Integrating UKG with Boomi

published on 09 August 2024

: Streamline HR Tasks

UKG Pro WFM and Boomi integration simplifies HR processes. Here's what you need to know:

  • UKG Pro WFM: HR software for workforce, payroll, and time tracking
  • Boomi: Platform connecting business applications

Key benefits of integration:

Benefit Description
Data Exchange Automatic data movement between UKG and other apps
Time Saving Automates HR tasks
Better Data Keeps information current across systems
Simpler Tasks Eases payroll and onboarding

Before starting:

  1. Set up UKG account (API key, service account, domain URL)
  2. Create Boomi account
  3. Learn basic API concepts

Integration process:

  1. Prepare UKG (find API docs, create keys, choose endpoints)
  2. Set up Boomi (start new process, set up connectors)
  3. Map data between UKG and Boomi
  4. Add business logic (create workflows, set triggers)
  5. Test and launch


  • Focus on data safety
  • Optimize performance
  • Monitor for issues

Regular upkeep:

  • Check integration often
  • Keep both systems updated
  • Expand integration as needed

Before You Start

To connect UKG with Boomi, follow these steps:

Set up your UKG account

Step Action
1 Find your customer API key in UKG account settings
2 Make a service account with the right permissions
3 Get your UKG Pro domain URL (like https://[your-company]
4 Give your service account the correct security profile

Create a Boomi account


  1. Sign up on the Boomi website
  2. Get to know the Boomi AtomSphere platform
  3. Set up Boomi Atom (the tool that runs integration processes)

Learn basic API concepts

Concept Description
API endpoints UKG Pro API access points
Authentication How to use your UKG Pro API key
HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for API requests
Data formats JSON and XML for API data

How UKG-Boomi Integration Works

Integration process overview

UKG-Boomi integration connects UKG Pro WFM with other business apps. Here's how it works:

  1. Find UKG Pro WFM connection points
  2. Set up Boomi connectors for UKG and other systems
  3. Match data fields between UKG and connected apps
  4. Create workflows and business rules
  5. Set up triggers and schedules for data updates
  6. Test and launch the integration

Boomi's visual tools make it easy to build integrations without much coding. It has ready-made connectors and data tools to quickly link UKG Pro WFM with other business systems.

Main benefits of integration

UKG-Boomi integration helps improve HR tasks:

Benefit Description
Fewer Errors Automatic data transfer reduces manual entry mistakes
Faster Work Streamlines HR tasks, saving time and effort
Current Data Keeps information up-to-date across all systems
Better Reports Combines data from multiple sources for thorough analysis
Rule Following Improves tracking of work hours and data management
Easy Growth Adapts to business needs and new system connections

Connecting UKG Pro WFM with other apps through Boomi can greatly improve HR processes:

  • Payroll: Automatically sends work hours to payroll software for accurate, on-time payments
  • Employee Info: Quickly adds new hire details from hiring systems to UKG Pro WFM
  • Scheduling: Helps manage employee shifts and labor costs by linking with scheduling tools

These connections help HR teams focus on important tasks instead of manual data work, leading to better efficiency and smarter decisions.


Step-by-Step Integration Guide

Prepare UKG for integration

Find UKG API documentation

  1. Look for UKG API docs
  2. Learn about endpoints, data structures, and how to log in
  3. Check which API features you need

Create API keys and tokens

  1. Go to your UKG account settings
  2. Make API keys and tokens
  3. Keep these safe - you'll need them to connect UKG and Boomi

Choose integration endpoints

Pick the UKG endpoints you want to use, like:

Endpoint Type Description
Employee data Basic info about workers
Time and attendance Work hours and schedules
Payroll details Pay rates and salary info

Set up Boomi for UKG integration

Start a new integration process

  1. Log in to Boomi
  2. Make a new project for UKG
  3. Follow Boomi's setup steps

Set up Boomi connectors

  1. Find the UKG connector in Boomi
  2. If there's no UKG connector, use a basic REST API one
  3. Add your API keys and endpoint info

Create secure connections

Make sure your connection is safe:

Security Measure Description
Use SSL/TLS Encrypt data as it moves
Follow best practices Do what UKG and Boomi suggest for safety

Map data between UKG and Boomi

Choose key data fields

Make a list of important data to sync, like:

  • Employee names
  • Work hours
  • Pay info

Create data mapping schemas

  1. Match UKG fields to fields in other apps
  2. Make sure data lines up correctly

Handle data changes

  1. Set up ways to spot changes in UKG
  2. Make plans to update other systems when UKG data changes

Add business logic

Create integration workflows

Make step-by-step plans in Boomi for moving data:

  1. Get data from UKG
  2. Change it if needed
  3. Send it to other systems

Set up triggers and schedules

Choose when to sync data:

Sync Type When to Use
Real-time For instant updates
Scheduled For regular, less urgent updates

Plan for error handling

  1. Make ways to catch and log errors
  2. Set up retries for failed tasks
  3. Create alerts for big problems

Test the integration

Make test scenarios

Create tests for:

  • Normal use
  • Unusual cases
  • Possible errors

Run integration tests

  1. Test your setup in a safe environment
  2. Check if data moves correctly
  3. Make sure all parts work as planned

Fix common problems

Common Issue How to Fix
Data doesn't match Check your mapping
Can't log in Verify API keys
Slow performance Look for bottlenecks

Use Boomi's tools to find and fix issues.

Tips for UKG-Boomi Integration

Keep data safe

When connecting UKG and Boomi, focus on data safety. Use strong protection methods for data moving between systems and when it's stored. Always use secure ways to send information, like HTTPS and SSL/TLS. Check your setup often to find and fix any weak spots.

Here are some key safety steps:

Safety Step What It Does
Protect data Make sensitive info unreadable before sending
Control access Limit who can see what data
Check often Look for safety issues regularly
Protect API keys Change keys often and store them safely

Make it work better

To help UKG and Boomi work well together, focus on moving and handling data quickly. Use methods to make data smaller when sending it. When dealing with lots of data, group it together to reduce the number of times you need to contact the system.

Try these ways to make things faster:

  • Save often-used info to avoid asking for it again
  • Only send data that has changed to save time
  • Make database searches faster
  • Do big tasks when the system isn't busy

Watch for problems

Keep an eye on how UKG and Boomi are working together. Set up a system to record all data moves, errors, and important events. Watch for issues in real-time so you can fix them quickly.

Key things to watch:

1. Track errors

Keep detailed records of:

  • Failed system calls
  • Data matching problems
  • Login issues

2. Check speed

Watch important measures like:

  • How fast data moves
  • How quickly the system responds
  • How much of the system is being used

3. Set up warnings

Make the system tell you about:

  • Big problems
  • Slowdowns
  • Unusual data patterns

Upkeep and Updates

Check integration regularly

Keep an eye on how UKG and Boomi work together:

Task Frequency Purpose
Review error logs Weekly Find and fix common issues
Check data sync Daily Ensure correct and complete data
Test integration speed Monthly Keep systems running smoothly
Verify system connections Weekly Make sure all parts work together

Checking often helps catch problems early, before they affect your work.

Update UKG and Boomi versions

Keep UKG and Boomi up-to-date:

1. Stay informed

Know when new versions come out

2. Test updates

Try new versions in a test area first

3. Plan update times

Update when fewer people are working

4. Check compatibility

Make sure UKG and Boomi still work together after updates

5. Train staff

Teach workers about new features

Updating both systems gives you new tools and keeps your data safe.

Grow your integration

Make your UKG-Boomi setup better over time:

Action Benefit
Add new data points Get more info from your systems
Connect more apps Link UKG to other work tools
Create smarter workflows Do more tasks without manual work
Use advanced Boomi features Handle bigger, more complex tasks
Ask for user feedback Find out what needs to improve


Key integration steps review

Here's a quick look at the main steps to connect UKG and Boomi:

Step Actions
1. Get ready • Set up UKG and Boomi accounts
• Get API access
• Read API guides
2. Set up • Make Boomi connectors
• Match data fields
• Build workflows
3. Test and use • Run tests
• Fix any problems
• Start using in real work

Next steps for integration

After setting up, here's what to do:

Task Details
Check how it's working Look at logs and data sync often
Make it work better Improve how things run
Do more with it Add new data or connect more apps
Keep it up to date Update UKG and Boomi when needed
Ask users what they think Use feedback to make things better

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