Understanding Datadog Watchdog and Eyer.ai: A Guide to Selecting the Best Monitoring Tool

published on 14 September 2024

Choosing between Datadog Watchdog and Eyer.ai? Here's what you need to know:

  • Datadog Watchdog: Part of Datadog, good for broad IT monitoring, easy to use
  • Eyer.ai: Standalone tool, focuses on cloud-native apps, predicts issues

Quick Comparison:

Feature Datadog Watchdog Eyer.ai
Integration Part of Datadog Standalone
Focus General IT Cloud-native apps
Alerting Reactive Predictive
Query method Datadog's language Plain English
Customization Moderate High

Key takeaways:

  1. Pick Datadog Watchdog for wide-ranging monitoring
  2. Choose Eyer.ai for cloud-native apps and predictive alerts
  3. Consider your budget - Datadog's costs can add up
  4. Try demos of both to see which fits better

Remember: There's no perfect answer. Think about your needs, budget, and team's skills before deciding.

Datadog Watchdog

Datadog Watchdog

Datadog Watchdog is an AI-powered monitoring tool that spots issues fast. It's baked into Datadog and works out of the box.

What does Watchdog do? It:

  • Alerts you to weird stuff in your systems
  • Digs into why problems happen
  • Keeps an eye on things 24/7

Watchdog uses machine learning to figure out what's "normal" for your setup. When something's off, it gives you a heads up.

Here are the key features:

Anomaly detection

Watchdog sniffs out odd patterns. It can catch:

  • Sudden slowdowns
  • Lots of errors
  • Network hiccups

Insights engine

This helps you solve problems faster by:

  • Pointing out trouble spots
  • Finding trends in logs
  • Spotting weird stuff in traces and logs

Story feed

Watchdog creates "stories" about issues. Each one has:

  • A timeline
  • A simple explanation
  • Links to dig deeper

Here's a real example of Watchdog in action:

Watchdog Insights flagged the shopist.webstore.merchant.tier:enterprise field when looking at the web-store service. This led to finding errors in both Redis caching and MongoDB storage.

You can tweak Watchdog's algorithms to fit your needs:

Using Watchdog helps teams:

  • Catch issues before users do
  • Fix problems quicker
  • Get a handle on complex systems

Watchdog keeps learning and getting better. It works with Datadog's other ML features to give you the full picture of your IT world.

2. Eyer.ai


Eyer.ai is an AI-powered tool for monitoring cloud-native apps. It's all about spotting issues and predicting problems before they happen.

Here's what Eyer.ai brings to the table:

  • It finds the root cause of problems automatically
  • It warns you about potential issues in advance
  • You can create your own custom metrics
  • You can ask it questions in plain English

Let's see how Eyer.ai stacks up against Datadog Watchdog:

Feature Eyer.ai Datadog Watchdog
Integration Standalone Part of Datadog
Focus Cloud-native apps General IT
Alerting Predictive Reactive
Query method Plain English Datadog's language
Customization High Moderate

Eyer.ai shines with microservices. One fintech startup cut their problem-solving time by 40% in just a month using Eyer.ai.

The coolest part? You can ask Eyer.ai questions like you're chatting with a colleague. No need to learn a special query language.

But keep in mind: Eyer.ai might need more setup than Datadog Watchdog. It's a trade-off between customization and ease of use.


Strengths and Weaknesses

Let's compare Datadog Watchdog and Eyer.ai:

Feature Datadog Watchdog Eyer.ai
Integration Datadog ecosystem Standalone
Focus General IT monitoring Cloud-native apps
Alerting Reactive Predictive
Query method Datadog's language Plain English
Customization Moderate High
UI User-friendly Straightforward
Pricing Usage-based Not specified

Datadog Watchdog excels in broad IT monitoring. It's great for companies with diverse tech stacks and has a user-friendly interface.

"Datadog aggregates events and metrics with turn-key integrations across the complete DevOps stack", says a Datadog rep.

But watch out: Datadog's pricing can surprise you. More usage = bigger bill. Not ideal for fast-growing companies.

Eyer.ai zeroes in on cloud-native apps. Its killer feature? Predicting issues BEFORE they happen. Game-changer for microservices-heavy setups.

Eyer.ai's plain English queries are a big win. No special language needed. But heads up: it might take longer to set up than Datadog Watchdog.

Choosing between them? Think about what YOU need. Want broad IT monitoring and can handle potential high costs? Datadog Watchdog might be your jam. Focused on cloud-native apps and want predictive alerts? Eyer.ai could be the way to go.


Datadog Watchdog or Eyer.ai? It depends on what you need.

Datadog Watchdog:

  • Part of Datadog
  • Broad IT monitoring
  • Easy to use
  • Pay for what you use (costs can add up)


  • Standalone tool
  • Focuses on cloud-native apps
  • Predicts issues
  • Use plain English to ask questions

If you need wide-ranging monitoring for a diverse tech stack, go with Datadog Watchdog. It's used by over 1,000 customers, including big tech firms and movie studios.

But watch out: Datadog's costs can spike as you use more. Not great if you're growing fast.

Eyer.ai is best for cloud-native apps. It predicts issues, which is huge for microservices. Plus, you can ask questions in plain English.

Keep in mind: Datadog works with lots of tools. Eyer.ai might have fewer connections. Think about what you use now and what you'll need later.

No perfect answer here. Ask yourself:

  1. How tight is your budget?
  2. Do you need to predict issues?
  3. How complex is your setup?
  4. How tech-savvy is your team?

Try demos of both. You'll see which one fits better.

And don't forget about costs. If cloud storage bills worry you, check out services like Lucidity's storage audit. It could help you save money, no matter which tool you pick.


What is Watchdog AI?

Watchdog AI is Datadog's AI engine. It supercharges your monitoring by:

  • Alerting you automatically
  • Giving you insights
  • Analyzing root causes

Watchdog's secret sauce? It uses data from the entire Datadog platform. This means it can spot issues that regular tools might miss.

Think of Watchdog as your 24/7 digital assistant. It doesn't just say "Hey, there's a problem." It says "Here's WHY there's a problem."

For instance: Your app slows down. Watchdog notices it happened right when database queries spiked. It connects these dots for you, saving you tons of time.

But here's the thing: Watchdog is just one piece of the puzzle. To really make it shine, use it with other Datadog tools and your current workflows.

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