Synthetic Transaction Monitoring 101: Beginner's Guide

published on 28 June 2024

Synthetic transaction monitoring helps IT teams find and fix app issues before users do. Here's what you need to know:

  • Simulates user actions to test app performance
  • Finds problems quickly, saving time and money
  • Works alongside real user monitoring for comprehensive insights

Key components:

  • Transaction scripts
  • TEA (Transaction Execution Agent) agents
  • Execution plans
  • Monitoring locations
Benefit Description
Proactive Catches issues before users experience them
Consistent Tests run regularly, even when traffic is low
Controlled Allows testing of specific scenarios
Global Can test from various locations worldwide

To get started:

  1. Identify critical user paths
  2. Choose a monitoring tool
  3. Create scripts for key transactions
  4. Set up agents and execution plans
  5. Analyze results and optimize

Synthetic monitoring is essential for maintaining app quality and user satisfaction in today's digital landscape.

What is Synthetic Transaction Monitoring?

Synthetic transaction monitoring tests how well an app or website works by copying what users do. It helps IT teams find and fix problems before real users see them.

Key Terms and Concepts

Here are some important terms to know:

Term Meaning
Synthetic transaction scripts Computer instructions that copy user actions like logging in or buying something
TEA Agents Programs that run the scripts and report how well the app works
Execution plans Rules for when and how to run the scripts
Locations Places where the tests are run, to check how the app works in different areas

How It's Different from Other Monitoring

Synthetic transaction monitoring is not the same as Real User Monitoring (RUM):

Synthetic Transaction Monitoring Real User Monitoring
Finds issues before they happen Finds issues after they happen
Tests in a controlled setting Watches real users
Finds problems quickly Takes longer to spot issues

Main Uses and Benefits

Here's how synthetic transaction monitoring helps:

  • Makes apps work better for users
  • Finds problems fast
  • Helps fix issues before they get big
  • Saves money by keeping apps running smoothly

Starting with Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

This section will help you begin using synthetic transaction monitoring to check how well your app or website works.

What You Need to Begin

Before you start, make sure you have:

  • A list of important user actions in your app
  • Things you want to measure, like speed or errors
  • Access to your app's systems
  • A tool for synthetic transaction monitoring

Picking the Right Tools

When choosing a tool, think about:

Factor Why It's Important
Easy to use Saves time and effort
Works with many types of apps Can monitor different parts of your system
Can copy complex user actions Tests real-world scenarios
Works with other tools Helps you see the big picture
Can grow with your needs Useful as your app gets bigger

Some tools you might use are New Relic, Dynatrace, and Catchpoint.

Setting Up Your First Monitor

To set up your first monitor:

1. Make a script

Write a set of steps that copy what a user does, like logging in.

2. Choose where and when to run it

Pick different places to run your test and how often to do it.

3. Decide what to measure

Pick things like how fast your app responds or how many errors it has.

4. Set up warnings

Make sure your team knows when something goes wrong.

5. Test and fix your script

Run your test and make it better if needed.

Main Parts of Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

Synthetic transaction monitoring has several key parts that work together to test how well an app works. Let's look at these parts:

Transaction Scripts

Transaction scripts are the main part of synthetic transaction monitoring. They are step-by-step instructions that copy what users do in an app, like:

  • Logging in
  • Looking for products
  • Buying something

These scripts are written in special computer languages. They can test different things about an app, such as:

  • If it works right
  • How fast it is
  • If it's safe to use

TEA Agents and What They Do

TEA (Transaction Execution Agent) agents run the transaction scripts. They act like real users interacting with an app. Here's what TEA agents do:

Task Description
Run scripts Follow the steps in transaction scripts
Test from different places Check how the app works in various locations
Act like different devices Test as if using phones or computers

Setting Up Execution Plans

Execution plans control how and when scripts run. They help manage testing by:

  • Choosing which scripts to run
  • Deciding how often to run them
  • Picking which TEA agents to use

You can change execution plans to test different situations, like when many people use the app at once.

Why Locations Matter

Where TEA agents are located is important. Having agents in different places helps:

Benefit Explanation
Test global performance See how the app works in different countries
Find local problems Spot issues that only happen in certain areas
Check connection speed Measure how fast the app responds in various regions

How to Create Synthetic Transactions

This section explains how to make and use synthetic transactions for testing your app.

Writing and Recording Scripts

Scripts are the steps that copy what users do in your app. To make a script:

  1. Pick the main things users do, like logging in or buying something
  2. Use tools like Selenium or Postman to record these actions
  3. Turn the recording into a script

Tips for good scripts:

  • Keep them short and focused
  • Use clear names
  • Add steps to handle errors

Setting Up TEA Agents

TEA agents run your scripts like real users. To set one up:

  1. Install the TEA agent software
  2. Set it to run your script
  3. Choose when and how often to run it

Things to think about:

  • Put the agent near where your users are
  • Make sure it has enough power to run the script
  • Set it to run the script often

Creating Execution Plans

Execution plans control how your scripts run. To make one:

  1. Pick which script to use
  2. Choose which TEA agent runs it
  3. Set when and how often to run it
  4. Add any extra settings

Tips for good execution plans:

  • Match when your app is busy
  • Run scripts often enough
  • Set times when scripts shouldn't run (like during updates)

Setting Schedules and Blackouts

Schedules say when to run scripts. Blackouts say when not to. To set these up:

  1. Choose when and how often to run scripts
  2. Pick times not to run scripts (like during updates)
  3. Set up alerts for any problems
Setting What It Does Why It's Important
Schedule Sets when scripts run Matches when users use your app
Blackout Stops scripts at certain times Avoids running during updates
Alerts Tells you about problems Helps you fix issues quickly

Tips for Better Synthetic Monitoring

Here are some ways to make your synthetic monitoring work better:

Choosing Monitoring Intervals

Pick how often to run tests based on:

Factor What to Consider
How important the app is Test more often if the app is very important
When users use the app Test more during busy times
How much your system can handle Don't test so much that it slows down your app

Picking Monitoring Locations

Choose where to run tests from:

Factor Why It Matters
Where your users are Test from places where most of your users are
How your network is set up Test from places that match your network setup
Different parts of the world Test from many places to see how your app works everywhere

Making Good Scripts

To make scripts that work well:

  • Keep them short and focus on what users do most
  • Use clear names for scripts and steps
  • Add ways to handle errors
  • Update scripts when your app changes

Handling Security and Login

To keep your tests safe:

  • Use safe ways to log in and send data
  • Only let some people see certain parts of your app
  • Keep private information secret
  • Update your safety settings when your app changes

Understanding Your Results

Learning how to read and use the results from synthetic transaction monitoring helps you get the most out of this tool.

Key Metrics to Watch

When using synthetic transaction monitoring, keep an eye on these main metrics:

Metric What It Means
Availability How often your app works when users try to use it
Response Time How fast your app answers user requests
Error Rate How many mistakes happen during tests
Connection Time How long it takes to connect to your app

By watching these numbers, you can find and fix problems quickly to keep your app working well.

Fixing Common Problems

Even with monitoring, issues can still happen. Here are some common problems and how to fix them:

Problem How to Fix It
Slow Response Times Find slow parts of your app and make them faster
High Error Rates Look for mistakes in your app's code and fix them
Connection Issues Check if anything is blocking access to your app

Fixing these problems quickly helps keep your app running smoothly for users.

Using Dashboards and Reports

Monitoring gives you lots of information. Dashboards and reports help you see this information clearly. Use them to:

  • See how well your app is working over time
  • Spot patterns that might show future problems
  • Look closely at specific parts of your app to find what's causing issues

Advanced Synthetic Monitoring Methods

This section covers three advanced ways to monitor your app's performance.

Multi-step Transactions

Multi-step transactions test complex user actions in your app. They break down user tasks into smaller steps to find problems.

Here's an example for an online shop:

Step Action
1 Add item to cart
2 Go to checkout
3 Enter shipping and payment info
4 Complete payment

By checking each step, you can find:

  • Slow parts of your app
  • Errors
  • Parts that don't work

API and Web Service Checks

APIs and web services are important parts of modern apps. Monitoring them helps keep your app working well.

You can test APIs and web services by:

  • Sending fake requests
  • Measuring how fast they respond
  • Checking for errors
  • Making sure they're always working

For example, you might test:

  • A payment system
  • A login service
  • A content delivery network

This helps you find and fix problems that could affect your app.

Mobile App Monitoring

Mobile apps are key for many businesses. Monitoring them helps ensure they work well for users.

You can test mobile apps by:

  • Copying user actions
  • Measuring how fast the app works
  • Checking for errors
  • Making sure the app doesn't crash
App Type What to Test
Banking app Login, transfers, bill payments
Shopping app Browsing, adding to cart, checkout
Game app Loading times, in-game actions, purchases

Combining with Other Monitoring Tools

Using synthetic transaction monitoring with other tools can give you a better picture of how your app works.

Working with Real User Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RUM) and synthetic transaction monitoring work well together:

Tool What It Does
Synthetic Monitoring Tests fake user actions to find problems
Real User Monitoring Watches how real users use your app

Using both helps you:

  • Find problems before users see them
  • See how real users are affected by issues

Using with Performance Monitoring

You can also use synthetic monitoring with Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools:

Tool What It Shows
Synthetic Monitoring How well your app works for users
APM Details about how your app runs

Using both gives you a full view of your app's performance.

Applying Data to IT Operations

The information from synthetic monitoring can help your IT team work better:

How to Use Data What It Helps With
Find busy times Plan when to add more resources
Spot common issues Fix problems faster
Track performance Make your app work better over time

Fixing Issues and Upkeep

Synthetic transaction monitoring helps keep your app working well, but it can have its own problems. Here's how to handle common issues and keep your monitoring working right.

Common Monitoring Problems

Synthetic monitoring can face these issues:

Problem Description
Script creation and upkeep Making and updating scripts that copy real user actions can be hard
Testing all parts of the app Making sure tests cover all important parts of your app, especially as it grows
Testing from different places Setting up tests that match where your users are can be tricky and costly
Managing costs Balancing the cost of monitoring with how much of your app you need to test

Keeping Scripts Up to Date

To make sure your scripts work well, keep them current with your app changes:

  • Check and update scripts often
  • Use tools to track script changes
  • Try to update scripts automatically

Handling False Alerts

False alerts can waste time. Here's how to deal with them:

Strategy How it helps
Use alert filters Ignore alerts that are likely not important
Use smart computer programs Find patterns that show which alerts are false
Change monitoring settings Make alerts less sensitive to reduce false warnings


You've now finished learning about synthetic transaction monitoring. This guide has shown you how it works and why it's useful. Let's go over the main points:

Synthetic transaction monitoring:

  • Copies what users do on your app
  • Finds problems before users see them
  • Helps make your app work better

It works well with real user monitoring to give you a full picture of how your app is doing.

Here's what to remember:

  • Keep your test scripts up to date
  • Check your app's performance often
  • Use what you learn to make your app better

If you're new to this, start small:

  1. Test the most important parts of your app first
  2. Add more tests as you get comfortable

As you get better at synthetic transaction monitoring, you can try more complex tests like:

Advanced Test What It Does
Multi-step transactions Tests several user actions in a row
API checks Makes sure your app's building blocks work right
Mobile app tests Checks how your app works on phones

Keep learning and using synthetic transaction monitoring. It will help you make apps that work well and keep users happy.

What's next? Learn more about the advanced tests we mentioned. They can help you find even more ways to make your app better.


What's the difference between RUM and synthetic monitoring in Dynatrace?


RUM (Real User Monitoring) and synthetic monitoring are two ways to check how well an app works. Here's how they differ:

Feature RUM Synthetic Monitoring
What it does Watches real users Tests fake user actions
Time frame Shows long-term trends Finds short-term issues
When it works Only when users are active Any time, even without users
What it finds How users really use the app Problems before users see them

Using both RUM and synthetic monitoring gives you a full picture of how your app is doing. RUM shows you what's happening with real users, while synthetic monitoring helps you catch problems early.

To get the most out of these tools:

  • Use RUM to see how people use your app over time
  • Use synthetic monitoring to test your app even when it's not busy
  • Look at both to understand and fix issues quickly

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