No-code anomaly detection for Grafana

published on 15 June 2024

Anomaly detection is the ability to identify rare or unusual data points that don't match normal patterns in a dataset. No-code anomaly detection platforms allow users to detect anomalies without extensive programming or machine learning expertise, saving time and reducing complexity.

This article explores no-code anomaly detection in Grafana, its benefits, and how to set it up, covering:

Key Takeaways

  • Grafana offers two algorithms for anomaly detection: DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) and MAD (Median Absolute Deviation).
  • Choose the right algorithm based on your data characteristics and the type of anomalies you want to detect.
  • Adjust algorithm parameters to control sensitivity and accuracy.
  • Visualize anomalies using annotations, overlays, and customized visuals.
  • Set up alerts and notifications to respond quickly to anomalies.
Algorithm Best For Limitations
DBSCAN Series that move closely together May struggle with wide bands of normality
MAD Series with a stable trend or band of normality May miss anomalies within the normal band

Getting Started

To set up anomaly detection in Grafana without coding, you'll need:

Software Recommended Version
Grafana 9.2.2
Prometheus 2.34.0
  1. Install Grafana and Prometheus.
  2. Connect Prometheus as a data source in Grafana.
  3. Enable the Machine Learning plugin and configure anomaly detection.

With the environment set up, you can start exploring anomaly detection in Grafana.


Software Needed

To set up anomaly detection in Grafana without coding, you'll need:

  • Grafana: An open-source platform for data visualization and monitoring.
  • Prometheus: A monitoring system and time-series database that collects metrics from your applications and systems.
  • Prometheus Metrics: Data collected by Prometheus from your systems, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage.

For the best performance, we suggest using the latest versions:

Software Version
Grafana 9.2.2
Prometheus 2.34.0

Ensure these versions are compatible with your system requirements.

Additional Setup

You may need to configure additional components:

  • Machine Learning Plugin: Install this Grafana plugin to enable anomaly detection features.
  • Prometheus Metrics Configuration: Set up Prometheus to collect data from your systems.
  • Alerting and Notifications: Configure systems to notify you of detected anomalies.

Check the documentation for each tool and plugin to ensure proper setup and configurations.

Setting up the environment

Install Grafana and Prometheus


  1. Download and install the latest versions of Grafana and Prometheus for your system from their official websites.
  2. For Grafana, choose the installation method that suits your needs (Docker, Kubernetes, or binaries).
  3. For Prometheus, download the binary or use a package manager like apt or yum.

Connect data sources

  1. In Grafana, click "Add data source" and select Prometheus.
  2. Enter the URL, username, and password for your Prometheus instance.
  3. Configure additional settings like scrape interval and timeout if needed.

Here's an example Prometheus data source configuration in Grafana:

Field Value
Name Prometheus
Type Prometheus
URL http://localhost:9090
Access proxy
Basic Auth Enabled

Replace the URL with your Prometheus instance URL.

Initial anomaly detection setup

  1. In Grafana, go to the "Machine Learning" plugin and enable anomaly detection.
  2. Configure the anomaly detection algorithm.
  3. Set up detectors for your Prometheus metrics.

With the environment set up, you can start exploring anomaly detection in Grafana.


Anomaly detection algorithms

Available algorithms

Grafana offers two algorithms for detecting anomalies:

  1. DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)
  2. MAD (Median Absolute Deviation)

How they work

Algorithm How it Works
DBSCAN Identifies clusters of closely packed data points. Points far from these clusters are marked as outliers. Suitable for datasets with varying densities.
MAD Calculates the median of absolute deviations from the median. Points beyond a certain number of deviations from the median are marked as outliers. Suitable for datasets with a stable trend.

Choosing an algorithm

When choosing an algorithm, consider the characteristics of your data and the type of anomalies you want to detect.

Algorithm Best For Limitations
DBSCAN Series that move closely together May struggle with wide bands of normality
MAD Series that reside in a stable band, fast and efficient May miss anomalies within the band of normality

Configuring anomaly detection

Choosing an algorithm

Selecting the right algorithm is key when setting up anomaly detection in Grafana. The two available options are DBSCAN and MAD:

Algorithm Suitable For Potential Limitation
DBSCAN Data points that cluster closely together May miss anomalies in wide bands of normal data
MAD Data with a stable trend or band of normality Could overlook anomalies within the normal band

Consider the nature of your data and the types of anomalies you want to detect when making your choice.

Adjusting parameters

After choosing an algorithm, you'll need to fine-tune its parameters to control the sensitivity and accuracy of anomaly detection:

  • DBSCAN: Adjust the epsilon value to set the maximum distance between points in a cluster.
  • MAD: Adjust the number of deviations from the median to mark a point as an outlier.

In Grafana, you can use the sensitivity slider to visually adjust the band of normality (blue) and outliers (yellow):

(namespace, pod, container) (rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="machine-learning"}[5m]))

Move the slider to make the band thicker or thinner, determining how extreme a data point must be to qualify as an anomaly.

Setting up detectors

To set up anomaly detectors in Grafana:

  1. Go to the Detectors page.
  2. Click New Detector.
  3. Choose the algorithm and adjust its parameters.
  4. Select the data sources and metrics to monitor.
  5. Configure alerting and notification settings.

You can create multiple detectors with different configurations to catch various types of anomalies.

Visualizing Anomalies

Visualizing anomalies is crucial for identifying and understanding patterns in your data. Grafana offers several options to display anomalies on your dashboards.

Visualization Options

One popular option is using annotations, which are visual markers that highlight specific points or ranges in your data. You can configure annotations to show anomalies like outliers or unusual patterns, and customize their appearance.

Another option is overlays, which allow you to layer multiple data sources or calculations on top of each other. Overlays can help visualize complex relationships between different metrics or data sources, making it easier to spot anomalies.

Customizing Visuals

To make anomalies easily identifiable, you can customize the visual representation of your data:

Customization Description
Use color effectively Choose contrasting colors to highlight anomalies (e.g., red or orange) and normal data (e.g., green or blue).
Adjust transparency Adjust transparency to ensure anomalies stand out without overwhelming the surrounding data.
Add context Provide context with labels, tooltips, or descriptions explaining the anomalies and their significance.

Alerts and Notifications

Alerts and notifications help you respond quickly to unusual data patterns or outliers. This section covers how to set up alerts in Grafana, choose appropriate thresholds, and use different notification channels.

Setting Up Alerts

  1. In Grafana, go to the Alerting tab and click New Alert Rule.
  2. Name your alert and provide a description.
  3. Select the metric or query to monitor.
  4. Choose an alert type (threshold, relative, spike, deviation, or outlier).

Choosing Thresholds

Picking the right alert threshold is important:

  • Too low: May cause false positives
  • Too high: May miss anomalies

Consider these factors when setting thresholds:

Factor Description
Data Distribution Understand the normal data range to capture unusual patterns.
Business Needs Align thresholds with objectives like minimizing downtime or detecting fraud.
Historical Data Analyze past data to identify trends and set appropriate thresholds.

Notification Channels

Grafana supports various notification channels:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • PagerDuty
  • And more

Choose a channel that fits your team's workflow. For example, if your team uses Slack, set up Grafana to send alerts there.

Best Practices and Troubleshooting

Effective Strategies

To ensure accurate and efficient anomaly detection, follow these simple tips:

  • Enable anomaly detection explicitly: In the AWS console, enable anomaly detection for specific time series before using the ANOMALY_DETECTION_BAND() function.
  • Choose the right algorithm: Pick an algorithm that suits your data and use case. For example, use a seasonal algorithm for seasonal data.
  • Adjust parameters: Fine-tune algorithm parameters to optimize detection accuracy.
  • Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor your setup and adjust as needed to maintain effectiveness.

Common Issues

Some common issues you may encounter when setting up anomaly detection in Grafana include:

Issue Description
No data returned Ensure anomaly detection is enabled in the AWS console and the correct time series is selected.
Incorrect algorithm Using an unsuitable algorithm for your data can lead to inaccurate results.
Threshold setting Setting thresholds too high or too low can result in false positives or missed anomalies.

Troubleshooting Tips

To troubleshoot common issues, try the following:

1. Check the data source

Verify that the data source is correctly configured and that data is being received.

2. Review algorithm settings

Check that the algorithm is correctly configured and that parameters are optimized for your data.

3. Adjust thresholds

Adjust thresholds to optimize detection accuracy.

4. Consult the documentation

Refer to the Grafana and AWS documentation for troubleshooting guides and best practices.


Key Takeaways

In this guide, we explored no-code anomaly detection in Grafana, discussing its benefits and importance in identifying unusual data patterns. We covered the requirements, setup, configuration, and best practices for effective anomaly detection.

Advantages of No-Code

No-code anomaly detection tools like Grafana offer several advantages:

  • Easy to Use: Users without extensive programming knowledge can set up and configure anomaly detection.
  • Time-Saving: No-code solutions reduce development time and effort.
  • Increased Accuracy: These tools can enhance the accuracy of anomaly detection.

Next Steps

Now that you understand no-code anomaly detection in Grafana, we encourage you to try it out and customize it for your use cases. Here are some suggestions:

  • Experiment with different algorithms and adjust parameters.
  • Explore various visualization options to optimize your setup.
  • Continuously monitor and adjust your setup for accurate and effective anomaly detection.
Visualization Options Description
Annotations Visual markers highlighting specific data points or ranges.
Overlays Layer multiple data sources or calculations for easier anomaly detection.
Customization Description
Color Use contrasting colors to highlight anomalies and normal data.
Transparency Adjust transparency to make anomalies stand out.
Context Add labels, tooltips, or descriptions explaining anomalies.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the Data Source

Verify that the data source is correctly configured and receiving data.

  1. Review Algorithm Settings

Ensure the algorithm is correctly configured and parameters are optimized for your data.

  1. Adjust Thresholds

Adjust thresholds to optimize detection accuracy.

  1. Consult Documentation

Refer to Grafana and AWS documentation for troubleshooting guides and best practices.

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