The best monitoring tools for Azure

published on 20 July 2024

Azure Monitor and Application Insights are Microsoft's primary tools for monitoring Azure resources. Here's a quick overview of the top 6 Azure monitoring tools:

  1. Azure Monitor
  2. Application Insights
  3. Turbo360 (Serverless360)
  4. Dynatrace
  5. Datadog
  6. New Relic

Quick Comparison:

Tool Key Features Best For Pricing
Azure Monitor Comprehensive Azure monitoring, metrics, logs All-around Azure monitoring Pay-as-you-go
Application Insights App performance, user behavior tracking Developers, app-centric monitoring Free tier, then pay-as-you-go
Turbo360 Serverless-focused, service mapping Serverless Azure architectures Subscription-based
Dynatrace AI-powered, full-stack monitoring Complex, distributed systems Free trial, then subscription
Datadog Multi-cloud, 60+ Azure services support Multi-cloud environments Free trial, then pay-as-you-go
New Relic Full-stack observability, Azure integration Application-centric monitoring Free tier, then usage-based

Choose based on your specific needs, budget, and Azure setup complexity. Azure's native tools work well for most scenarios, while third-party options offer advanced features for complex or multi-cloud environments.

1. Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor is a key tool for watching over Azure resources. It helps you see how your cloud and on-site systems are doing all in one place.

Performance Metrics

Azure Monitor gathers different types of data:

Data Type Description
Metrics Numbers that show how a system is doing, like CPU use
Logs Records of changes with time stamps
Distributed traces Data that shows how requests move through an app

This data is stored so you can look at trends over time.

Alerting Features

Azure Monitor can warn you about issues:

  • You can set up alerts based on what you want to watch
  • It can alert you about multiple resources at once
  • It works with other Azure tools to respond automatically

Some users say managing alerts can be tricky, especially in big setups.


Azure Monitor works well with many tools:

Type Examples
Azure Services Azure Functions, App Service, Security Center
Other Tools Grafana, Prometheus, Logstash
Third-party Datadog, Elastic

This helps you keep an eye on things across different platforms.


You pay for what you use with Azure Monitor:

  • Regular metrics are free
  • Custom metrics and logs cost money based on how much you use
  • Prices can change depending on where you are

Azure Monitor comes free with an Azure account, but there are limits. It's smart to think about what you need and use Azure's price calculator to guess your costs.

2. Application Insights

Application Insights

Application Insights is part of Azure Monitor. It helps developers understand how their apps are working and how people use them.

Performance Metrics

Application Insights collects data about apps:

Metric What it shows
Request rates How many server requests happen
Response times How long requests take to process
Dependency rates Calls to other services
Exception rates How often the app fails
Page views How users interact with web apps

This data helps developers find and fix problems, see how users use the app, and make the app work better.

Alerting Features

Application Insights can warn you about problems:

  • You can set up alerts for specific issues
  • It tells you if your app goes down
  • It can spot unusual patterns on its own

These features help you catch and fix problems quickly.


Application Insights works well with other tools:

What it works with Examples
Programming languages .NET, Java, Node.js, Python
Development tools Azure portal, Visual Studio

This makes it easy for developers to use Application Insights in their work.


You pay for what you use with Application Insights:

  • You pay based on how much data you collect
  • You get 5 GB free each month
  • You can set limits on how much you use each day

While costs can add up, many companies find the information from Application Insights worth the price.

3. Turbo360 (Serverless360)


Turbo360, once called Serverless360, is a tool for watching over Azure. It helps businesses see how their Azure services are working together.

Performance Metrics

Turbo360 shows you how your Azure services are doing:

Feature Description
Ready-made alerts Warns you when things go wrong
Real-time tracking Shows how messages move through your system
Service mapping Draws a picture of how your Azure parts connect

Alerting Features

Turbo360 is good at telling you about problems:

  • Combines alerts to avoid too many messages
  • Shows important info on custom screens
  • Finds the main cause of big issues
  • Can fix some problems on its own


Turbo360 works well with other Azure tools:

Azure Tool What It Does
Active Directory Helps keep things safe
Logic Apps and Function Apps Tells you quickly if something fails


Here's how Turbo360 pricing works:

  • You can try it free for 15 days
  • You can use it online or put it in your own Azure account
  • You pay based on what you use
  • Watching more parts of Azure doesn't cost extra

Turbo360 can help you fix problems faster and save money on Azure costs.

4. Dynatrace


Dynatrace is a tool that watches over Azure systems. It uses AI to spot and fix problems quickly.

Performance Metrics

Dynatrace keeps an eye on many parts of Azure:

Feature Description
Full system view Checks metrics, logs, and traces
Auto-discovery Finds and maps how parts connect
AI analysis Looks at connections to find problem causes
Azure service checks Works with App Service, SQL Database, and Functions

Alerting Features

Dynatrace uses an AI called Davis to warn about issues:

Alert Type What It Does
Business impact Spots problems that affect your work
Root cause Finds the main reason for issues
Early warning Catches problems before they get big
Smart alerts Avoids too many warnings at once


Dynatrace works well with Azure:

Feature How It Helps
Azure Portal setup Easy to start using from Azure
Single login Use Azure login for Dynatrace
Easy install Put Dynatrace on VMs and apps from Azure
Log collection Gets Azure logs automatically


Here's how you can pay for Dynatrace:

  • Try it free for 15 days
  • Pay through Azure
  • Use Azure credits to pay
  • Pay for what you use

Dynatrace helps you watch and fix Azure systems with smart AI tools.


5. Datadog


Datadog is a tool that watches over Azure systems. It helps you see how your Azure parts are working and keeps them safe.

Performance Metrics

Datadog looks at many parts of Azure:

What it does How it helps
Watches 60+ Azure services Keeps an eye on most Azure parts
Checks every second Gives you up-to-date info
Shows all systems together Lets you see cloud and on-site systems in one place
Guesses future use Helps you plan ahead
Makes a map of your system Shows how your Azure parts work together

Alerting Features

Datadog tells you about problems quickly:

  • Spots threats as they happen
  • Checks if your cloud is set up safely
  • Watches your apps for safety issues
  • Tells you when containers grow or shrink


Datadog works well with Azure:

Feature How it helps
Easy to get You can buy it through Azure
Quick to set up You can start using it from Azure quickly
Use Azure login You don't need a new password
Gets Azure logs Automatically collects important info
Easy to install One click to put on VMs and apps


Here's how you can pay for Datadog:

  • Try it free for 14 days
  • Pay for what you use through Azure
  • Use Azure credits to pay

Datadog helps you watch and protect your Azure system with many useful tools.

6. New Relic

New Relic

New Relic is a tool that helps you watch over your Azure systems. It shows you how your cloud apps and setup are doing.

Performance Metrics

New Relic watches many parts of your Azure setup:

What it does How it helps
Checks all parts of your system Lets you see how everything is working
Tracks app actions Shows you what's happening in your code
Makes a picture of your setup Helps you understand how things connect
Watches all of Azure Keeps an eye on your whole cloud system

These features help you spot and fix problems quickly.


New Relic works well with Azure:

Feature What it does
Easy to start You can set it up right from Azure
Finds info on its own Automatically gets data from your Azure account
Quick setup One click to add to your VMs and apps
Pay through Azure You get one bill for everything

This makes it simple for people to start using New Relic with their Azure systems.


Here's how you can pay for New Relic:

Type Cost
Try it out Free for 15 days
Watch everything Starts at $69 per month
Watch your setup Starts at $21 per month
Watch how users use your app Starts at $11 per month

You can pick the plan that fits what you need and can afford.

New Relic helps you keep an eye on your Azure systems. It's easy to use with Azure and can help you make your apps work better for users.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Let's look at how different Azure monitoring tools compare:

Azure Monitor and Application Insights


These are Microsoft's own tools for watching Azure.

Good Points Not So Good Points
Watches all parts of Azure Hard to use if you're new to Azure
Checks all Azure cloud services Can't grow or shrink on its own
Shows how well services are working Doesn't watch apps as closely
Looks at cloud, computers, and apps Might send too many warnings

Azure Monitor watches everything in Azure, while Application Insights focuses on how apps are working and what users do.


This tool is made just for watching Azure's serverless parts.

Good Points Not So Good Points
Watches all serverless parts in one place Only good for serverless and connecting parts
Easy to set up watching Might need other tools to watch all of Azure
Shows all accounts in one view Might cost more than Azure's own tools
Puts all errors in one report Takes time to learn how to use it

Serverless360 is great for big companies using a lot of serverless Azure parts.

Other Tools (New Relic, Dynatrace, Datadog)

These tools can watch many different cloud systems, not just Azure.

Good Points Not So Good Points
Watch apps closely Cost extra money on top of Azure
Use smart tech to find problems Take more work to set up
Can watch different cloud systems Might be slower to get info
Work with many other tools Don't fit as well with Azure-only features

These tools are good if you use different cloud systems or have a mix of cloud and regular computers.

When picking a tool to watch Azure, think about:

  • What you need to watch
  • How complex your system is
  • How much your team knows about Azure

Azure's own tools work well for most people. Serverless360 is good if you use a lot of serverless parts. Other tools can help if you use many different cloud systems.


When picking a tool to watch over Azure, think about what you need and how complex your setup is. Here's a quick look at the top tools:

Tool What it does
Azure Monitor & Application Insights Microsoft's own tools. Watch all of Azure and how apps work
Dynatrace Uses AI to find problems. Works well with Azure
LogicMonitor Stops outages and makes Azure work better. Shows info on custom screens
ScienceLogic Watches many cloud systems at once. Makes work easier
Netreo Watches big company networks before problems happen

Things to think about when choosing a tool:

What to look at How important
Works with Azure Very
Uses AI to help Kind of to Very
Can change to fit your needs Kind of
Good value for money Very
Easy to use Kind of to Very


What is the main monitoring tool for Azure?

Azure Monitor is the main tool for watching over Azure. It helps you:

  • Collect data from cloud and on-site systems
  • Look at this data
  • React to what you find

Azure Monitor makes sure your apps and services work well by:

  • Gathering info as it happens
  • Letting you make your own dashboards
  • Setting up alerts that work on their own
  • Working with other Azure tools

What kinds of things can you watch in Azure?

Azure Monitor can keep an eye on many parts of your system:

What it watches What it looks at
Apps How they work and how people use them
Virtual machines How much they're used and if they're healthy
Operating systems Info about how the OS is doing
Containers Including special info for containers
Databases How they perform and what queries are run
Security Works with Azure Sentinel to spot issues
Networks Uses Network Watcher to check on events and health

You can use Azure Monitor to watch things in Azure, other clouds, and your own computers.

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