Operational Data Management Essentials

published on 06 March 2024

Managing your data effectively is crucial in today's digital world. Here's a quick guide to Operational Data Management (ODM):

  • What is ODM? It's about handling the data from day-to-day operations, involving planning, securing, organizing, and using data efficiently.
  • Why it matters: It saves money, reduces risks, supports smart decisions, and gives a competitive edge.
  • Key concepts: Include Data Lifecycle Management, Data Catalogs, Metadata, and DataOps.
  • Skills and tools: Essential skills range from data quality governance to analytics, with tools like Apache Airflow and Databricks playing a huge role.
  • Effective strategies: Start with defining business goals, assess your current data landscape, and establish a data governance framework.
  • DataOps vs. DevOps: While DevOps focuses on software development and operations, DataOps is all about data management.
  • Future trends: Look out for augmented analytics, embedded BI, and more automated and intelligent data management solutions.

In simple terms, ODM is about keeping your digital house in order, ensuring your data is organized, safe, and easily accessible, which in turn helps your company thrive in the digital age.

What is Operational Data Management?

Operational Data Management (ODM) is all about how companies handle the data they get from their day-to-day work. It's a mix of plans, actions, tools, and rules that help businesses manage their data right from the start to the end. This includes:

  • Figuring out where the important data comes from
  • Gathering, mixing, and changing data to make it useful
  • Keeping data safe and in the right place
  • Making sure the data is clean, organized, and complete
  • Letting people access and use the data easily through things like lists, charts, and tools that let them explore data on their own
  • Getting rid of old data that's not needed anymore, following certain rules

This involves dealing with all kinds of data - whether it's neatly organized, a bit messy, or not structured at all - from different parts of a company, like databases, apps, gadgets, and online services. It's about making sure this data can be used to find out important stuff.

ODM also means getting better over time by seeing what works and what doesn't, and then making changes.

Why is it Important?

ODM matters a lot for businesses today because:

  • It helps save money by finding and getting rid of data that's just taking up space. Having less data to store means spending less on keeping it.

  • It lowers risks by keeping data safe, controlling who can see it, and making sure it meets legal standards. This helps avoid problems like data being stolen or used wrong.

  • It supports making smart choices by ensuring that everyone has access to good, reliable data when they need it.

  • It gives a competitive edge by making the most of the data. Companies that don't manage their data well miss out on chances to do better and grow.

In short, ODM helps businesses use their data wisely and safely to make better decisions and improve things - whether that's making customers happier, coming up with new products, or anything else they aim to achieve. It's a key part of changing a business to focus more on data.

Key Concepts in Operational Data Management

Data Lifecycle Management

Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) is all about handling your data carefully from start to finish. Here's what that looks like:

  • Plan: Set up rules and goals for your data so it matches what your business wants to do.
  • Acquire: Find and collect data from different places like websites and apps.
  • Organize: Make your data neat and useful by cleaning it up and sorting it out.
  • Analyze: Look closely at your data to find interesting and useful insights.
  • Use: Share your data through reports or online dashboards so people can easily see and understand it.
  • Archive: Keep only the data you need and get rid of the rest based on certain rules.

Doing this helps make sure your data is good quality, useful, and doesn't cost too much to keep around. It also keeps you out of trouble by making sure you follow the rules.

Data Catalogs and Metadata

Data catalogs are like libraries for your data, showing you what you have and where it is. They include important details like:

  • Technical stuff - like what kind of data it is, where it's stored, etc.
  • Business info - like what the data means, who's in charge of it, how good it is, etc.
  • How it's used - like who looks at it and how often.

This info helps everyone understand and find the data they need, making decisions easier and better.

DataOps and its Observability

DataOps is about making sure teams can work together smoothly to handle data quickly and efficiently. It's kind of like being in a relay race where everyone knows exactly when and how to pass the baton.

Here's what that involves:

  • Using code to manage data stuff and sticking to rules.
  • Mixing data tools into the process of building and delivering software.
  • Keeping an eye on everything with tools that alert you if something's not right.
  • Automatically checking data and models to make sure they're good to go.
  • Getting different teams to work together on data projects.

Observability tools help you watch over your data in real time, letting you spot and fix problems before they get big. This is key for keeping your data in good shape.

Essential Skills and Tools

Key Skills

People who work with data need a mix of technical skills and people skills.

For the technical part, important skills are:

  • Data quality and governance: Making sure data is correct, consistent, and follows rules. This includes checking data, making sure it's accurate, and setting rules for how it's used.
  • Analytics and business intelligence: Finding trends and insights in data using math, machine learning, AI, and ways to show data visually.
  • Algorithms and programming: Using languages like SQL, Python, R, and Scala to organize, model, and analyze data.
  • Domain knowledge: Knowing the specifics of the business area, like finance, healthcare, or retail, and understanding the data related to it.

People skills that are just as important include:

  • Communication: Explaining technical stuff in a simple way to people who aren't tech-savvy. Working well with others and showing how data can help the business.
  • Creative problem solving: Thinking of new ways to tackle tricky data problems. Using logic and strategy.
  • Adaptability to change: Keeping up with new tools and methods as technology changes. Being open to new ways of handling data.
  • Data democratization: Helping everyone access and understand data through easy-to-use tools and teaching them how to use data better.

With these skills, data experts can really help businesses do better.

Top Tools and Platforms

Here are some of the main tools that help with managing data:

  • Apache Airflow: A free tool that helps schedule and keep track of complex data tasks. It's great for automating and organizing data work.

  • Databricks: A platform that helps with data engineering, machine learning, and analytics. It's built on Apache Spark and works well in the cloud.

  • Snowflake: A cloud-based platform with a special focus on data storage. It's known for being fast, handling lots of users at once, and being easy to use.

  • Fivetran: A tool that brings data from different sources like apps, databases, and analytics tools into one place. It makes setting up data pipelines quicker.

  • Talend: A tool that covers everything from getting data ready, integrating it, to making sure it's of good quality. It helps with tasks like cleaning up data and making sure it's in the right format.

These tools help data teams handle lots of data efficiently, making it easier to get useful information that can help the business.

Implementing Effective Data Strategies

Steps for Implementation

Putting good data management into action means thinking ahead and coordinating people, processes, and technology. Here's what you should do:

  • Define business goals and data strategy: Make sure your data management goals match up with what your business wants to achieve. Think about how using data better can help improve important areas.

  • Assess current data landscape: Take a look at what data, systems, and tools you already have. See how different teams use data and find out what's working and what's not.

  • Establish data governance framework: Set up the rules, roles, and processes needed to handle data properly.

  • Introduce data quality measures: Start processes to make sure data is accurate, complete, consistent, and timely.

  • Create data architecture blueprint: Plan how to store, process, and access data across your company in a unified way.

  • Set up instrumentation and metadata: Use metadata to add context to your data and track its journey. This helps you see what's happening with your data.

  • Enable collaboration: Let users access and share data easily through catalogs. Encourage teams to share data with each other.

  • Automate tasks: Use scripts to handle repetitive data tasks to save time and avoid mistakes.

  • Monitor data ecosystems: Use tools to keep an eye on your data and quickly deal with any problems.

Best Practices

Here are some tips to manage your data better:

Taxonomy Design

  • Use existing glossaries to keep things consistent.
  • Organize data relationships with tags.
  • Be ready to add new data types to your system.


  • Keep an eye on how data moves between systems.
  • Tag data right when it comes in so you don't lose important details.
  • Set up alerts for when data isn't meeting quality standards.


  • Regularly check your rules and make sure they're approved by the right people.
  • Teach everyone about data and how to use it.
  • Make data easy for everyone to access and understand.


  • Make sure only the right people can see sensitive data.
  • Keep data safe by encrypting it.
  • Have a plan for keeping your data safe in case of emergencies.

DataOps vs. DevOps

How They Differ

DevOps is about the teamwork between people who create software (developers) and those who make sure it runs smoothly (IT operations). It aims to:

  • Make software updates faster
  • Keep systems running well
  • Fix problems quickly

DataOps, though, is all about managing data. Its goals are to:

  • Make data more reliable and easier to get to
  • Keep data handling consistent
  • Update data more often

DevOps focuses on the software and systems, while DataOps handles the data itself, making sure it's clean, in the right place, and ready to use.

DevOps uses tools and methods like coding to set up systems, making updates smoother (CI/CD), and making sure services are always available. DataOps uses tools for organizing data, moving it around, keeping track of it, and checking its quality.

In simple terms, DevOps is about getting software out there, and DataOps takes care of the data part. Both aim for better results but in different areas.

Working Together

Even though they focus on different things, DataOps and DevOps teams need to work closely. If they don't, problems might pop up.

Here's how they can work well together:

  • Join the same meetings to update each other
  • Have data experts check out the software code
  • Make sure processes from writing code to updating data are automatic
  • Share the same progress boards and goals
  • Teach software folks about data, and data folks about software basics
  • Keep everyone in the loop and talking

When DataOps and DevOps teams work in sync, companies can use data better and make smarter decisions. This is important for reaching business goals with a data-driven approach.


Advanced Topics

Machine Learning and AI

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are now big parts of how we manage data in our work. Here's how they help:

  • Anomaly detection: These smart programs can look at data over time and spot when something odd happens. This means we can catch and fix problems early.

  • Root cause analysis: AI can look at different pieces of data and figure out what's causing a problem. This makes it quicker to find solutions.

  • Predictive maintenance: By learning from past data, these systems can predict when something might break down and suggest fixing it before it causes issues. This saves money and headaches.

  • Natural language processing: This technology helps understand and make sense of words and sentences in data, like emails or reports. It adds more detail to the numbers we see.

  • Personalization: Machine learning can adjust how it handles data for each person's needs, making everyone's job easier.

  • Automation: Many tasks that used to take up a lot of time can now be done by machines, letting people focus on more important things.

The more data these systems work with, the better and more helpful they become.

The Importance of Domain Expertise

Knowing a lot about the specific area you're working in is just as important as being good with data:

  • Understanding systems: If you know how things are set up and how they connect, it's easier to see where problems might be.

  • Awareness of critical data: Knowing which data is really important helps focus on what needs the most attention.

  • Adding context to data: Experts can tell what unusual data patterns might mean in the real world.

  • Guiding tool configuration: Different areas have special needs, like knowing busy times or setting up alerts. Experts help tweak tools to fit these needs.

  • Driving continuous improvement: People who know the field well can give useful feedback to make data tools and processes better.

Knowing your field well means you can make sure data tools and processes really help your organization's specific goals. Mixing data skills with deep knowledge of your area is a strong combo.

Emerging Technologies

New tech is changing how we handle data at work:

Augmented analytics makes it easier for everyone to work with data by using smart tools to do some of the heavy lifting. This means quicker insights and better decisions without needing a data expert for every step.

Embedded BI puts data insights right into the apps we use daily, so we don't have to switch to a different program to see them. This makes it easier to use this information as we work.

Graph databases keep data in a way that shows how everything is connected, making it easier to see patterns and relationships. This is great for things like social networks or planning routes.

Data fabric links different data storage places together so you can work with all your data more easily, while still keeping it safe and under control.

Data virtualization lets you access and work with data from different places without having to move or copy it, saving time and resources.

Data mesh spreads out data management to different teams, making it easier to use data in a way that makes sense for each part of the business.

The Road Ahead

Here's what we think will happen with data management:

  • We'll see more automation, like MLOps, which means less manual work.
  • Data tools will start to understand each other better, thanks to shared standards.
  • More people will get to use and understand data, thanks to tools that make it easier.
  • Checking data quality will happen instantly, helping spot issues right away.
  • Businesses will get smarter about what data they keep, focusing on what's really useful.
  • Managing data across different cloud services will get easier but will need good planning.
  • Laws about data privacy will guide how we handle data.
  • Data teams will do more than just look after data; they'll help make it valuable for the business.

The big ideas are about making data easier to use, keeping it safe, and making sure everyone can benefit from it. As tech gets better, how we manage data responsibly will be key to doing well in business. Companies need to keep up with both the tech and the rules to make the most of their data.


Managing all the data a business collects and uses is super important in today's world full of digital stuff. To make the most out of this data, companies need to have good plans and practices for keeping it organized, safe, and useful. Here's what we've learned:

  • Data is super valuable. If you manage your data well, you can make smarter decisions, get ahead of competitors, save money, and find new ways to make money.

  • Keeping data in good shape takes work. To make sure your data is reliable and useful, you need to plan how to handle it from start to finish, keep track of what you have, make it easy for people to get to, do tasks automatically, and always be checking on it.

  • The right skills and tools are key. People who work with data need to know their stuff, both about the data and the area they're working in. Using the best tools and technology helps manage and use data better.

  • Everyone needs to be on board. When the tech folks and the business folks work together, it's easier to match what you do with data to your business goals. Teaching everyone about data helps too.

As we keep collecting more data, and as things get more complicated, being good at managing data is only going to get more important. Companies that are smart about how they handle, organize, and use their data will do better. They'll be able to move faster, avoid problems, and make the most of their data for their business.

What are the 4 types of data management?

The most common types of data management systems include:

  • Relational database management systems (RDBMS): These systems keep data in tables that are linked to each other. They let you search for data using SQL. Examples include MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS): These systems store complex data as objects, similar to how a programming language like Java or C++ might. They're good for handling data like videos or maps.

  • In-memory databases: These databases keep data in a computer's RAM instead of on a hard drive, which makes accessing the data super fast. They're used in situations where speed is crucial, like in financial trading systems. Examples are Redis and Memcached.

  • Columnar databases: Instead of storing data row by row, these databases store it column by column. This setup is great for analyzing lots of data quickly. Examples include Cassandra, Druid, and Vertica.

What are the 4 data management standards?

The four key pillars for managing data well are:

  • Strategy and governance: Having clear rules for how to use data in a way that's fair and follows the law. Making plans for how to handle more data as your company grows.

  • Standards: Making sure everyone uses the same terms and measures for data across the whole organization.

  • Integration: Linking all your systems together so you can access all your data easily.

  • Quality: Making sure the data is complete, correct, and up-to-date. Using tools to check and keep an eye on it automatically.

What are the data management operations?

Handling data involves several key tasks:

  • Bringing in data from different places
  • Cleaning it up and changing it so it's ready to use
  • Keeping a detailed list of your data with information about it
  • Setting up who can see or use the data
  • Analyzing the data to find useful information
  • Storing older data safely
  • Getting rid of data you no longer need

Using powerful data tools can help manage these tasks even when there's a lot of data.

What are the 5 steps to data management?

Here are the main stages of dealing with data from start to finish:

  1. Creating or collecting data
  2. Storing the data safely
  3. Using the data for your work
  4. Keeping important data for later
  5. Safely getting rid of data you don't need anymore

At each stage, you need to make sure the data is secure, easy to get to, and reliable.

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