Identity Governance & Administration (IGA): 2024 Guide

published on 06 October 2024

IGA is the backbone of managing digital identities and access rights across an organization. Here's what you need to know:

  • IGA automates user account management, access requests, and compliance checks
  • AI and cloud integration are reshaping IGA in 2024
  • Effective IGA cuts costs, boosts security, and improves compliance

Key features of modern IGA systems:

  1. Identity lifecycle management
  2. Self-service access requests
  3. Role-based access control
  4. Automated compliance checks
  5. Cloud and AI integration

To implement IGA:

  1. Assess your needs
  2. Choose the right system
  3. Train your team
  4. Start with a pilot group
  5. Continuously monitor and improve
Benefit Impact
Security Reduces unauthorized access
Compliance Automates regulatory adherence
Efficiency Streamlines access management
Cost Savings Cuts IT workload
User Experience Speeds up access provisioning

IGA is crucial for modern cybersecurity, especially as organizations adopt cloud services and remote work becomes common. It balances security, compliance, and user needs in our evolving digital landscape.

What is IGA?

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is the secret sauce of modern cybersecurity. It's a mix of policies and tech that helps companies manage digital identities and access rights across their systems.

Think of IGA as the bouncer at the club of your company's data. It decides who gets in, what they can do, and when they need to leave.

IGA's Main Ingredients

IGA systems typically include:

  • Identity lifecycle management
  • Access request and approval workflows
  • Role-based access control
  • User provisioning and deprovisioning
  • Access certifications and reviews
  • Policy enforcement and compliance monitoring
  • Reporting and analytics

These parts work together like a well-oiled machine, keeping your digital identities in check.

IGA vs. Old School Systems

IGA isn't just a fancy upgrade. It's a game-changer. Here's how:

  • It automates manual processes
  • Gives you a bird's-eye view of access rights
  • Keeps you on the right side of regulations
  • Cuts down on security risks

Remember the days when IT had to manually set up and remove user accounts? IGA says "bye-bye" to that, saving time and reducing human error.

Why Bother with IGA?

Companies jump on the IGA train for several reasons:

1. It's a security superhero: IGA keeps the bad guys out and your data safe.

2. It's a compliance champion: Need to meet HIPAA, SOX, or GDPR? IGA's got your back.

3. It's an efficiency expert: IGA streamlines access management, giving your IT team a break.

4. It's a money-saver: Automation = less work = lower costs.

5. It's a user-pleaser: Employees get what they need, faster.

Benefit What It Means
Security Locks down access, keeps data safe
Compliance Helps you play by the rules
Efficiency Makes access management a breeze
Cost Savings Cuts down on IT work and costs
User Experience Gets people what they need, pronto

IGA's not just a trend - it's a rocket ship. Back in 2012, Gartner said it was the fastest-growing part of identity management, with growth rates over 35-40% per year.

In today's digital jungle, IGA is more crucial than ever. With everyone and their dog moving to the cloud and working remotely, managing identities and access is like herding cats. IGA gives you the tools to wrangle those cats, balancing security, compliance, and user needs in our ever-changing tech world.

IGA in 2024

Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is changing fast in 2024. Here's what's new:

AI Shakes Up IGA

AI is making IGA smarter:

  • Zilla Security's new AI tool cuts manual work by 80% and speeds up setup 5x.
  • It's fixing old role management problems too.

Deepak Taneja, Zilla Security's CEO, says:

"AI is making IGA easier, faster, and cheaper."

Veza's new IGA focuses on permissions and automation, aiming to cut risks and costs.

Keeping Up with Data Laws

IGA helps companies follow tough data rules:

  • GDPR fines can be huge - up to 4% of yearly global revenue.
  • NIST might add "govern" to its Cybersecurity Framework, making IGA more important.

Companies use IGA to:

1. Automate audits: Track who can access what.

2. Manage user access: Control rights as people join, move, or leave.

3. Create reports: 91% of companies with modern IGA say this is easy now.

Tom Baltis from Delta Dental Insurance points out a problem with old IGA:

"Old IGA tools automate without understanding what permissions are really needed."

That's why new IGA focuses on managing actual permissions, not just accounts.

In 2024, IGA keeps evolving to help companies stay secure and follow rules in our fast-moving digital world.

What good IGA systems can do

Modern IGA systems pack a punch when it comes to managing identities and access. Here's what they bring to the table:

Managing user accounts

IGA systems handle the whole user identity lifecycle:

  • Create accounts and grant access for new hires
  • Update permissions when roles change
  • Revoke access when people leave

Take Saviynt's cloud-native IGA solution. It manages identities across on-prem, cloud, and hybrid setups. New hires get the right access on day one, and leavers lose it ASAP.

Asking for access

IGA tools make access requests a breeze:

  • Self-service portals
  • Automated approval workflows
  • AI-powered risk-based approvals

Saviynt offers a slick web interface, mobile app, and ServiceNow integration. Their smart review system uses risk insights to speed up approvals without compromising security.

Using roles for access

Role-based access control (RBAC) simplifies things:

  • Group similar users into roles
  • Assign permissions to roles, not individuals
  • Update access for many users at once

It's cheaper and more consistent. As Saviynt says:

"Simplify identity workflows with an intuitive and automated solution."

Checking access and following rules

IGA systems keep you in check:

  • Automated access certifications
  • Continuous policy violation monitoring
  • Detailed audit trails and compliance reports

Saviynt's platform uses AI to spot risks and close access gaps. It also offers smart certification campaigns based on user and app data.

Feature Benefit
Identity lifecycle management Right access throughout a user's tenure
Self-service access requests Less IT work, happier users
Role-based access control Simpler management, better consistency
Automated compliance checks Meet regulations (SOX, HIPAA, GDPR)

How to set up IGA

Setting up Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is crucial for managing user access and security. Here's a straightforward guide:

Figure out what you need

Start by assessing your current setup:

  • Review existing identity management processes
  • Identify gaps in access handling
  • Consult IT and business teams about their needs

Create a list of must-have IGA features. This will guide your tool selection.

Pick the right IGA system

Consider these factors when choosing:

  • Compatibility with your current tech
  • Ability to scale
  • Ease of use for admins and employees
Feature Importance
Integration Connects with existing apps
Scalability Grows with your company
User-friendly Boosts adoption
Automation Saves time
Compliance reporting Meets regulations

SailPoint offers strong integration, while Saviynt provides a cloud-native, scalable solution.

Help people adjust

Getting everyone on board is key:

1. Train your team

Offer hands-on sessions showing how the new system helps.

2. Start small

Use a pilot group to fix issues before full rollout.

3. Get feedback

Ask users for input and make improvements.

4. Provide support

Set up a help desk or knowledge base.

Be patient. Change takes time.

"Implementing IGA alone can't guarantee security and compliance; proper practices are essential for effective IGA."

This expert advice highlights the importance of correct system use, not just installation.

IGA for cloud systems

Cloud adoption brings new challenges for Identity Governance and Administration (IGA). Here's what you need to know:

Cloud IGA hurdles

Cloud setups complicate identity management:

  • Multiple accounts per user across services
  • Limited visibility into access rights
  • Tougher compliance with data protection laws

Tackling hybrid IT

Most companies use both on-site and cloud systems. Here's how to manage this mix:

1. Unify identity providers

Link on-site and cloud identities to simplify logins.

2. Implement cloud access governance (CAG)

CAG helps you:

  • Track cloud access
  • Manage access rights
  • Monitor user activity

3. Choose adaptable IGA tools

Pick solutions that work with on-site and cloud systems. Look for:

Feature Purpose
Cloud integration Connects to services like Office 365
Scalability Grows with your cloud usage
Automated workflows Speeds up access requests
Compliance reporting Meets regulations across systems

4. Start small, scale up

Begin with a few cloud services, then expand. This approach helps you solve problems early.

"Cloud identity governance is crucial as more services move to the cloud. Admins need to manage rights across multiple cloud environments."

5. Stay vigilant

Cloud services evolve quickly. Keep your IGA setup current:

  • Review access rights often
  • Update policies as needed
  • Train staff on new features

Using AI in IGA

AI is changing IGA. Here's how:

AI for analyzing identity data

AI quickly processes tons of identity data. This helps IGA systems:

  • Auto-approve or deny access requests
  • Spot weird account usage patterns
  • Identify users needing access changes

Clear Skye IGA, for example, uses AI to check access requests against known security issues. If a user's computer has a problem, they can't get new access rights.

AI also makes complex identity data easier for non-tech staff to understand. They can ask simple questions and get clear answers.

AI for spotting risks

AI excels at finding account usage risks by:

  • Learning normal behavior
  • Flagging unusual actions
  • Predicting potential security issues

CrowdStrike's Falcon® Identity Threat Protection shows this in action. It uses AI to:

1. Set up a normal user behavior baseline

2. Spot odd actions in real-time

3. Alert security teams about possible threats

This matters because 75% of initial access attacks use valid login details, not malware.

AI also helps with:

Task AI's Role
User onboarding Automates account setup
Role management Suggests roles based on job duties
Access reviews Flags risky or unused access
Compliance Reports on access distribution

IGA for high-level access

IGA systems are crucial for managing powerful user accounts. They team up with Privileged Access Management (PAM) to boost security for admin-level accounts.

Here's what this combo does:

  • Creates a single source of truth for all identities
  • Automates access requests and approvals
  • Tracks and audits high-level account usage

A large financial firm put this into action. They used an automated system to manage new employee accounts and update access rights when staff changed roles or left.

Just-in-Time access: A smarter approach

Just-in-Time (JIT) access gives users admin rights only when needed, for a set time. It's a game-changer for handling powerful accounts.

Why JIT works:

  • Follows the "least privilege" rule
  • Cuts down time for potential credential misuse
  • Makes spotting odd account usage easier
JIT Access Always-on Access
Temporary Permanent
Task-based Role-based
Lower risk Higher risk

Only 10% of companies use JIT now. But Gartner predicts 40% of privileged access will use JIT by 2022.

Want to start using JIT? Here's how:

  1. Identify your riskiest accounts
  2. Set up time limits for access
  3. Create approval steps for different access levels
  4. Let users request access themselves
  5. Keep detailed logs of all privileged actions

Checking if IGA is working well

Want to know if your Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) system is up to snuff? You need to track some key metrics. These numbers tell the story of your system's performance.

What to measure

Here's what you should keep an eye on:

  1. Authentication success rate: How often can users log in without hiccups? Higher is better.

  2. Authorization failure rate: How many times do users try to access off-limits areas? Lower is better.

  3. Identity lifecycle management efficiency: How quick and smooth is your process for adding, changing, or removing user accounts?

  4. IAM audit compliance rate: Are you following the rules and best practices?

  5. IAM user satisfaction score: Do people find your system easy to use?

  6. IAM security incident rate: How often do security issues pop up because of your IAM system?

Metric What it means Good score
Authentication success rate Successful logins High (98%+)
Authorization failure rate Denied access attempts Low (<5%)
Identity lifecycle management efficiency Speed of account changes High
IAM audit compliance rate Following security rules High
IAM user satisfaction score User-friendliness High
IAM security incident rate IAM-related security issues Low

Keep checking and improving

To keep your IGA system in top shape:

  1. Check your metrics regularly - weekly or monthly.
  2. Use automation to speed up account management and cut errors.
  3. Ask users for feedback to make the system more user-friendly.
  4. Do regular audits to stay on top of security and compliance.
  5. Look for patterns in problems and make changes accordingly.
  6. Stay up to date with new IGA best practices and tech.

A solid IGA system can save you money and boost security. For instance, each password reset can cost between $10 and $70. Improve your system, and you'll cut costs and make life easier for everyone.

"Key metrics can not only give an organization a good idea how its IAM solution is performing, but help it plan for the future by allowing it to continually evaluate its systems." - Tim Wade, Technical Director of the CTO team at Vectra Networks

What's next for IGA

IGA's future is all about tech upgrades and zero trust security. Let's dive in.

New tech coming soon

IGA is getting a major tech boost:

1. AI and Machine Learning Integration

AI and ML are shaking things up in IGA. They're automating reviews, assessing risks in real-time, and making complex data easier to handle. BalkanID, for instance, is baking AI right into their products.

2. Enhanced Automation

Automation is the name of the game. Future IGA systems will automate provisioning, streamline identity management, and cut down on manual work and mistakes.

3. Advanced Analytics

Next-gen IGA will offer deeper insights:

  • Behavioral analytics to set user baselines
  • Spotting weird user behavior
  • Predicting potential security risks

IGA and 'zero trust' security

Zero trust is big in cybersecurity. It's all about "never trust, always verify." IGA plays a key role here:

1. Strict Identity Verification

Zero trust needs tough identity checks. IGA systems will need to work with IAM systems, verify in real-time, and manage access rights on the fly.

2. Continuous Monitoring

Zero trust never sleeps. Future IGA will monitor user activities 24/7, spot suspicious behavior ASAP, and adjust access rights based on risk.

3. Integration with Other Security Tools

For zero trust to work, IGA needs to play nice with network security, endpoint protection, and cloud access security brokers.

The IGA market is set to hit $5.75 billion in the next two years. That's big growth.

To get ready, organizations should:

  • Check their current IGA setup
  • Find the gaps
  • Pick features to modernize their approach
  • Think about using a scalable SaaS model for identity security analytics and automation


IGA remains crucial for security and compliance in 2024. The field is evolving rapidly, with new technologies and threats emerging.

Key points:

  • AI is transforming IGA. Companies like BalkanID use AI to enhance efficiency. Over 50% of surveyed companies plan to adopt AI for identity management.

  • Zero trust is becoming standard. IGA is vital for this approach, which involves constant verification.

  • Cloud and hybrid environments need IGA coverage.

  • Automation is reducing manual tasks, allowing IT teams to focus on critical work.

  • Compliance is more important than ever due to stricter data protection laws.

To stay competitive:

1. Assess your current IGA setup for gaps

2. Choose features that match your needs

3. Consider cloud-based IGA tools for scalability

4. Stay informed about new IGA technologies and practices

IGA isn't a one-time setup. It requires ongoing attention to address new threats and business changes.

As IDM Magazine notes:

"In today's hyper-connected world, having a strong, well-managed IGA program is essential."


What does IGA mean in security?

IGA stands for Identity Governance and Administration. It's a crucial part of IT security that manages digital identities.

IGA makes sure the right people can access the right stuff at the right time. It's about overseeing access and managing accounts.

Why is it important? Well, 60% of security incidents come from insider threats. That's where IGA comes in handy.

IGA tools automate these processes:

Process What it does
Onboarding Sets up new user accounts
Provisioning Grants access rights
Access Review Checks who can access what
Offboarding Removes access for departing users

With IGA, companies can control data access, cut down on unauthorized access, meet compliance rules, and manage user accounts more efficiently.

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