Observability alternatives for Azure

published on 08 July 2024

Looking for better ways to monitor your Azure apps? Here's a quick rundown of 8 top observability tools to consider:

Tool Key Features Azure Integration Pricing
Dynatrace AI-powered, auto-discovery Full Azure support $0.08/hour per 8 GiB host
New Relic All-in-one observability Azure Marketplace $25/month per user
AppDynamics Business insights, UX monitoring Easy Azure setup Custom quotes
Datadog 400+ integrations 40+ Azure services Usage-based
ManageEngine App & infrastructure monitoring Azure AD login Tiered plans
IBM Instana Real-time observability Auto-discovers Azure resources Custom quotes
Amazon CloudWatch Cross-cloud monitoring Azure Monitor integration Pay-per-use
Elastic Observability Full-stack monitoring Azure VM & container support Usage-based

These tools offer varying capabilities in AI-assisted troubleshooting, Azure integration, and pricing models. Consider your specific needs and budget when choosing the best fit for your Azure environment.

1. Dynatrace


Dynatrace is a tool that helps you understand how your Azure apps are working. It's easy to set up and use, and it can spot problems quickly.

Key Features

Dynatrace offers:

  • Quick setup
  • Automatic finding of all parts of your system
  • AI help to find and fix problems
  • Watching over apps, small services, and the machines they run on
  • Checking how apps perform and work together

How it Works with Azure


Dynatrace fits well with Azure:

  • It watches Azure and uses AI to find issues
  • It can check on Azure Virtual Machines, App Service, and Kubernetes Service

AI and Machine Learning

Dynatrace uses AI to:

  • Give answers based on what it sees
  • Work with other tools you use to build and run your apps


Dynatrace charges by the hour. It costs $0.08 per hour for each 8 GiB host. This price includes watching over all parts of your system.

Feature Description
Setup One-click, easy to use
Monitoring Full system coverage
AI Automatic problem detection
Azure Integration Works with key Azure services
Pricing $0.08 per hour per 8 GiB host

2. New Relic

New Relic

New Relic is a tool that helps you watch over your apps and find problems quickly. It works well with Azure and gives you a full view of how your apps are doing.

Key Features

New Relic offers:

  • App performance tracking
  • AI-powered alerts
  • Full Azure watching
  • One place for all data
  • Tools to see and fix issues

How it Works with Azure

New Relic fits well with Azure:

  • You can set it up right in Azure
  • It's easy to buy and use
  • It can watch Azure activities and logs
  • It can track Azure numbers automatically


New Relic costs $25 per month for each user. You might pay less if you sign up for a year.

Feature What it Does
Setup Easy to add to Azure
Watching Keeps an eye on how apps work
AI Uses AI to warn about problems
Azure Fit Works well with Azure
Cost $25 per month for each user

Remember: Prices might change, so check the New Relic website for the latest info.

3. AppDynamics


AppDynamics is a tool that helps you watch and improve your apps and systems. It shows you how your apps are working, how users are using them, and how this affects your business.

Key Features

AppDynamics offers:

Feature What it Does
App Performance Monitoring Shows how your apps are working in real-time
System Watching Keeps an eye on your servers, containers, and cloud services
User Experience Checking Helps you make your apps better for users
Business Insights Uses AI to answer questions about your business quickly

How it Works with Azure

AppDynamics fits well with Azure:

  • You can set it up easily in Azure
  • It can send logs and numbers to Azure
  • You can use your Azure login to access AppDynamics


AppDynamics' price changes based on what you need. You'll need to ask them for a price that fits your needs.

Feature What it Does
App Watching Shows how your apps are working
System Checking Keeps an eye on all your systems
User Experience Helps make your apps better for users
Business Help Uses AI to answer business questions
Azure Fit Works well with Azure

Remember: Prices might change, so check with AppDynamics for the latest info.

4. Datadog


Datadog is a tool that helps you watch over your apps and systems on Azure. It shows you how everything is working and helps keep your apps safe.

Key Features

Datadog offers:

Feature What it Does
Easy Setup You can set it up right in Azure
One Bill You pay for Datadog through your Azure bill
One Login Use your Azure login for Datadog
Log Sending Sends Azure logs to Datadog automatically
Numbers Tracking Sends Azure numbers to Datadog
Agent Setup Helps you set up Datadog agents easily

How it Works with Azure

Datadog works well with Azure:

  • It fits with Azure services like AKS, App Services, and Functions
  • It grows as your Azure setup grows
  • It works with over 40 Azure services

Smart Watching

Datadog uses smart tech to:

  • Find problems without you setting it up
  • Show you why problems happen
  • Give ideas on how to fix issues
  • Help your team fix problems


Datadog's price changes based on what you need. You'll need to ask them for a price that fits your needs.

5. ManageEngine Applications Manager


ManageEngine Applications Manager is a tool that helps you watch over your Azure apps and systems. It shows you how everything is working and helps fix problems quickly.

Key Features

Feature What it Does
App Watching Keeps an eye on how Azure apps are working
System Checking Watches Azure machines, storage, and networks
User Experience Shows how users are using your apps
Smart Help Uses AI to find and fix problems

How it Works with Azure

ManageEngine Applications Manager fits well with Azure:

  • You can use your Azure login to access it
  • It works with Azure's own watching tools
  • It can watch many Azure services like App Service, Functions, and Kubernetes


ManageEngine Applications Manager has two types:

  1. Professional: For small to medium businesses
  2. Enterprise: For big businesses with lots of things to watch

The price changes based on how many things you want to watch and how many people will use it. You can try it for free before you buy.

Type Best For Price
Professional Small to medium businesses Depends on use
Enterprise Big businesses Depends on use

You can ask them for a price that fits what you need.


6. IBM Instana Observability

IBM Instana

IBM Instana Observability helps you watch and manage your apps in real-time, especially in complex cloud setups. It's good at finding the root cause of problems quickly and showing how different parts of your system work together.

Key Features

Feature What it Does
Real-time Watching Shows what's happening in your cloud right now
Auto Performance Checks Keeps an eye on how things are working across different platforms
Problem Solving Finds and fixes issues before users notice
System Maps Shows how different parts of your system connect

How it Works with Azure

IBM Instana Observability works well with Azure:

  • It finds and watches Azure resources on its own
  • It helps IT teams keep an eye on Azure resources across different platforms


IBM Instana Observability's price depends on how many computers and apps you want to watch. You'll need to ask them for a price that fits what you need.

What Affects Price Details
Number of Computers How many machines you're watching
Number of Apps How many apps you're keeping an eye on
Your Needs What features you want to use

Remember: Prices can change, so it's best to ask IBM directly for the most up-to-date info.

7. Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch is a tool that helps you keep an eye on your AWS cloud resources and apps. It gathers data, checks logs, and can warn you if something's wrong.

Key Features

CloudWatch does these main things:

Feature What it Does
Container Insight Watches over container apps
Lambda Insights Keeps track of serverless resources
Composite alarms Combines different alerts into one
High-resolution alarms Warns you quickly if something's off
Correlation Links patterns in logs with numbers
Auto Scaling Adjusts resources as needed

How it Works with Azure

CloudWatch can work with Azure too:

  • It can get data from Azure Monitor
  • You can see info from both AWS and Azure in one place
  • You can set up alerts based on this combined data


CloudWatch's basic features are free. You pay for:

  • Extra metrics
  • Dashboards
  • Alarms
  • Events

Check Amazon's website for the latest prices.

What's Free What You Pay For
Standard metrics Extra metrics
Basic logs Dashboards

8. Elastic Observability

Elastic Observability

Elastic Observability is a tool that helps you watch over your apps and systems on Azure. It shows you how everything is working and helps fix problems quickly.

Key Features

Feature What it Does
Full Watching Keeps an eye on all parts of your Azure setup
Azure Integration Works well with Azure logs and numbers
App Performance Monitoring Shows how your apps are working
Smart Problem Solving Uses AI to find and fix issues

How it Works with Azure

Elastic Observability fits well with Azure:

  • It can watch Azure machines and containers
  • It helps you understand Azure data faster

AI Help

Elastic Observability uses smart tech to:

  • Find problems without you setting it up
  • Help fix issues more quickly


Elastic Observability lets you pay for what you use. You can try it for free before you buy. Check their website for current prices.

Plan Type Best For
Free Trial Testing the tool
Pay-as-you-go Using only what you need
Custom Plans Fitting your specific needs

Remember: Prices might change, so check the Elastic website for the latest info.

Strengths and Weaknesses

When picking a tool to watch over your Azure setup, it's good to know what each one does well and not so well. Here's a quick look at the good and not-so-good parts of each tool:


Good Points Not-So-Good Points
Uses AI to find and fix problems on its own Can be hard to set up and use
Shows how your apps are working Might cost too much for small companies

New Relic

Good Points Not-So-Good Points
Offers many ways to watch your system Can be tricky to find the info you need
Works well with many cloud systems Takes time to learn how to use it well


Good Points Not-So-Good Points
Good for watching all parts of your system Can't always give the best advice for your setup
Lets you try for free and has different prices Not the best for watching some AWS databases

Elastic Observability

Good Points Not-So-Good Points
Watches over all of Azure Might need extra setup to watch everything
Uses AI to find and fix problems Might cost too much for small companies

When choosing a tool to watch your Azure setup, think about what you need now and in the future. Look at what each tool does well and not so well to help you pick the right one.


This article looked at eight tools you can use to watch over your Azure setup. Each tool has good and not-so-good points. Picking the right one depends on what you need.

Here's a quick look at the tools we talked about:

Tool Good At Not So Good At
Dynatrace Uses AI to find problems Can be hard to set up
New Relic Watches many parts of your system Takes time to learn
AppDynamics Helps with app performance Price varies
Datadog Watches all parts of your system May not give the best advice
ManageEngine Applications Manager Works well with Azure Price depends on use
IBM Instana Observability Shows how system parts connect Price varies
Amazon CloudWatch Works with both AWS and Azure Basic version may not be enough
Elastic Observability Uses AI to find issues Might cost too much for small companies

Some tools, like Dynatrace and Elastic Observability, use AI to find problems. Others, like New Relic and Datadog, watch many parts of your system and are easy to use. AppDynamics and ManageEngine Applications Manager are good at watching how apps work and how your system is set up.

To pick the right tool:

  1. Think about what you need now and later
  2. Look at what each tool does well and not so well
  3. Choose the one that fits your needs best


What are the different types of monitoring in Azure?

Azure Monitor keeps an eye on many parts of your system, including:

Type What it Watches
Apps How your programs are working
Virtual Machines Your cloud computers
Operating Systems The software running your computers
Containers Including Prometheus numbers
Databases Where your data is stored
Security Works with Azure Sentinel to spot threats
Network Checks how well your network is working

This watching helps you:

  • See how well your system is working
  • Find problems quickly
  • Fix issues before they get big

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