tools are easier to use but can get expensive for large deployments.

1. Prometheus



Prometheus is free to use because it's open-source. This makes it cheaper than Datadog, which charges for many features. Small and medium-sized companies or new startups can save money by using Prometheus.


Prometheus offers these key features:

Feature Description
Data model Flexible querying with multi-dimensional data
Query language PromQL for analyzing time-series data
Alerts Rules to spot issues and send notices
Visualization Works with tools like Grafana
Container support Good for systems like Kubernetes

Prometheus is built to be reliable and handle growth, making it good for big and spread-out systems.


Prometheus can:

  • Handle lots of data
  • Grow sideways (add more machines)
  • Use multiple instances together
  • Give a full view of the system

This makes it work well for large companies with complex setups.


Prometheus fits well with other tools:

Tool Integration Benefit
Grafana Better data display
Kubernetes Good for container setups
Docker Easy to use with containers
Various exporters Can watch many different systems

In short, Prometheus is a free option instead of Datadog. It has many features, can grow with your needs, and works well with other tools. Many companies, big and small, like using it because it's free and flexible.

2. SigNoz


SigNoz is a free, open-source tool that helps track how well software is working. It's a good choice for companies looking for a cheaper option than Datadog.


SigNoz is free to use. There's also a paid version for big companies with special needs, which can be cheaper than Datadog.


SigNoz can do many things:

Feature Description
Ready-made charts Shows how fast and well your software is working
Easy problem-finding Helps you quickly see what's wrong
Custom views Lets you look at data in different ways
Log linking Connects error messages to help fix problems faster
OpenTelemetry support Works well with this popular tracking system


SigNoz can handle lots of data from big software systems. It's easy to set up and use, like a service you'd pay for online.


SigNoz works well with other tools:

Tool How it helps
OpenTelemetry Makes it easy to track your software
Jaeger Helps see how different parts of your software work together
Other systems Can be changed to work with what you already use

In short, SigNoz is a good, cheap option instead of Datadog. It can do a lot and works well for many different companies.

3. New Relic

New Relic

New Relic is a good option instead of Datadog. It helps you watch how well your software is working.


New Relic has a free plan that gives you:

  • One user who can use everything
  • 100GB of data

If you need more, you pay:

  • $0.30 for each GB over 100GB
  • Extra for more users


New Relic can do many things:

What it does How it helps
Watch apps Finds slow parts in your software
Check websites Sees how people use your site
Look at phone apps Makes sure phone apps work well
Test like a user Checks if your site works right
Watch small programs Helps small, quick programs run better
Check computers Makes sure your computers are working
Look at error messages Helps you find and fix problems
Fix issues fast Tells you when something's wrong


New Relic can handle a lot of information. It works in the cloud, so it can grow as you need it to.

Working with other tools

New Relic fits with many other tools you might use. This makes it easy to add to what you already have.

4. Dynatrace


Dynatrace is another option instead of Datadog. It uses AI to watch over your whole software system.


Dynatrace's price depends on how much memory your computers use. They assume 8 GB of memory for each computer, but this can change based on what you need. You can try Dynatrace for free for 15 days before you buy it.


Dynatrace can do many things:

Feature What it does
App watching Checks how well your software works
User watching Sees how people use your software
Computer watching Makes sure your computers are working right
Log checking Looks at error messages
User experience checking Makes sure people like using your software
AI help Uses smart computer thinking to find and fix problems
All-in-one system Keeps all your information in one place

Dynatrace looks at everything from how users feel to how your computers are working. It can find and fix problems on its own, which helps keep your software running well.


Dynatrace can handle big systems and grow as you need more. It works well for companies with lots of different computer parts.

Working with other tools

Dynatrace fits with many other tools you might use:

Type of tool Examples
Cloud systems Like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud
Container tools Like Docker or Kubernetes
Work tools Like the ones developers use

It can share information easily with these other tools, which helps teams work together better.

In short, Dynatrace is a good choice instead of Datadog. It can do a lot, grow with your needs, and work well with other tools you use.


5. Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is a cheaper option than Datadog. It helps watch over cloud-based software and find problems quickly.


Sumo Logic has:

  • A free plan with some features
  • A paid plan where you pay based on how much data you use
  • Prices that work for small and big companies


Sumo Logic can do many things:

Feature What it does
Log checking Looks at error messages from different places
Computer watching Checks how well servers and apps are working
App checking Sees how well apps work and if users like them
Safety checking Finds and fixes safety problems quickly
Works with other tools Fits with things like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud


Sumo Logic can:

  • Handle lots of information
  • Grow as your company gets bigger
  • Keep working even if something goes wrong

Working with other tools

Sumo Logic works well with:

  • Cloud systems
  • Tools that help run containers
  • Tools that developers use

This helps companies use what they already have and makes work easier.

6. Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is a tool from AWS that helps you keep an eye on your AWS resources and apps. It lets you gather and check data, logs, and events, and set up alerts when things go wrong.


CloudWatch has a free tier that gives you:

Free Tier Includes Amount
Metrics 10
Alarms 10
API requests 1 million per month

After that, you pay based on how much you use. The price can go up fast for big apps.


CloudWatch can do many things to help watch over AWS resources and apps:

Feature What it does
Metrics Collects data like CPU use and error rates
Logs Stores and checks log data
Alarms Tells you when something's wrong
Events Responds to changes in real-time


CloudWatch can handle your app as it gets bigger. It can deal with lots of data, logs, and events, and keeps your info safe and always available.

Working with other tools

CloudWatch fits well with other AWS tools like EC2, RDS, and Lambda. It also has ways to connect with your own apps and services.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Let's look at the good and bad points of each Datadog alternative:

Tool Good Points Bad Points
Prometheus - Free and open-source
- Lots of community help
- Works with many data types
- Can handle big systems
- Hard to learn
- Needs lots of setup
- Fewer ready-to-use features
SigNoz - Free and open-source
- Easy to set up
- Works with many data types
- Can handle big systems
- Less community help
- Fewer features than paid options
New Relic - Easy to use
- Works with many data types
- Can handle big systems
- Lots of community help
- Can be expensive for big setups
- Less flexible than free options
Dynatrace - Easy to use
- Works with many data types
- Can handle big systems
- Lots of community help
- Can be expensive for big setups
- Less flexible than free options
Sumo Logic - Easy to use
- Works with many data types
- Can handle big systems
- Lots of community help
- Can be expensive for big setups
- Less flexible than free options
Amazon CloudWatch - Works well with AWS
- Can handle big systems
- Good for small to medium setups
- Lots of community help
- Less flexible than free options
- Can be expensive for big setups
- Not great for non-AWS systems

When picking a cheaper option than Datadog, think about what you need most. If you want to change things a lot, try Prometheus or SigNoz. If you want something easy to use with lots of features, look at New Relic, Dynatrace, or Sumo Logic. If you use AWS a lot, Amazon CloudWatch might be best for you.


To wrap up, picking a cheaper option instead of Datadog depends on what you need. Here's a quick look at the main choices:

Tool Type Best for
Prometheus Free, open-source Companies that want to change things a lot
SigNoz Free, open-source Easy setup, good for big systems
New Relic Paid, easy to use Lots of features, good help
Dynatrace Paid, AI-powered Watching whole systems
Sumo Logic Paid, cloud-based Good for cloud software
Amazon CloudWatch Paid, AWS tool Best for AWS users

When choosing, think about:

  • How big your system is
  • How much you can change things
  • How much help you can get

Each tool has good and bad points. Look at what you need most and pick the one that fits best.


  • Free tools like Prometheus and SigNoz let you change more but need more work
  • Paid tools like New Relic and Dynatrace are easier to use but cost more
  • If you use AWS a lot, CloudWatch might work best for you

Pick the tool that works best for what you need and how much you can spend.


What is open source monitoring system?

Open-source monitoring systems are free tools that help you keep an eye on how your computer systems are working. They let you know when something goes wrong or needs fixing.

These tools can watch different parts of your system:

What they watch Examples
Servers How much work your computer is doing
Networks If your internet is working well
Cloud systems Programs that run on the internet
Containers Small packages of software
Databases Where you store information
Security Keeping your system safe
Performance How fast your system is working
Websites How people use your website
Apps Programs you use every day

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