Ditching Datadog AI? Here Are the Best Alternatives to Consider

published on 07 August 2024

Looking to switch from Datadog AI? Here's a quick rundown of the top alternatives:

  1. New Relic
  2. Dynatrace
  3. AppDynamics
  4. AIOps platforms

These tools offer various features for IT monitoring and observability. Here's how they compare:

Tool Key Features Pricing Best For
New Relic AI-powered insights, error pinpointing Variable, agent management not included Companies needing detailed error tracking
Dynatrace Full-stack monitoring, single agent $69/month for 8 GB per host Large enterprises with complex systems
AppDynamics Code-level diagnostics, business impact analysis Starts at $60/month per CPU core Organizations linking tech issues to business outcomes
AIOps Multi-source data analysis, anomaly detection Varies widely Companies with diverse IT ecosystems

When choosing an alternative, consider:

  • Scalability needs
  • Integration capabilities
  • AI/ML features
  • Budget constraints
  • Ease of use

Each option has its strengths and weaknesses, so pick the one that best fits your specific IT monitoring requirements.

1. Alternative 1: New Relic

New Relic

New Relic is a good option to replace Datadog AI. It offers many tools for watching and understanding how your computer systems are working.

AI and Machine Learning

New Relic uses AI to help you:

  • Ask questions and get quick answers
  • Find unusual patterns in your data
  • Predict problems before they happen

Working with Other Tools

New Relic is good at showing you information from different parts of your system:

  • You can see how different apps are connected
  • It works with Java and other types of software
  • It tells you exactly where errors are happening


When thinking about using New Relic, keep in mind:

  • It doesn't manage agents (small programs that collect data)
  • This might mean extra costs for some companies
Feature What it Does
AI Help Answers questions, finds odd patterns
Error Finding Shows where problems are happening
Connects Apps Lets you see how different programs work together
Works With Java and other types of software
Cost Note Might cost more because it doesn't manage agents

New Relic is a strong choice if you want to stop using Datadog AI. It has good AI features and works well with many types of software. But make sure to check if it fits your budget and what your company needs.

2. Alternative 2: [Name]


This tool can handle lots of data from different sources. It works well for big and small IT setups without slowing down.


The software works well with other monitoring tools. This helps teams see everything in one place and work together better.

Integration Benefits
Shows all data in one view
Helps teams work together
Connects different tools

Machine Learning

The tool uses smart computer programs to:

  • Spot problems before they happen
  • Find odd patterns in data
  • Link related events
  • Cut down on false alarms
Machine Learning Features What It Does
Problem prediction Spots issues early
Pattern finding Sees unusual data
Event linking Connects related alerts
Alert reduction Cuts down on false alarms


While we don't have exact prices, this tool can save money by:

  • Fixing problems faster
  • Making systems more reliable

But, make sure to check if the price fits your budget and needs.

Cost Considerations
May reduce fix times
Could improve system reliability
Check if it fits your budget

3. Alternative 3: [Name]


This tool can handle lots of data from many sources as your company grows. It works well for both small and large IT setups without slowing down. You can add more resources when you need them.


This software connects easily with many other tools and data sources. This helps teams see all their information in one place.

Integration Benefits
Shows all data in one view
Works well with tools you already use
Helps teams work together better
Less switching between different tools

Machine Learning

The tool uses smart computer programs to help you:

What It Does How It Helps
Find odd patterns Spots problems before they affect users
See trends Understands how your system usually works
Find problem causes Helps fix issues faster
Use resources better Suggests ways to improve based on how you use the system


We don't have exact prices, but this tool offers different plans to fit various company sizes and needs. Here's what to know:

Pricing Info Details
Plan Types Based on how much data you use and how long you keep it
Payment Options You can pay monthly or yearly
Big Company Plans Special pricing for very large setups

When thinking about cost, look at how the tool might help you save money by fixing problems faster and making your system work better.


4. Alternative 4: New Relic


New Relic works well for both small and big IT setups. It can:

  • Track info across different apps in one place
  • Grow with your company
  • Handle more data as you need it


New Relic connects easily with many tools. It works with:

  • Java
  • Other software types
  • Various data sources
Benefits of New Relic Integration
See all data in one view
Works with tools you already use
Helps teams work better together
Less switching between tools

Machine Learning

New Relic uses smart computer programs to help you:

Feature What It Does
AI chat Ask questions about your data
NRQL console Look at data in detail
Error finder Shows exactly where problems are
App alerts Warns you about possible issues

These features help teams fix problems faster and keep systems running smoothly.


New Relic's pricing is not fixed. Here's what to know:

Cost Factor Details
Agent management Not included, might cost extra
Custom options May change the price
Size of use Bigger setups might cost more

When thinking about New Relic instead of Datadog AI, look at these costs along with what the tool can do for you.

5. Alternative 5: AppDynamics



AppDynamics works well for small and big companies. It can:

  • Find how apps connect to each other
  • Work with many coding languages like Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and C/C++
  • Help fix slow apps and errors

As your company grows, AppDynamics can handle more data and complex systems.


AppDynamics connects well with other tools:

Feature How it Helps
Works with many coding languages Watches different types of apps
Looks at code closely Finds exactly where problems are
Links tech issues to business results Shows how tech problems affect your company

These features help you see and manage all your apps in one place.

Machine Learning

AppDynamics uses smart computer programs to:

  • Connect business numbers with how apps are working
  • Warn about problems that affect your business
  • Guess future issues before they cause trouble

These smart features help teams fix problems quickly and stop new ones from happening.


Here's what to know about AppDynamics costs:

Cost Info Details
Lowest price $60 each month for one CPU core
How to pay Monthly or yearly plans
Changes Price may be different based on what you need

When thinking about using AppDynamics instead of Datadog AI, look at these prices and see if they fit what your company needs and can afford.

Good and Bad Points

When looking at other options instead of Datadog AI, it's important to think about what's good and not so good about each one. Let's look at the main choices we talked about:

Option Good Points Not So Good Points
Dynatrace - Watches all parts of your system
- Uses one small program for all checking
- Finds the main cause of problems
- Checks users, servers, network, cloud, and containers
- Costs more ($69/month for 8 GB per host)
- Might be hard for small companies to use
AIOps - Looks at info from many places
- Finds odd things in your data
- Links related events
- Works with tools you already have
- Looks at all of IT work
- Teams might need time to learn how to use it
- Might take a lot of work to set up
AppDynamics - Works for small and big companies
- Works with many coding languages
- Looks deep into code to find problems
- Shows how tech issues affect business
- Uses smart computer programs
- Starts at $60/month for each CPU core
- Price might change based on what you need

When picking one of these options, think about:

  1. How big it can get: Dynatrace and AppDynamics can grow with your company. AIOps can too, but it might need more setup at first.

  2. How it works with other tools: All three work well with other programs. Dynatrace uses one small program for everything, and AppDynamics works with many coding languages. AIOps is good at bringing info from different places.

  3. Smart features: Dynatrace finds the main cause of problems. AIOps spots odd things and links events. AppDynamics uses smart programs to guess future issues.

  4. Cost: Think about your money carefully. Dynatrace and AppDynamics have set prices. AIOps prices can change a lot based on what you pick and how you use it.

  5. How easy it is to use: Dynatrace might be easier to start using. AppDynamics has screens that are easy to understand. AIOps might need more know-how to use well.


When looking at other options instead of Datadog AI, think about what your company needs and can afford. Here's a quick look at the main choices we talked about:

Tool Good Things Not So Good Things
Dynatrace - Checks all parts of your system
- Uses one small program for everything
- Finds the main cause of problems
- Works for users, servers, network, cloud, and containers
- Costs more ($69/month for 8 GB per host)
- Might be hard for small companies
AIOps - Looks at info from many places
- Finds odd things in your data
- Links related events
- Works with tools you already have
- Teams might need time to learn it
- Might take a lot of work to set up
AppDynamics - Works for small and big companies
- Works with many coding languages
- Looks deep into code to find problems
- Shows how tech issues affect business
- Starts at $60/month for each CPU core
- Price might change based on what you need

When picking a tool:

  1. Think about how big your company is and how much it might grow
  2. Check if it works with the tools you already use
  3. Look at what smart features it has
  4. See if you can afford it
  5. Make sure it's not too hard to use

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