Top 10 Tokenization Techniques for NLP

published on 12 October 2024

Tokenization breaks text into smaller units for NLP tasks. Here's what you need to know:

  • It's the first step in most NLP processes
  • Helps machines understand human language
  • Powers search engines, translation, and more

The 10 key tokenization methods:

  1. White Space: Splits on spaces (simple but limited)
  2. Word: Breaks into words (common for English)
  3. Sentence: Divides text into sentences
  4. Character: Splits into individual characters
  5. N-gram: Creates sequences of n items
  6. Regular Expression: Uses patterns to split text
  7. Penn Treebank: Handles contractions and punctuation
  8. Subword: Breaks words into smaller parts
  9. Byte Pair Encoding (BPE): Merges common character pairs
  10. WordPiece: Google's method for balancing words and subwords

Quick comparison:

Method Complexity Best For Drawback
White Space Low Simple tasks Fails with some languages
Word Low General NLP Struggles with contractions
Subword High Unknown words More complex

Choose based on your task, language, and data. There's no one-size-fits-all solution.

What is Tokenization?

Tokenization breaks text into smaller units called tokens. It's the first step in many NLP tasks and helps machines understand human language.

Here's the deal with tokenization:

  • It splits text into words, characters, or subwords
  • It turns messy text into something computers can work with
  • It's a MUST for text analysis and NLP applications

Check out this example:

Text: "I love ice cream!"
Tokens: ["I", "love", "ice", "cream", "!"]

The sentence is now individual words and punctuation.

Tokenization comes in three flavors:

1. Word-level: Splits into words (most common)

This is what you'll see most often. It's great for general text analysis.

2. Character-level: Breaks into individual characters

Useful for tasks like spell-checking or working with languages that don't use spaces.

3. Subword-level: Divides words into meaningful parts

This helps with handling new or uncommon words.

Tokenization is key in NLP apps:

App What Tokenization Does
Text Classification Breaks text into analyzable chunks
Named Entity Recognition Finds word boundaries
Sentiment Analysis Separates words for emotion analysis
Machine Translation Splits text for translation

One last thing: tokenization isn't one-size-fits-all. English uses spaces between words, but Chinese doesn't. So, tokenization methods vary by language.

White Space Tokenization

White space tokenization is the simplest way to split text into tokens. It's a go-to method for many NLP tasks, especially with English text.

How does it work? The tokenizer splits the text at every space. Simple and fast.

Here's a quick example:

text = "India is my country"
tokens = text.split()
# Output: ['India', 'is', 'my', 'country']

It's lightning-fast, but not perfect. It struggles with contractions, punctuation, and special cases like "New York".

So why use it? It's fast and simple. Great for:

Task Benefit
Quick text analysis Fast processing
Simple word counting Easy to implement
Basic text cleaning Removes extra whitespace

You can use it in Python two ways:

1. Built-in split() function:

tokens = "This is a sentence.".split()

2. NLTK's WhitespaceTokenizer:

from nltk.tokenize import WhitespaceTokenizer
tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer()
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize("This is a sentence.")

White space tokenization is a good start, but complex NLP tasks often need more sophisticated methods.

2. Word Tokenization

Word tokenization breaks text into individual words. It's a crucial step in NLP that helps machines process human language.

Here's the gist:

  • Tokenizer splits text at spaces and punctuation
  • Creates a list of separate "tokens"


text = "I love NLP!"
tokens = ["I", "love", "NLP", "!"]

It's great for sentiment analysis, classification, and translation. But it's not perfect. It can trip up on contractions, hyphens, and multi-word phrases.

Want to try it? Use NLTK in Python:

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

text = "NLP is fascinating."
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
# Output: ['NLP', 'is', 'fascinating', '.']

NLTK offers different tokenizers:

Tokenizer What it does
TreebankWordTokenizer Uses Penn Treebank rules
WordPunctTokenizer Splits on punctuation and spaces
WhitespaceTokenizer Splits on whitespace only

Pick the one that fits your needs and data best.

Word tokenization is just the beginning. More complex NLP tasks might need fancier tokenization methods.

3. Sentence Tokenization

Sentence tokenization breaks text into individual sentences. It's not just about periods - it handles complex punctuation and grammar rules.

Here's the gist:

  1. Find sentence boundaries
  2. Split the text
  3. Each sentence becomes a token

Let's see NLTK in action:

from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize

text = "God is Great! I won a lottery."
sentences = sent_tokenize(text)
# Output: ['God is Great!', 'I won a lottery.']

Simple, right? But it's not always easy. Abbreviations, decimal points, and casual writing can trip up tokenizers.

That's why specialized tools exist. Take ClarityNLP for electronic health records. It:

  1. Cleans the text
  2. Replaces confusing elements
  3. Applies the tokenizer
  4. Fixes remaining issues

This helps handle medical text's unique challenges.

Want more detail? Here's Stanza's TokenizeProcessor:

import stanza

nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang='en', processors='tokenize')
doc = nlp('This is a test sentence for stanza. This is another sentence.')

for i, sentence in enumerate(doc.sentences):
    print(f'====== Sentence {i+1} tokens =======')
    print(*[f'id: {}\ttext: {token.text}' for token in sentence.tokens], sep='\n')

This splits text into sentences AND tokenizes each sentence.

Choosing a tokenization method? It depends on your needs and text type. For general use, try NLTK's sent_tokenize. For specialized tasks, look for domain-specific tools.

4. Character Tokenization

Character tokenization breaks text into individual characters. It's great for fine-grained text analysis.

Here's how it works:

  1. Split text into characters
  2. Create a unique character set
  3. Assign tokens to characters

Let's see it in action:

text = "I love Python!"
char_tokens = list(text)
# Output: ['I', ' ', 'l', 'o', 'v', 'e', ' ', 'P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n', '!']

Character tokenization has some cool perks:

  • Handles new words easily
  • Captures word parts like prefixes and suffixes
  • Works well with languages that have limited data

But it's not perfect. It can make sequences longer and increase processing time.

When should you use it? Think character tokenization for:

  • Fixing spelling
  • Language modeling
  • Generating text
  • Tagging parts of speech
  • Spotting named entities

Just remember: while it's powerful, it might not be the best choice for every task. Consider your specific needs before diving in.

5. N-gram Tokenization

N-gram tokenization breaks text into sequences of n consecutive words or characters. It's a handy tool for capturing context and word relationships in NLP tasks.

Here's the gist:

  1. Pick your 'n' value (1 for unigrams, 2 for bigrams, 3 for trigrams)
  2. Split the text into n-item sequences
  3. Create tokens from these sequences

Let's see it in action with "I love Python programming":

N-gram Type Tokens
Unigrams ["I", "love", "Python", "programming"]
Bigrams ["I love", "love Python", "Python programming"]
Trigrams ["I love Python", "love Python programming"]

N-gram tokenization shines in:

  • Language modeling
  • Text prediction
  • Machine translation
  • Sentiment analysis

For example, a trigram model might use "because of" to guess the next word based on the previous two.

But here's the catch:

Bigger n values = more context, but more data and processing power needed. Smaller n values = simpler, but might miss important word connections.

So, how do you pick the right n? Consider your task, data size, and resources. Play around with different values to find the sweet spot for your NLP project.

6. Regular Expression Tokenization

Regex tokenization is like a text-splitting superpower. It uses patterns to chop up text into bite-sized pieces. Here's the gist:

  1. Make a pattern
  2. Use it on your text
  3. Grab the matches

Let's see it in action with Python:

import re

text = "Hello, I'm working at Geeks-for-Geeks and my email is"
pattern = r'\b[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+\b'

emails = re.findall(pattern, text)

This spits out:


Cool, right? We just fished out an email address. But that's just the start. You can use regex to:

  • Snag phone numbers
  • Spot order IDs
  • Split text using multiple separators
  • Find specific word patterns

Want to break a sentence into words? Try this:

sentence = "I love programming in Python!"
tokens = re.findall(r'\w+', sentence)

You'll get:

['I', 'love', 'programming', 'in', 'Python']

Regex tokenization is your go-to when you're dealing with:

  • Tricky text structures
  • Multiple languages
  • Specific patterns in text

Just remember: Regex is powerful, but it can be a beast to learn. Take your time, practice, and always test your patterns.


7. Penn Treebank Tokenization

Penn Treebank

Penn Treebank Tokenization is a popular method for NLP tasks. It's great at handling punctuation, contractions, and hyphenated words.

What does it do?

  • Splits contractions (e.g., "don't" becomes "do n't")
  • Treats most punctuation as separate tokens
  • Separates commas and single quotes after whitespace
  • Splits off sentence-ending periods

Here's an example:

from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer

tokenizer = TreebankWordTokenizer()
text = "Good muffins cost $3.88 in New York. They'll save and invest more."
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text)


['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New', 'York.', 'They', "'ll", 'save', 'and', 'invest', 'more', '.']

See how it handles "They'll" and "$3.88"? Pretty cool.

Penn Treebank tokenizer is part of NLTK. It's based on one of the largest published treebanks, which provides semantic and syntactic annotation.

Why use it? It's a standard method that works well for many English tasks, especially with:

  • Contractions
  • Punctuation
  • Hyphenated words

But remember: no tokenizer is perfect for everything. Always consider your specific needs when choosing one.

8. Subword Tokenization

Subword tokenization breaks words into smaller chunks. Think of it like splitting "unwanted" into "un", "want", and "ed". This clever trick helps NLP models handle new words and complex ones more easily.

Why use it? It's great for:

  • Dealing with rare words
  • Keeping vocabulary size in check
  • Helping models grasp word relationships

Take BERT, for example. It uses WordPiece, which splits "modernization" into "modern" and "##ization". This shows the model that "modernization" and "tokenization" have something in common.

But it's not all roses. Subword tokenization can:

  • Slow down training
  • Sometimes muddy word meanings
  • Need careful setup

Different models, different methods:

Model Tokenization Method
BERT, DistilBERT WordPiece
XLNet, ALBERT Unigram
GPT-2, RoBERTa Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)

WordPiece, from Schuster and Nakajima in 2012, has proven its worth. Google's neural machine translation uses it and sees better results than word-based or character-based methods.

BPE, introduced by Sennrich et al. in 2016, has also shown its chops. It boosted BLEU scores for English-to-Russian and English-to-German translation tasks.

When using subword tokenization:

  • Be careful with sentence tokenization, especially with special characters
  • Keep an eye on word frequency to manage vocabulary size

9. Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) Tokenization

BPE tokenization is like building with Legos. You start with tiny pieces and combine them to make bigger ones.

Here's the gist:

  1. Begin with single characters
  2. Find the most common character pair
  3. Merge that pair into a new token
  4. Repeat until you hit your token limit

Let's see it in action:

Words: "low", "lower", "newest", "widest"
Start: l, o, w, e, r, n, s, t, i, d
After merging: lo, ow, er, ne, st, wi, de

Big models like GPT-2 and RoBERTa use BPE. Why? It handles new words well and keeps vocabulary size in check.

Quick facts:

  • Introduced in 2016 for machine translation
  • Starts with UTF-8 characters and adds an end-of-word token
  • Doesn't merge across word boundaries

When using BPE:

  • Choose your vocabulary size wisely
  • Think about your task and language
  • Keep in mind: it can be slower than simpler methods

BPE works best with languages that build long words from smaller ones. It's not as great for languages with simple word structures.

"BPE ensures that the most common words are represented in the vocabulary as a single token while rare words are broken down into smaller subword tokens." - Sennrich et al., 2016

10. WordPiece Tokenization

WordPiece tokenization is Google's method for breaking down words into smaller, more manageable pieces. It's like a word puzzle solver that balances whole words and subwords in NLP.

Here's the gist:

  1. Start with characters
  2. Add special tokens (like [UNK] and ##)
  3. Merge frequent pairs
  4. Repeat until you hit your vocab size

WordPiece uses a greedy longest-match approach. It prefers larger subwords but can use smaller ones when needed.


"unaffordable" becomes "un + afford + able"

WordPiece is great for:

  • Handling unknown words
  • Complex language structures
  • Keeping vocab size in check

It's a key part of Google's BERT model, contributing to its success in NLP tasks.

Compared to Byte Pair Encoding (BPE):

Aspect WordPiece BPE
Selection Maximizes data likelihood Picks most frequent pair
Optimization Dataset-specific More general
Vocab Size Usually smaller Often larger
Training Faster convergence Can take longer

WordPiece works best when:

  • Your training data is fixed
  • New data is similar to your training set
  • You're dealing with morphologically rich languages

It's not a cure-all, but a useful tool when it fits your needs and data.

"WordPiece ensures that the most common words are represented in the vocabulary as a single token while rare words are broken down into smaller subword tokens." - Schuster et al., 2012

Comparing Tokenization Methods

Let's break down the 10 tokenization methods we've covered:

Method Complexity Use Cases Pros Cons
White Space Low Simple text processing Easy, fast Fails for languages without word spaces
Word Low General NLP tasks Intuitive Struggles with contractions, compounds
Sentence Medium Document analysis Good for summarization Tricky with abbreviations, informal text
Character Low Language-agnostic tasks Works for any language Loses word meaning, longer sequences
N-gram Medium Classification, language modeling Captures local context High dimensionality, sparse features
Regular Expression Medium Data cleaning, preprocessing Flexible Needs careful rules, slow for big data
Penn Treebank Medium Linguistic research, NLP pipelines Standardized English-focused
Subword High Translation, morphology-rich languages Handles unknowns, smaller vocab Complex, may lose some meaning
Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) High Neural translation, large models Data-adaptive Slow training, odd subwords
WordPiece High BERT, transformers Balances word/subword tokens Google-specific

Each method has its ups and downs. White Space tokenization is quick but useless for Chinese or Japanese. WordPiece handles unknown words better but needs more processing power.

Your choice depends on your task, languages, and resources. Building an English text classifier? Word tokenization might do. Multilingual translation system? Consider BPE or WordPiece.

Tokenization kicks off your NLP pipeline, impacting later steps. Experiment to find what fits your project best.

How to Pick the Right Tokenization Method

Picking the best tokenization method isn't simple. Here's how to make a smart choice:

1. Language Matters

Different languages need different approaches:

Language Type Best Tokenization Method
Space-separated (English) Word tokenization
Character-based (Chinese) Character or subword tokenization
Morphologically rich (Turkish) Subword tokenization (BPE, WordPiece)

2. Task at Hand

Your NLP task guides your choice:

Task Recommended Method
Text classification Word or subword tokenization
Machine translation Subword tokenization (BPE, WordPiece)
Named Entity Recognition Word tokenization with special handling

3. Data Characteristics

Look at your text:

  • Lots of rare words? Go for subword tokenization.
  • Social media text? Use a tokenizer that handles hashtags and @mentions.
  • Formal documents? Word tokenization might do the trick.

4. Efficiency Counts

For big datasets, balance accuracy and speed:

  • Character tokenization: Fast but creates long sequences
  • Word tokenization: Quick for most tasks
  • Subword tokenization: Handles unknown words well, but more complex

5. Test and Compare

Don't guess - test:

  1. Choose 2-3 tokenization methods
  2. Apply them to your data sample
  3. Run your NLP model with each
  4. Compare results (accuracy, speed, memory use)

The best method? It often shows up through testing.


Tokenization is the foundation of NLP. It's how machines start to understand human language.

Here's what tokenization does in the real world:

Application Tokenization's Job Real-World Impact
Machine Translation Splits text for translation Google Translate: 100 billion words/day
Sentiment Analysis Finds emotion-related words Twitter: Analyzes millions of tweets
Named Entity Recognition Spots proper nouns Amazon Alexa: Identifies product names

NLP is evolving, and so is tokenization. BERT changed the game by understanding context in both directions.

What's next?

  • Neural tokenization: Catches subtle language details
  • Cross-lingual tokenization: Helps with multiple languages
  • Unsupervised learning: Makes tokenization more flexible

Pick your tokenization method based on your task, language, and data. There's no one-size-fits-all solution.

Tokenization is key to bridging the gap between how we talk and how machines understand. It's an exciting time in NLP, and tokenization is right at the center of it all.


What is the best tokenization method?

There's no single "best" tokenization method. It depends on your NLP task, language, and data. Here's a quick breakdown:

Method Good For Drawbacks
Whitespace Simple tasks, English Struggles with languages without clear word breaks
Word General text analysis Can miss contractions, compound words
Subword (BPE, WordPiece) Handling unknown words Can be slow

For basic English NLP, start with whitespace tokenization. It's fast and simple:

text = "I love reading books"
tokens = text.split()
# Result: ["I", "love", "reading", "books"]

But complex tasks or languages might need more. BERT, for example, uses WordPiece to handle rare words better.

The key? Pick a method that breaks your text into useful chunks for your task. Try different approaches to see what works best.

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